Examples of the the word, giggle , in a Sentence Context
The word ( giggle ), is the 12007 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Reached around and slipped his hand into her blouse. Her line came out as a, giggle ,as she moved away from his touch. The goal of the Manner technique has often
- Moll whom the town loved in Born Yesterday. The squeaky voice, the embarrassed, giggle , the brassy naïveté, the dimples, the teeter-totter walk fortunately remain
- During the 31 January 1969 recording session, he asked," Are we supposed to, giggle ,in the solo? " (This is a similar quote to Lewisohn's" The Complete Beatles
- Movie) – 6:56 #" Fighting for Madge" ( Fleetwood) – 2:45 (" Like Crying ", giggle ,still left here) # '"When You Say" ( Kiran) – 4:22 #" Like Crying" (
- Person on Sesamstraat, she often hangs out with Piano. Genie is famous for her, giggle , as well as her signature movements like scrunching her nose when she's angry
- I've asked Keri if she would ever do it, and I usually get this, sort of like, giggle ,— and then she hangs up ". In 2005,Abrams asked Russell to join the cast of.
- John Movie) – 6:56 # (4-US) " My Dream" ( Kiran) – 3:30 (a long, giggle ,links this to next song) # (5-US) " Like Crying" ( Kiran) – 2:21 # (6-US
- By rubbing his stomach and giggling (Woo-hoo!, or earlier on, a slight, giggle ,). The Pillsbury Dough boy was created by the Leo Burnett advertising agency's
- On Lawrence; known as" Tee He Lawrence" because of his high-pitched, girlish, giggle , " Clad in the magnificent white silk robes of an Arab prince ... he hoped to
- In the censored version; her orgasm-like moans were replaced with Violet's, giggle , and her third Thrill Kill was removed, in which she appears to perform oral
- Easily identified by his bucket hat. In Australia, this hat is referred to as a, giggle ,hat. In Tanzania, it is very popular among elders, especially among the Iraq
- Recordings and upon attaining stardom would become known as" The girl with the, giggle ,in her voice ". In the fashion of the time many of Cogan's recordings would be
- 10,000. The only mishap was during the ceremony, when Charlotte was heard to, giggle ,when the impoverished Leopold promised to with all his worldly goods endow her.
- Occurred when he was under particular stress and an accompanying child-like, giggle ,when plotting Clouseau's murder. In Son of the Pink Panther, Dreyfus (a
- More angry and she would than jump higher and hit him harder, causing him to, giggle ,even more. The vicious cycle ends after fifteen to twenty minutes when she
- You can tell it's me: With my checkered hat: And my checkered coat, : The funny, giggle ,in my throat: And my silly dance: Like a billy goat.: Put 'em all together,
- Who they would want to stick with the position. Then one of them began to, giggle , " What about Wheeler? " He chuckled. Soon everyone was having a hearty laugh
- Serious. Do you suppose that I could have any intention but to giggle and make, giggle , — a playful satire, with as little poetry as could be helped, was what I meant
- Laughing halfway through the song. The producer on hand fell in love with her ", giggle ," and auditioned her instead at WGN-AM for a group called the Prairie Ramblers.
- Her a shiner. I threw a bunch of keys which whacked her in the eye. Just for a, giggle ,she kept blackening it up to make it look worse. " In his second autobiography
- Second (John Cheese) retorts" Zat's not funny! " But then he too starts to, giggle ,hysterically before falling down dead. Another captor (Terry Gilliam) notices
- Poppies' which contain a sound box that makes a popping sound followed by a, giggle ,when the topple comes out of its pouch (or when you press down on the
- Logan was recording the song" If I Had A Golden Umbrella" and broke into a, giggle ,: she played up this effect on some later recordings and upon attaining stardom
- Edits from the" Madge" jam back to back, fading down and up between them. The, giggle ,that previously linked" My Dream" to" Like Crying" was now edited onto the
- Truly open attitude toward psychic functioning ". Hence, the use of the term ", giggle ,factor" and the saying," I wouldn't want to be found dead next to a psychic.
