Examples of the the word, downstream , in a Sentence Context

The word ( downstream ), is the 9007 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Port to the refinery. Self-propelled barges may be used as such when traveling, downstream ,or upstream in placid waters; they are operated as an unpowered barge, with the
  2. During S and G2 phases, promote the initiation of mitosis by stimulating, downstream ,proteins involved in chromosome condensation and mitotic spindle assembly. A
  3. Next phase of the cell cycle. Different cyclin-CDK combinations determine the, downstream ,proteins targeted. CDs are constitutive expressed in cells whereas cycling
  4. De Pierre (both located downtown),the Point d'Aquitaine, a suspended bridge, downstream ,from downtown, and the Point François Mitterrand, located upstream of downtown.
  5. And created the South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club. Less than 20 miles, downstream ,from the dam sat the city of Johnstown, and Carnegie Steel's chief competitor
  6. Boundary would be the nature of the thing sold and the foreseeable uses that, downstream ,purchasers would make of the thing. This illustrates two crucial principles
  7. Caucasus region, forms the delta and drains into the Caspian a short distance, downstream ,from the confluence with the Aras. The Mingechaur Reservoir, with an area of
  8. Downstream as the upstream slope is eroded, and the sediment deposited on the, downstream ,or lee slope in typical bed form construction. These dunes most often form as a
  9. Next portion of the destination telephone number in order to contact the next, downstream ,long-distance telephone operator. This semi-automated signaling and switching
  10. Pressure of the water and vapor bubbles will form. When these are carried, downstream ,into high pressure region the bubble collapses giving rise to high pressures
  11. Rate. In some cases, the Army Corps of Engineers transports juvenile fish, downstream ,by truck or river barge. The Chief Joseph Dam and several dams on the Columbia
  12. Vacationing with his family on the Columbia River about 9 miles (15 km), downstream , from Vancouver, Washington and 20 miles (32 km) southwest of Ariel, uncovered
  13. Which starts from Okla in Delhi. The Agra canal originates from Okla barrage, downstream ,of Nizamuddin bridge. It opened in 1874. In the beginning, it was available for
  14. Still shorter than the Amazon. They made it possible by measuring the Amazon, downstream ,to the beginning of the tidal estuary of Canal do Sub and then, after a sharp
  15. Locally used a splitter box in the RS-422 port to provide an upstream and, downstream ,cable from a single port. The topology was a bus: cables were daisy-chained
  16. Columbia River Treaty, which focused on flood control and the maximization of, downstream ,power generation. Canada's obligation was met by building three dams (two on
  17. And, in fact, healthy for the ecosystem. For example, gravels continuously move, downstream ,in watercourses. Excessive erosion, however,causes serious problems, such as
  18. Fish to travel upstream. Another problem exists for the juvenile salmon headed, downstream ,to the ocean. Previously, this journey would have taken two to three weeks.
  19. Integrity, and concerns had been raised by the head of the Cambria Iron Works, downstream ,in Johnstown. Such repair work, a reduction in height, and unusually high
  20. At the height of the flooding. After the Mekong's waters crest—when its, downstream ,channels can handle the volume of water—the flow reverses, and water flows out
  21. Beaver dam without removing the beavers is difficult, especially if the dam is, downstream ,of an active lodge. Beavers can rebuild such primary dams overnight, though
  22. Sources all have the same phase. Light incident at a given point in the space, downstream ,of the slit is made up of contributions from each of these point sources and if
  23. And kinetic energy can be created when the hydrodynamic cavitation cavern, downstream ,of the local constriction generating high energy cavitation bubbles. The
  24. By a separate recharge source and converges into other higher order branches, downstream , *Angular Network caves form from intersecting fissures of carbonate rock that
  25. Section from Chang to Humor County, where Lake Loyang meets the river; the, downstream ,part is from Humor to Shanghai. It is home to many thousands of people. The
  26. Gentile (Cape Lopez) (and so accessible to external communications),but, downstream ,of most tributaries, so that internal communications within Gabon converged
  27. The platelet patch can become too large and also block blood flow, locally and, downstream , aspirin is also used long-term, at low doses, to help prevent heart attacks
  28. Amazon Basin. This named outflow is the Casiquiare canal, which,as it heads, downstream ,(southerly),picks up speed and also accumulates water volume. The greatest
  29. Fish ultimately controlled the irrigation systems of the other cities, downstream , As Sargon extended his conquest from the" Lower Sea" ( Persian Gulf), too
  30. Newsgroups from the early days of the Internet became available, satellite data, downstream ,services became viable for larger systems. The satellite service provided
  31. S Hell's Canyon dams have no fish ladders (and do not pass juvenile salmon, downstream ,), and thus allow no steel head or salmon to migrate above Hell's Canyon. In 2007
  32. Surface dendritic stream patterns; they are made up of passages that join, downstream ,as tributaries. Branch work caves are the most common of cave patterns and are
  33. And estuaries, and also form in engineered canals and pipelines. Dunes move, downstream ,as the upstream slope is eroded and the sediment deposited on the downstream or
  34. City limits, five bridges connect greater and lesser Basel, from upstream to, downstream ,: * Wettsteinbrücke (current structure built 1998,original bridge built 1879)
  35. Of the inner ring road. The following bridges, listed west to east (heading, downstream ,), cross the River Thames from the City of London to the southern bank:
  36. The fluorescence signal is captured by a photomultiplier a known distance, downstream ,of the de Laval nozzle. The time delay can be varied up to the maximum
  37. The release of declassified documents in the late 1980s. Radiation was measured, downstream ,as far west as the Washington and Oregon coasts. The nuclear reactors were
  38. Which is wider than a wavelength produces interference effects in the space, downstream ,of the slit. These can be explained by assuming that the slit behaves as though
  39. Impacts, including pollution, habitat destruction and urban sprawl. The, downstream ,effects of technologies nuclear power, genetically modified food and mobile
  40. Nor in any other part of the Lewis River, which feeds into the Columbia well, downstream ,from the discovery site; and it lent credence to supplemental speculation
  41. River has over 700 tributaries. The major tributaries (listed from upstream to, downstream ,) with the locations of where they join the Yangtze are: Protected areas
  42. Is only about above mean sea level. More than half of the water in the Amazon, downstream ,of Manacapuru is below sea level. In its lowermost section the Amazon's depth
  43. Ralph Himmelsbach, the FBI chief investigator, observed that bundles floating, downstream ,would have had to wash up on the bank" within a couple of years" of the
  44. Secondary, or tertiary. Primary endocrine disease inhibits the action of, downstream ,glands. Secondary endocrine disease is indicative of a problem with the
  45. Boats. (Unpowered boats include rafts and floats meant for one-way, downstream ,travel. Human-powered boats include canoes, kayaks,gondolas and boats
  46. Rest of the Spanish-speaking world, the river is generally called the Amazon, downstream ,from the confluence of the Marion and Ucayali rivers in Peru. The
  47. Volumes at a reasonable fee. By connecting a small dish & receiver, a constant, downstream ,of thousands of Fishnet and Usenet newsgroups could be received. The local BBS
  48. Normally a stop codon in other organisms. This UAG codon is followed by a PARIS, downstream ,sequence. Non-standard amino acids Aside from the 22 standard amino acids
  49. A fortified city. The old Fauna Bridge has an identical twin, a bridge further, downstream ,at Main on the Allahabad — Mughalsarai section of the now North Central
  50. Life - South Carolina Coast * Saint Lawrence and Saguenay Rivers, the part, downstream ,from Québec and Saguenay respectively * San Francisco Bay and San Pablo Bay

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