Examples of the the word, decidedly , in a Sentence Context
The word ( decidedly ), is the 12258 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Man with Wheels ", ( 1980,directed by Augean Doyen). *Chumbawamba include a, decidedly ,energetic take on Resonate in their song" Ratatatay ", featured on the album
- For most persons and sometimes impossible, and for them married life is, decidedly ,more helpful than a life of celibacy. For ordinary persons, married life is
- Each successive Liberal and Conservative administration made the results, decidedly ,mixed. Despite the progress in certain sectors, many social and political
- As likewise the name of his temple Elapse," house of the watery deep ", points, decidedly , to his original character as a god of the waters (see Cannes). Around the
- Early German use of the term judenchristlich (" Jewish-Christian" ), in a, decidedly ,negative sense, can be found in the late writings of Friedrich Nietzsche, who
- Of that country, which is described as being an" approach to painting that is, decidedly ,low-key, deploying its effects without histrionic showmanship, while creating
- German students. The sociological foundations of critical psychology are, decidedly ,Marxist. Klaus Hohokam One of the most important and sophisticated books in
- Politics too may have played a role in the stalling of his career: Friedrich’s, decidedly ,Germanic choice of subject and costuming frequently clashed with the prevailing
- To avoid starvation. While primarily herbivorous, the giant panda still retains, decidedly ,ursine teeth, and will eat meat, fish,and eggs when available. In captivity
- The variety of his works with religious connections, Vaughan Williams was, decidedly ,not a believer. According to his classmate Bertrand Russell, Williams was an
- Of Women" ). The essay does give two compliments, however: that" women are, decidedly ,more sober in their judgment than men are" and are more sympathetic to the
- Far from pleased with the visit and therefore treated Herr von Ribbentrop in a, decidedly ,sarcastic manner ... ". After Ribbentrop's appointment as Special Commissioner
- Red Sox World Series wins of 2004 and 2007. Historically, Fenway Park has been, decidedly ,unfriendly to left-handed pitchers, Babe Ruth being one of the few southpaws
- Zedong instituted the Great Leap Forward in the early 1960s,although this had, decidedly ,mixed economic results. Following Mao's death in 1976 and the consequent end
- Each successive Liberal and Conservative administration made the results, decidedly ,mixed. Despite the progress in certain sectors, many social and political
- Apart from a few Marxists, were generally hostile. Academic historians, decidedly ,sided with Geoffrey Elton's The Practice of History against Edward Hallett
- From a largely apoptotic (negative) philosophical trend within Buddhism to a, decidedly ,more catalytic (positive) modes. The tathāgatagarbha does not, according to
- Orchestration, also includes such non-classical instruments as a saxophone,a, decidedly ,jazz instrument. By using a jazz style in the music, Weill immediately
- Anti-jokes are jokes that are not funny in regular sense, and often can be, decidedly ,unfunny, but rely on the let-down from the expected joke to be funny in itself.
- The Leonid regarded them as Sinai tic. Modern historians believe that it is, decidedly ,erroneous to consider the middot as traditional from the time of Moses on Sinai
- Understandings, and insights encountered in directing a Chinese cast in a, decidedly ,American play. *Time bends: A Life, Methuen London (1987) ISBN 0413414809.
- And desire freedom. Douglass later referred to this statement as the" first, decidedly ,antislavery lecture" he had ever heard. As told in his autobiography, Douglass
- Long) and Edwards respectively. The line-up stabilized as the band took to a, decidedly ,more accessible sound. ELO had become successful in the United States at this
- Mr. Madison cooperating with Mr. Jefferson is at the head of a faction, decidedly ,hostile to me and my administration. " On May 5,1792,Madison told Washington
- In spite of Clement's rejection of the Gnostic Docetism, has with him a, decidedly ,Domestic character. The body of Christ was not subject to human needs. He is the
- And the government were vocal in their support for this cause. The only party, decidedly ,opposed to EU entry was the populist right-wing League of Polish Families (LPR
- On me in terms of not just his estimation of my limited abilities, but his, decidedly ,philosophical stance about how to conduct your life, what you should do to
- Position. However, universalists might also argue that a person can choose a, decidedly ,evil or a perfect life career, and genocidal dictatorship plainly falls
- And Sandal" afflictions of inferior production values, over-the-top acting and, decidedly ,poor special effects was a significant factor in fantasy film's low regard.
- Of minimalism" represents a coming to terms with minimalism according to a, decidedly ,tonal slant: pulse and repetition have been transmuted, by a kind of
- The two main tabloid papers presented opposing viewpoints: The Daily Mirror was, decidedly ,anti-war, whilst The Sun became notorious for its jingoistic and xenophobic
- With each other. In actuality by the early 1970s both movements became, decidedly ,diverse. Washington Color School, Shaped Canvas, Abstract Illusionist, Lyrical
- The former view is based on the existence in the lake of organisms of a, decidedly ,marine type. They include jellyfish, molluscs, prawns,crabs, etc. Islands With
- In 1851. The correspondent of The Times reported:: The Kohinoor is at present, decidedly ,the lion of the Exhibition. A mysterious interest appears to be attached to it
- Will usually be involved in many fights during their lives, and often have, decidedly ,battered faces with obvious scars and cuts to the ears and nose. Hunting and
- So realistic as that of other Fathers; but his conception of the Church is, decidedly ,empirical: the existing Catholic Church form is the true one, intended by
- A project about which Holocaust survivor and self-made philosopher Sampler has, decidedly ,mixed feelings. *Wells appears as the protagonist in the 1979 film Time After
- The reactions of professional archaeologists to archaeoastronomy have been, decidedly ,mixed. Some expressed incomprehension or even hostility, varying from a
- Instruments -- has a distinctive sound: strangely familiar to the ear, yet, decidedly , not entirely Western. Russian folk music had its roots in the village. With the
- 2 and 4. May all had appeared in The Black Adder as Mad Gerald. He also played a, decidedly ,Flashheart-like Robin Hood in Back & Forth. Lee Corner also appeared in an
- The (previously instrumental) track" Smoke This One ". Latifah's rap was, decidedly ,anti-drug, while Coldcut's reggae publish instrumental had tongue-in-cheek
- Film of O'Neill's The Iceman Comet, in 1973,starring Lee Marvin, and the, decidedly ,offbeat 99 and 44/100 % Dead a crime black comedy starring Richard Harris. With
- Who returned to the group. Steven Hassan in his book Releasing the Bonds spoke, decidedly ,against coercive deprogramming methods using force or threats. The
- Three women pictures were concluded at much the same time. The Woman series are, decidedly ,figurative paintings. Another important artist is Franz Kline, as demonstrated
- In earlier years, at least from the 1960s to the 1980s,Guthrie had taken a, decidedly ,leftist approach to American politics. In his often lengthy comments during
- Universalists might also argue that a person can choose a decidedly evil or a, decidedly ,good life career, and genocidal dictatorship plainly falls on the side of the
- Game has also undergone several major redesigns, which have been received with, decidedly ,mixed reactions by players. Perhaps in one of the most telling examples of
- Truth" instead. Their contemporary, Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) said,The, decidedly ,anti-Aristotelian and anti-clerical music theorist Vincenzo Galilee (ca.
- America's Great Comic Strip Artists (1989),Marschall's analysis revealed a, decidedly ,misanthropic subtext: Over the years, Li'l Abner has been adapted to radio
- Attributed to cold fusion. By this point, however,academic consensus had moved, decidedly ,toward labeling cold fusion as a kind of" pathological science ". In early May
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