Examples of the the word, legality , in a Sentence Context
The word ( legality ), is the 12010 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Principles of public administration (art. 37 of Federal Constitution):, legality , personality, publicity of administrative acts, morality and efficiency ...
- Its former Vice-President, both penned arguments in favor of secession's, legality , most notably Davis' The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government.
- To Allende's government, unanimously denounced the Allende disruption of the, legality ,of the nation. Although illegal under the Chilean constitution, the court
- Fact part of ETA's structure. In 2003 the Constitutional Tribunal upheld the, legality ,of the law. However, the party itself denies being the political wing of ETA
- By Paulus Vladimir, rector of the Jagiellonian University, who challenged, legality ,of the Teutonic crusade. He argued that a forced conversion was incompatible
- Roman Empire of the German Nation. Both actions were of dubious constitutional, legality , Later years Francis was a devoted family man, and a main point in the
- Italy In Italian law BDSM is right on the border between crime and, legality , and everything lies in the interpretation of the legal code by the judge. This
- Of the fetus, often using a trimester-based system to regulate the window of, legality , Many restrictions are waived in emergency situations. Some jurisdictions
- By Protestants. Nearly all German bishops, clergy,and laymen rejected the, legality ,of the new laws, and were defiant in the face of heavier and heavier penalties
- Law in Germany follows three basic principles. * Principle of the, legality ,of the authority, which means that there is no acting against the law and no
- Remained under English control. In 1259,Henry III of England recognized the, legality ,of French possession of mainland Normandy under the Treaty of Paris. His
- Et de la repression DES frauds (DGCCRF) ) regulates and controls the, legality ,and safety of products and services available on the markets open to
- And their children in the Greek social reality. The basic criteria remain the, legality ,of residence and children's participation in Greek culture. For the same
- administration's first year. Replacing the judicial system with" socialist, legality ,", nationalization of banks and forcing others to bankruptcy, Started under
- Annulment; instead, he attempted to reconcile Eleanor and Louis, confirming the, legality ,of their marriage, and proclaiming that no word could be spoken against it, and
- Revolutionary War, broke out over British and Dutch disagreements on the, legality ,and conduct of Dutch trade with Britain's enemies in that war. Although the
- To antitrust laws. The implications from the Court's ruling were that the, legality ,of the draft and of the NFL's reserve clause was dubious. Furthermore, the
- Level actions should guide the effort and take place in a clear framework of, legality , even if under a State of Emergency. Civil liberties and other customs of
- By garbage collection vehicles. Further, there are also concerns around the, legality ,of taking items that may still technically belong to the person who threw them
- By the Chrétien government to the Supreme Court of Canada in 1998 regarding the, legality ,of unilateral provincial secession. The court decided that a unilateral
- John Henderson, drafted a report in 2004 which reportedly condemns not only the, legality ,of the torture memos, but also the effectiveness of the torture techniques used
- Of President James Buchanan and the incoming administration rejected the, legality ,of secession, considering it rebellion. The other eight slave states rejected
- Or a search for redemption, failing to account for the images of law and, legality ,which constitute an important part of" the horizon of meaning" in his fiction
- As the pregnancy progresses. Specific procedures may also be selected due to, legality , regional availability, and doctor or patient preference. Reasons for procuring
- Then law, but also are worthy of examination as a particular concept of law and, legality ,which operates paradoxically as an integral part of the human condition under
- Title:, Reza Banana points out that many of Kafka’s descriptions of law and, legality ,are often treated as metaphors for things other than law, but also are worthy
- With" a statement of assurance as to the reliability of the accounts and the, legality ,and regularity of the underlying transactions ". The Court has not given an
- Copyright law of the time, the use of such software today is of questionable, legality ,in the U. S. (see DMCA). For those who prefer to obtain their old software
- Medicine utilizes medications and surgical procedures to induce abortion. The, legality , prevalence, cultural and religious status of abortion vary substantially
- Did not seem viable. " Since the success of the deprogramming determined the, legality ,of the endeavor (successful converted member from his/her beliefs, or
- Been a near-formality, yet became quite fraught in 1970. After assurances of, legality ,on Allende's part, the murder of the Army Commander-in-Chief, General René
- To the Falkland Islands Government. The AG's primary role is to determine the, legality ,of government proceedings and action, and has the power to institute and
- Years. The change was approved by the Dominican Congress, but was of debatable, legality ,;" its enactment effectively invalidated the constitution of 1924 that Vásquez
- Mogul and former Philadelphia Eagles owner Norman Brahman contested the, legality ,of the deal with Miami-Dade County and the City of Miami. However, Miami-Dade
- On them for refusing to pay ship money (and for standing against the tax's, legality ,) aroused widespread indignation. In 1633,Charles appointed Laud as Archbishop
- Cornwall. Who reject the present constitutional status of Cornwall, denying the, legality ,of Cornwall's current administration as a county of England, and Cornwall's
- Instructions issued by Queen Victoria were unnecessary" or even of doubtful, legality ,". Sir David Smith stated in 1988 that" the Governor-General is in no sense a
- Special Court is also the Supreme Electoral Court, judging pleas against the, legality ,of the legislative elections. Administrative divisions Greece is divided in 13
- Existential meaning they suggest, but also as a particular concept of law and, legality ,which operates paradoxically as an integral part of the human condition under
- And unrelated SAFE Port Act, included " carve out" language that clarified the, legality ,of fantasy sports. It was signed into law on October 13, 2006 by President
- Over freedom of religion, kidnapping and civil rights. The validity and, legality ,of involuntary deprogramming has been attacked by members of new religious
- Then, the right of prompt access to judicial proceedings to determine the, legality ,of one's arrest or detention and to trial within a reasonable time or release
- Has allowed the construction of improvised explosive devices. Regulation The, legality ,of possessing or using explosives varies by jurisdiction. United States In the
- State Department arguing against classification. The memo itself questions the, legality ,of unclassified images to be retroactively classified. Remarks on the memo
- In 312,he soon afterwards issued the Edict of Milan in 313,declaring the, legality ,of Christianity in the Roman Empire. In addition, Constantine officially
- From 1835,and the Army used it officially in 1895. No specific law governs the, legality ,of fringe, but a 1925 opinion of the attorney general addresses the use of
- As incomplete abortion, sepsis,hemorrhage, and damage to internal organs. The, legality ,of abortion is one of the main determinants of its safety. Restrictive abortion
- Aside) refused to sleep with Henry until they were married. Henry defended the, legality ,of their union by pointing out that Catherine had previously been married. If
- Biomedical model" of Weimar Germany. In 1935 Nazi Germany expanded the, legality ,of abortion by amending its eugenics law, to promote abortion for women with
- As the first-sale doctrine, and was established by the courts to clarify the, legality ,of reselling books in second-hand bookstores. Some countries may have parallel
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