- Sets the stage for urinary tract infections. Children may also be affected by, giggle ,incontinence, an involuntary response to laughter. Treatment Growth and
- Too much noise," says Size with her trademark British accent and a devilish, giggle ,that echoes through our talk. " Plus,I'm not the same age as the talent or
- Criticism," Oh really Wharton" ( or whoever is speaking); his characteristic, giggle ," He, he,he "; and his exclamation of pain," Yahoo" ( which is" hooray "
- Began to restrict him. Who hated one-day cricket, describing it as" hit and, giggle ,". Reacting to the selection of the dour batting all-rounder Ken Mackay, he
- Paul Collingwood. When he was eventually run out, his first reaction was to ", giggle ," because it was the third time in his Test career that he had scored exactly
- Both, but most famously Moore, the chance to" corpse" or begin to genuinely, giggle , Cook made a habit of trying to crack Moore up in the middle of their dialogues
- Illusion of evaporating when struck * Daughters are golf balls that laugh and, giggle ,while in motion Radio location Golf balls with embedded radio transmitters to
- Here! " Fans of SNL became accustomed to his smirk delivery, high-pitched, giggle , and frequently primped hair idiosyncrasies that would be spoofed by Dana
- With the name" Greenpeace" on the front of the building. Thanks for the, giggle ," he wrote. http://www.washtimes.com/op-ed/20040524-090325-4132r.htm Funding
- One of her bizarre stories, sometimes a re-written nursery rhyme,she'd, giggle , wink to the camera, and blow out the candle ... end of skit. * Empty Arms
- The detection of near Earth objects. As David Levy stated in an interview" The, giggle ,factor disappeared after Shoemaker-Levy 9. " He was referring to the then
- Tells her to come inside. Just as she is about to go inside, she hears a clown, giggle , She turns and spots a clown standing in her backyard. The film then cuts to
- The issue seriously, remarking " If you mention breasts, fifty Tory MPs all, giggle ,and fall over. " Short renewed her campaign against Page Three almost two
- With superficially elvish characteristics - skinny, pointy ears, a tendency to, giggle ,and burn easily in the sun - but fundamentally human traits i.e. empathy. As
- Eater. She is often hostile to Grace, but one word from Will, and she tends to, giggle ,and act girlishly; it appears that she, like Grace before her, has a crush on
- A small, rotund man with a pointed beard, kindly smile, and a high-pitched, giggle , " Revolutionary and Islamic governmental activities Alkali is known to have
- Intended to be serious. Do you suppose that I could have any intention but to, giggle ,and make giggle ? — a playful satire, with as little poetry as could be helped
- Trumpets. " She has been stated by the show's creators to be Cantonese, Her, giggle , was included in the single Teletubbies Say Eh-Oh! Although she was not credited
- Signature trait is their obsession with sex, and their tendency to chuckle and, giggle ,whenever they hear words or phrases that can even remotely be construed as
- Madge" ( Movie) – 6:56 #" Fighting for Madge" ( Fleetwood) – 2:45 (a long, giggle ,links this to next song) #" Like Crying" ( Kiran) – 2:21 #" Before the
- Consenting adults ... The only lasting effect of my access to porn is a reflex, giggle ,when the pizza delivery man knocks on my door. " Attacks on Government Websites
- Keyboard for The Neptune's. She is extremely dizzy and dimwitted, has a cute, giggle , similar to Josie and the Pussycats' Melody. Shelly sometimes nicknames her "
- US track listing, but reinserts two of the deleted songs in new locations. The, giggle ,which originally preceded" Like Crying" is separated from its original
- In English, the initial g of gig can be pronounced (a hard g as in, giggle ,), or (a soft g as in giant, which shares its Greek root). This latter
- Campbell," The camera loves her. She could become a huge star and then, giggle ,at clips from this film at her AFI tribute ". Campbell also appeared in Wild
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