Examples of the the word, dormant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dormant ), is the 12807 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. This mechanism is not identical to that of temperate phage going, dormant ,and is usually temporary. In contrast, the lysogenic cycle does not result in
  2. And soils are of volcanic origin, the volcanic cones dotting Grenada are long, dormant , The only known active volcano in the area is Kick_'em_Jenny, just north
  3. Rocky soil. The island's two volcanoes, Karthala (active) and La Grille (, dormant ,), and the lack of good harbors are distinctive characteristics of its terrain.
  4. R66-Y),a robot with near-human personality created to assist humans. Laying, dormant ,in the future, Robo is found and repaired by Lucca. He joins the group out of
  5. Parks: Haleakala National Park near Lula, on Maui, includes Haleakala,the, dormant ,volcano that formed east Maui; and Hawaii Volcanoes National Park in the
  6. Strange story of the rock stars Tom and Barry Howe, Siamese twins with a third, dormant ,head, which eventually starts to awaken. Also adapted for film by Keith Fulton
  7. Tolerate lower temperatures. Perennials, such as the host plant, become, dormant , after first frosts and regrow when spring arrives. The entire visible plant may
  8. Under construction) * Romania: 2 (+3 under construction, currently, dormant , ) Cuitláhuac (c. 1476 – 1520) or Cuitláhuac (in Spanish orthography; in
  9. Years ago. The lake is Africa's second-largest wetland. The EMI Poussin,a, dormant ,volcano in the Tibet Mountains that reaches above sea level, is the highest
  10. On the onset of rain and eventually die down by late spring. The bulb is then, dormant ,until late summer. The plant is not frost-tolerant, nor does it do well in
  11. BEEN is no longer exempt from company law disclosure requirements. Although a, dormant ,company, dormancy does not preclude a company actively operating as a nominee
  12. Is seen by followers of Christianity as a symbol of resurrection: while being, dormant ,it contains a new life sealed within it. In the Orthodox and Eastern Catholic
  13. Geyser of Iceland has had periods of activity and dormancy. During its long, dormant ,periods, eruptions were sometimes humanly-induced—often on special occasions—by
  14. Type of frog would appear biochemically inactive (i.e. not living) during, dormant ,periods to anyone lacking a sensitive means of detecting low levels of
  15. The plants grow and bloom during the cool season when most other plants are, dormant ,or other annuals are in seed form waiting for warmer weather to germinate.
  16. Exposures of the Vermeulen Plateau. The volcano on McDonald Island, after being, dormant ,for 75,000 years, became active in 1992 and has erupted several times since. A
  17. Environmental conditions, the cells produce oval endospores that can stay, dormant ,for extended periods. These characteristics originally defined the genus, but
  18. Fertilizers damages the long-term fertility of the soil. While this feeling lay, dormant ,for decades, as environmental awareness has increased in the 21st century there
  19. To prefer it over sugar and other sweeteners. However, honey sometimes contains, dormant ,endospores of the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, which can be dangerous to
  20. Every Federal President has by custom let his party membership lie, dormant ,and assumed an acknowledged role of impartiality; they remain members of their
  21. Books is generally considered to date from the first successful revival of the, dormant ,superhero form—the debut of Robert Conifer and Carmine Infantino's Flash in
  22. Many months earlier and this would demonstrate the ability to rendezvous with a, dormant ,object. It would be also the first mission to fire the Agena's own rocket
  23. Trend (which is comparatively modern, although it might well have deeper, dormant ,roots) where the feminine ending" -key" and the definite article suffix" -ta
  24. Image on an object or person to empower it, whereas the magic in a glyph lies, dormant ,and is only triggered when the glyph is read or approached. The goth subculture
  25. The war, General Telephone reactivated an acquisitions program that had been, dormant ,for more than a decade and purchased 118,000 telephone lines between 1946 and
  26. Or be simultaneous with the appearance of symptoms. Some viruses also exhibit a, dormant ,phase, called viral latency, in which the virus hides in the body in an
  27. Situated in modern-day Germany's Lower Saxony). This provision has been, dormant ,since Queen Victoria ascended the throne, because she did not inherit Hanover
  28. And woodlands. The growth is lush during the rainy season but turns brown and, dormant ,during the five-month dry season between November and March. Over a large part
  29. Any longer to the prestige of the noblemen in their own country: it remained, dormant ,after 1383. It produced three reigning empresses, two of which reigned outside
  30. Accidentally contaminated the spacecraft's camera prior to launch and survived, dormant ,in this harsh environment for two and a half years. However, this finding has
  31. All the internal tissues. Freshwater species also produce sandblasts that lie, dormant ,until conditions are favorable, which enables a colony's lineage to survive
  32. Sometimes prophages may provide benefits to the host bacterium while they are, dormant ,by adding new functions to the bacterial genome in a phenomenon called
  33. Plays provided new stories, but as a television program Doctor Who remained, dormant ,until 2003. In September of that year, BBC Television announced the in-house
  34. When the over story regrows, seeds of annuals and smaller plants may lie, dormant ,until the next fire creates the conditions required for germination. Mid-sized
  35. Written by Kevin Williamson as well) and Urban Legend, they re-ignited the, dormant ,slasher film genre. 2000s The start of the 2000s saw a quiet period for the
  36. Bioko is no longer operational. U. S. military-to-military engagement has been, dormant ,since 1997 (the year of the last Joint Combined Exchange Training exercise).
  37. Harmlessly, or may even become established as a plasmid. The virus remains, dormant ,until host conditions deteriorate, perhaps due to depletion of nutrients, then
  38. And in 1929 the ANC supported a militant mineworker' strike. The ANC became, dormant ,in the mid-1920s. During that time, black people were also represented by the
  39. Plant growth - in stark contrast to the surrounding rain forest. Technically, dormant ,today, this caldera last erupted in 1880. The area that exploded on 4th January
  40. The expedition's facility, called High Lab, is gradually compromised by a, dormant ,super-intelligent entity known as the Blight. The Blight rapidly learns how to
  41. Varieties are sown in the autumn, germinate and grow vegetative, then become, dormant ,during winter. They resume growing in the springtime and mature in late spring
  42. Formation—as well as the highest point in the Sahara Desert—is EMI Poussin,a, dormant ,volcano that reaches 3,414 meters above sea level. The basin's northeastern
  43. Judging. Modern aestheticians have asserted that will and desire were almost, dormant ,in aesthetic experience, yet preference and choice have seemed important
  44. In the acute phase; after recovery from chickenpox, the virus may remain, dormant ,in nerve cells for many years, and later cause herpes zoster (shingles). A
  45. Temperature warms up again in early to late spring when other plants are still, dormant ,and have not yet leafed out. Even though they do not compete directly with
  46. Eyes only - no radar. After the rendezvous, Collins space-walked over to the, dormant ,Agent at the end of a 15.24 meter tether, making Collins the first person to
  47. At Faro Airport, killing 56 people. *1994 – Mexican volcano Popocatépetl, dormant ,for 47 years, erupts gases and ash. *1995 – The city of Bethlehem passes from
  48. System. The California False Claims Act was enacted in 1987,but lay relatively, dormant ,until the early 1990s,when public entities, frustrated by what they viewed as
  49. And regenerated an existing oracular-cult which was local in Delphi and, dormant ,in several areas of Greece. Anatolian origin A non-Greek origin of the name of
  50. Co-heirs. It is common, but incorrect, to speak of peerage dignities which are, dormant ,(i.e. unclaimed) as being in abeyance. Peerages called out of abeyance *1604

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