Examples of the the word, dehydration , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dehydration ), is the 12872 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. O as hetero atom. Disaccharides Two monosaccharides can be joined together using, dehydration ,synthesis, in which a hydrogen atom is removed from the end of one molecule and
  2. When it is found incidentally during surgery on a patient. Processing -, dehydration , clearing, and infiltration The aim of Tissue Processing is to remove water
  3. Light to the right. Starch and cellulose are polymers derived from the, dehydration ,of D-glucose. The other stereo isomer, called L-glucose, is hardly found in
  4. Are not aggressively treated it can, within hours, result in life-threatening, dehydration ,and electrolyte imbalances. This bacterium can, however,live naturally in any
  5. Amino acids can be joined together via a peptide bond. In this, dehydration ,synthesis, a water molecule is removed and the peptide bond connects the
  6. 104 degrees Fahrenheit),tachycardia, arrhythmia,vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration , coma, and death. Thyroid storm requires emergency treatment and
  7. That ordinary consumption of caffeinated beverages contributes significantly to, dehydration , Caffeine was first isolated from coffee in 1820 by the German chemist
  8. The Meyerson effect that have allowed them to survive better in periods of, dehydration , Molecular evidence strongly suggest that at least two species of the stick
  9. Is made from glucose and fructose. The two monosaccharides are bonded via a, dehydration ,reaction (also called a condensation reaction or dehydration synthesis) that
  10. C6H12O6),and deoxyribose (C5H10O4). When two monosaccharides undergo, dehydration ,synthesis, water is produced, as two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom are
  11. Tubes visible. ” On October 2,he was discharged, after receiving treatment for, dehydration , On October 29,Hopper's manager reported that Hopper had been diagnosed with
  12. Person. The severity of the diarrhea and vomiting can lead to rapid, dehydration ,and electrolyte imbalance. Primary treatment is with oral rehydration solution
  13. Cells. This can also produce diarrhea or constipation. Malnutrition and, dehydration ,can result when the patient doesn't eat or drink enough, or when the patient
  14. Vegetables, and grains prepared in various ways, including juicing, food, dehydration , sprouting, and other methods of preparation that do not heat the food above.
  15. Science indicates that fasting for extended periods leads to starvation, dehydration , and eventual death. Carbohydrates, fats,and proteins are the body's only
  16. Compete with dehydration of the alcohol:: R-CH2-CH2 (OH) → R-CH=CH2 + H2O The, dehydration ,route often requires conditions incompatible with delicate molecules. Several
  17. Preparation Carbon monoxide is conveniently produced in the laboratory by the, dehydration ,of formic acid, for example with sulfuric acid. In nickel carbonyl and other
  18. Constituent of biological tissue, water must first be removed in the process of, dehydration , Samples are transferred through baths of progressively more concentrated
  19. Still available website) attempted to distance her writings from the death by, dehydration ,of keen believer Verity Line, whose body was found in a tent with little but a
  20. Of H2O,Na+, K+, Cl−, and HCO3− into the lumen of the small intestine and rapid, dehydration , The gene encoding the cholera toxin is introduced into V. cholera by
  21. The H—OH or H2O is then released as a molecule of water, hence the term, dehydration , The new molecule, consisting of two monosaccharides, is called a disaccharide
  22. Leads to the less stable Z-isomer. Alkenes can be synthesized from alcohols via, dehydration , in which case water is lost via the E1 mechanism. For example, the dehydration
  23. Of most epoxy and acrylic resins with water necessitates the use of, dehydration , usually with ethanol. Embedding After the tissues have been dehydrated
  24. Carbon dioxide is also known as carbonic anhydride, meaning that it forms by, dehydration ,of carbonic acid,H2CO3 (OC (OH)2). Silicic acid is the name given to a
  25. Was grueling. The stuntman would suffer numerous bouts of heat exhaustion and, dehydration , The suit had to have a valve to drain the sweat from it. Also, in order to
