Examples of the the word, diary , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Which Warhol – who was uninterested in Judaism and Jews – had described in his, diary ,as" They're going to sell. " Death Warhol died in New York City at 6:32 a. m.
  2. On her life. About age 14 Beatrix, like many girls at the time, began to keep a, diary , Beatrix's was written in a code of her own devising which was a simple letter
  3. Dictated by Warhol to Hackett in daily phone conversations. Warhol started the, diary ,to keep track of his expenses after being audited, although it soon evolved to
  4. Torus. The British Chief of Imperial General staff, Alan Brooke, wrote in his, diary ,that it was" Nothing less than bad generalship on the part of Auchinleck ".
  5. Detective Poirot. In fact, by the end of the 1930s,Christie confided to her, diary ,that she was finding Poirot“ insufferable," and by the 1960s she felt that he
  6. Daniel made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and recorded his experiences. His, diary ,was much-read throughout Russia, and at least seventy-five manuscript copies
  7. Associate with the Spanish dancers and musicians in the city. He also keeps a, diary , full of his observations of life in Oran, which Room incorporates into the
  8. Bible, translations of Ovid, Hamlet,Don Quixote,Montaigne's essays,Pepys's, diary , Richardson's Pamela, and Franklin's autobiography. In particle physics
  9. The owner's daily private personal events, information,and ideas is called a, diary ,or personal journal. Businesses use accounting books such as journals and
  10. By the Church with a feast day on 20 November. Selected works: *Hodoeporicon, diary ,of a journey visiting the monasteries of Italy **Diogenes Laertes, Vitae
  11. Society expedition, recording his adventure in video, photos,and a written, diary ,(see links below). In 2005,Clipperton's ecosystem was extensively studied
  12. Is not mentioned anywhere in the published edition of the 1930s parts of her, diary ,(Vol.1–2) although the opening of Vol.1 makes it clear that she is married
  13. 229–31). NIN confirms that she is not bisexual in her unpublished 1940, diary , when she states that although she could be attracted erotically to some women
  14. Forget the entire adventure. She then seemingly records the experience in her, diary , noting she will always be searching for Serge in this life and beyond, set
  15. Not allow his children to eat meat. This is refuted by one of Emily Brontë's, diary ,papers, in which she describes the preparation of meat and potatoes for dinner
  16. Sum of at most three triangular numbers on 10 July and then jotted down in his, diary ,the famous words," Eureka! Num = Δ + Δ + Δ ". On October 1 he published a
  17. Of this,Aldiss's first book was The Bright fount Diaries (1955),a novel in, diary ,form about the life of a sales assistant in a bookshop. In 1955,The Observer
  18. His government deteriorated as the result of corruption and inflation. In his, diary ,on June 1948,Chiang wrote that the KMT had failed, not because of external
  19. Chicago Tribune concluded:" It's as though he turned back the pages of an old, diary ,and told, with rekindled emotion, of the pangs of pain and the sharp, clear
  20. Claim while speaking of the previously mentioned remark as well as a private, diary ,which Lawrence Putin quotes in Do What Thou Wilt chapter 7,Crowley recorded a
  21. He has personally seen and heard regarding the epidemic, as well as from the, diary ,of another character, Tarrou, who makes observations about the events he
  22. Principle for political gain. After one such attempt, Bright noted in his, diary ,that Disraeli" seems unable to comprehend the morality of our political course
  23. Personalities. In fact, Agency psychiatrists eventually determined that in his, diary ,he was using a sophisticated literary device to express himself. And, boy,did
  24. On the whole,Speer's attitude is to the point. " Goebbels would note in his, diary ,in June 1943," Speer is still tops with the Führer. He is truly a genius with
  25. Election. She confirmed her intention to stand down to The Observers Pendents, diary ,in September 2007,and again in October 2007 after Prime Minister Gordon Brown
  26. As expressed in the private thoughts of one resident, who confided to her, diary ," Our lives have lost their spirit…we can do nothing to stop them. "" Mr.
  27. And Zeeland. Durer took a large stock of prints with him and wrote in his, diary ,to whom he gave, exchanged or sold them, and for how much. This provides rare
  28. Andy Warhol Diaries (1989,ISBN 0-446-39138-7),edited by Pat Hackett, is a, diary ,dictated by Warhol to Hackett in daily phone conversations. Warhol started the
  29. Had collected during his entire trip, were lost. He could only save part of his, diary ,and a few sketches. Wallace and the crew spent ten days in an open boat before
  30. Incidents. Despite being a Methodist, he made reference to the Buddha in his, diary , and encouraged the establishment of a Buddhist political party under Master
  31. Illness, the prizes were collected by his son, Andrei Jr. In Tarkovsky's last, diary ,entry (December 15, 1986),he wrote:" But now I have no strength left - that
  32. The founder on that occasion, but called Gurdjieff a" tip-top man" in his, diary , Crowley privately criticized some of the Institute's practices and teachings
  33. The formula found basically matched the formula found in Pemberton's, diary , Franchised production model The actual production and distribution of
  34. Years old, seventeen-year old Flora Weiss recorded rejecting him in her, diary , Schopenhauer had a notably strained relationship with his mother Johanna
  35. S Black Magic foul play and what Crowley found when reading Shumway's magical, diary ,(everybody had to keep one while at the abbey for reasons explained in Fiber E
  36. 1848. Victoria found the house" small but pretty ", and recorded in her, diary ,that:" All seemed to breathe freedom and peace, and to make one forget the
  37. To the particular kind of problem issues, but commonly may include keeping a, diary ,of significant events and associated feelings, thoughts and behaviors;
  38. General Staff Field Marshal Sir Alan Brooke,1st Viscount Alanbrooke in his, diary ,entries of the 1/2 July 1940. The creation of the Home Guard (initially as the
  39. While providing valuable documentary evidence,Dürer's Netherlandish, diary ,also reveals that the trip was not a profitable one. For example, Dürer offered
  40. He documented his life, philosophy and ideas scrupulously by a daily, diary ,(later called the Domain Chronicle),and by twenty-eight publications.
  41. The Diaries of Courtney Love. The memoir was composed of years' worth of, diary ,entries, poems,letters, drawings,personal photos, and lyric compositions
  42. To halt at a straightened line just past the former border. Although the war, diary ,of the Finnish 12th Division facing the settlement and neither does Finnish
  43. For good service throughout the year. This is mentioned in Samuel Pepys ', diary ,entry for 19 December 1663; This custom is linked to an older English tradition
  44. From Bangor (see External Links below): in an informal manner, as a kind of, diary , Grothendieck explained and developed his ideas on the relationship between
  45. Was forced to stay there, as a hostage, until 1937. Chiang wrote in his, diary ," It is not worth it to sacrifice the interest of the country for the sake of
  46. The source of the rumor that Abu Zubaydah was unbalanced was his personal, diary , in which he adopted various personas. From that shaky perch, some junior
  47. Their furious Obsequies and Invectives," which Mather acknowledges in his, diary , Boston's Selectmen, consulting a doctor who claimed that the practice caused
  48. Tasman endured a very rough journey from Tasmania to New Zealand. In one of his, diary ,entries Tasman credits his compass, claiming it was the only thing that kept
  49. Had experienced at Blake Hall. Anne missed her home and family, commenting in a, diary ,paper in 1841 that she did not like her situation and wished to leave it. Her
  50. Cantor * Andersonville (film),1996 film based on a POW camp prisoner's, diary ,*The Andersonville Trial, Broadway play and TV account of the trial of Henry

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