  26. Synthesis like DCC and MAP. * The more active Cenozoic anhydride is formed by, dehydration ,using acetic anhydride or phosphorus pentoxide. * Highly reactive acid
  27. The dehydration of ethanol to form diethyl ether and other byproducts. If the, dehydration ,temperature exceeds around 160 °C, ethylene will be the main product. Millions
  28. In conjunction with a Dean-Stark apparatus. Reagents are known that drive the, dehydration ,of mixtures of alcohols and carboxylic acids. One example is the Stealing
  29. Formerly a widely used diuretic. Dehydration Strong acid desiccants cause the, dehydration ,of ethanol to form diethyl ether and other byproducts. If the dehydration
  30. A dead-white, chalky appearance. The effect of heating appears to be a partial, dehydration ,of the gypsum. If properly treated, it very closely resembles true marble and
  31. Strong acids, such as sulfuric, phosphoric and hydrochloric acids also effect, dehydration ,and condensation reactions. In biochemistry, many enzymes employ acid catalysis
  32. Amino acids combine, they form a special bond called a peptide bond through, dehydration ,synthesis, and become a polypeptide, or protein. To determine if two proteins
  33. Dr. Bears Wench found that after 48 hours Jasmuheen displayed symptoms of acute, dehydration , stress and high blood pressure. Jasmuheen claimed that this was a result of "
  34. Together to synthesize a biological polymer, they undergo a process called, dehydration ,synthesis. Carbohydrates are made from monomers called
  35. Ethers are readily generated by this approach. Such reactions must compete with, dehydration ,of the alcohol:: R-CH2-CH2 (OH) → R-CH=CH2 + H2O The dehydration route often
  36. Alcohols require a higher temperature. This is a diagram of acid catalyzed, dehydration ,of ethanol to produce ethane: A more controlled elimination reaction is the
  37. Life of food items include modified atmosphere packaging, carbon monoxide, dehydration , vacuum packaging, freezing and flash freezing as well as chemical additives.
  38. Nucleophilic, so R−OH2+ can react with ROW to produce ethers and water in a, dehydration ,reaction, although this reaction is rarely used except in the manufacture of
  39. Phthisis (tuberculosis),but many biographers suggest she may have died from, dehydration ,and malnourishment, caused by excessive vomiting from severe morning sickness
  40. Or infiltration with embedding resins. *Embedding, biological specimens – after, dehydration , tissue for observation in the transmission electron microscope is embedded so
  41. Methods of elimination reactions are dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halves and, dehydration ,of alcohols. A typical example is shown below; note that the H that leaves must
  42. Are bonded via a dehydration reaction (also called a condensation reaction or, dehydration ,synthesis) that leads to the loss of a molecule of water and formation of a
  43. High hemoglobin levels may be caused by exposure to high altitudes, smoking, dehydration , or tumors. The ability of each hemoglobin molecule to carry oxygen is normally
  44. Mg daily, for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, and is exacerbated by, dehydration , Calcium has been added to over-the-counter products, which contributes to
  45. Is used as an acyl-transfer catalyst.: Another method for the, dehydration ,of mixtures of alcohols and carboxylic acids is the Mitsunobu reaction:: RCO2H
  46. Athletes or airline passengers avoid caffeine in order to reduce the risk of, dehydration , Psychological Four caffeine-induced disorders are recognized by the American
  47. He was sick before the game and vomited several times as a result of, dehydration ,and illness after he scored the winning goal. In the quarter-final against
  48. Of Port-au-Prince were treated for diarrhea, acute fever, vomiting,and severe, dehydration , There were fears the outbreak would reach camps housing survivors of the
  49. Dehydration, in which case water is lost via the E1 mechanism. For example,the, dehydration ,of ethanol produces ethane:: CH3CH2OH + H2SO4 → H2C=CH2 + H3O+ + HSO4− An
  50. Weight loss due to sweating (most mammals can only withstand about 15 %, dehydration ,before cardiac failure results from circulatory disturbance). A camel's blood

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