Examples of the the word, extremity , in a Sentence Context
The word ( extremity ), is the 12259 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Just to the south of the northernmost scarp, with Siva Oasis at its western, extremity , The depression continues in a shallower form west, to the oases of Neighbor and
- Century church ales house *Codon or Caw sand Beacon – prominent hill, northern, extremity , of moor, site of beacon fire for invasion warning *Cranmer Pool – original
- And a typical session will involve drainage of the neck, trunk,and involved, extremity ,(in that order),lasting approximately 40 to 60 minutes. CDT is generally
- High, the tail carried with an upward sweep with a slight curve towards the, extremity ,". The American Kennel Club allows" any other color that appears in the
- From the southernmost extremity at Junta de Tarifa () to the northernmost, extremity ,at ESTAC de Bares Point () over a distance between lines of latitude of about
- Overall characteristics The Iberian Peninsula extends from the southernmost, extremity ,at Junta de Tarifa () to the northernmost extremity at ESTAC de Bares Point (
- Loyalty Islands, and several smaller islands, all located on the Northernmost, extremity ,of the mostly submerged Zealand continent. It has a land area of 18,575.5
- History of Oxfordshire in 1677. He correctly identified the bone as the lower, extremity ,of the femur of a large animal, and recognized that it was too large to belong
- Hemisphere is called the Antarctic Circle. The Arctic Circle marks the southern, extremity ,of the polar day (24-hour sunlit day, often referred to as the" midnight sun
- Researchers to present compelling evidence for remote cerebral effects of, extremity ,bullet impact. They observed changes in EEG readings from pigs shot in the
- D) is cruciform, with a nave of nine bays, and a semicircular apse at either, extremity , That to the west is surrounded by a semicircular colonnade, leaving an open "
- Of the Sydney central business district. The city is situated at the northern, extremity ,of Brisbane Water, an extensive northern branch of the Tewkesbury River estuary
- To the UAE. This area consists of low mountains forming the northernmost, extremity ,of the Al Hagar all Garb (Western Al Hagar) Mountains. Two inlets
- Along with Sulawesi),as the Greater Sunday Islands. At Indonesia's eastern, extremity ,is western New Guinea, which lies on the Saul Shelf. Sea depths in the Sunday
- To Costello Point, the South extreme thereof, across to Cape Plaza (East, extremity ,of Crete),through Crete to Aria Grabs, the Northwest extreme thereof
- Lines from Kipling's Song of the Dead: Amputation is the removal of a body, extremity ,by trauma, prolonged constriction, or surgery. As a surgical measure, it is
- Bank in favor of the Palestinians. Jordan is landlocked except at its southern, extremity , where nearly twenty-six kilometers of shoreline along the Gulf of Arab
- And from the westernmost extremity at Cab the Rock () to the easternmost, extremity ,at Cap de Creus () over a distance between lines of longitude at 40° N
- A (myopathy) of hypothyroidism in infancy or childhood characterized by lower, extremity ,or generalized muscular hypertrophy, myxoedema, short stature and cretinism.
- And is usually translated into English as Citadel (Akron, akron, edge, extremity , + Polish, city,pl. Acropoleis). For purposes of defense, early people
- And from much of Asia by the Red Sea, Africa is joined to Asia at its northeast, extremity ,by the Isthmus of Suez (which is transected by the Suez Canal),wide. For
- The largest state in the United States by area. It is situated in the northwest, extremity ,of the North American continent, with Canada to the east, the Arctic Ocean to
- Can also be categorized by its severity (usually referenced to a healthy, extremity ,): * Grade 1 (mild edema): Lymphedema involves the distal parts such as a
- The same latitude as Indiana's which is defined as north of the southernmost, extremity ,of Lake Michigan. But the Illinois delegate, Nathaniel Pope, wanted more. Pope
- Disorder, with vocalists Dean Jones and Phil Vane pushing their trademark vocal, extremity ,to its absolute limit. " Carcass released Reek of Putrefaction in 1988,which
- Or Citadel of Athens is the best known acropolis (Gr. Akron, akron, edge, extremity , + Polish, city,pl. Acropoleis) in the world. Although there are many others
- Treatment of low back pain, neck pain, some kinds of headaches and a number of, extremity ,joint conditions. A 2008 critical review found that with the possible exception
- Subluxation and innate intelligence neck pain, some forms of headache, and some, extremity ,joint conditions. The efficacy and cost-effectiveness of maintenance
- Valley (locally known as Coos Valley) region, which is the southern, extremity ,of the Appalachian Mountains, and occupies an area within the state of about.
- Is nearly 3,000 yards wide above Aswan. From this frontier town to the northern, extremity ,of Egypt, the river flows for more than without bar or cataract. The voyage
- Acropolis () means" high city" in Greek, literally city on the, extremity ,and is usually translated into English as Citadel (Akron, akron, edge
- Called the diocese of Arabia because its capital Boston was within the northern, extremity ,of the Roman province of Arabia Petra. The origin of the Galatians remains
- To form what is now a fertile, fan-shaped delta some 250 km wide at its seaward, extremity ,and extending about 160 km from north to south. The Nile Delta covers
- Area as his fiefdom. Atlas's twin Radars, or Humerus in Greek, was given the, extremity ,of the island towards the pillars of Hercules. The other four pairs of
- The North Caucasian and Cartesian families are important in the southeastern, extremity ,of geographical Europe. The Basque language of the western Pyrenees is an
- On the mainland. On the North. Cape Kohlrabi to Cape Molotov () (Northern, extremity ,of Several Zelma on Komsomolets Island). On the East. Komsomolets Island
- Pass is anything but a doubtful, dangerous play to be used only in the last, extremity , " The forward pass was not allowed in Canadian football until 1929. First
- As the patient is unable to support their body weight on the weakened lower, extremity , The increased risk of falls must be addressed with therapy to correct their
- And down the East coast of Baffin Island to East Bluff, its Southeastern, extremity , and thence the Eastern limit of Hudson Strait. On the South. The mainland
- Colonies on the east coast of Africa. The square fort at the northern, extremity ,of the island was built in 1510 entirely of ballast stone brought from Portugal
- Archaic statue of Diana Nemesis. It represents Artemis with the bow at one, extremity , Luna-Selene with flowers at the other and a central deity not immediately
- Early months of 2006 were marked by food shortages and mass hunger. The sheer, extremity ,of the station was revealed by the fact that in the courts, state witnesses
- 61°43'E) on the coast of Pakistan. On the South. A line running from the South, extremity ,of Add Atoll (Maldives),to the Eastern extreme of RAS Ha fun (Africa
- Of the Com ore (Comoros) Islands, to Cap d'Amber (Amber) the Northern, extremity ,of Madagascar (). On the East. The West coast of Madagascar. On the South. A
- And comparatively low rocky promontory forms (Paul the Serra) the eastern, extremity ,of the island, on which lies a tract of calcareous sand known (1300-1500 meter
- Death metal is sometimes used to describe bands that focus on speed and, extremity ,as well as complexity, the line between progressive and technical death metal
- In the area that is currently the Netherlands," an uninhabited district on the, extremity ,of the coast of Gaul, and also of a neighboring island, surrounded by the
- Antilles are included in the Caribbean Sea as far as Galena Point (Northeast, extremity ,of the island of Trinidad). From Galena Point through Trinidad to Galena
- Of about based on a degree length of per degree, and from the westernmost, extremity ,at Cab the Rock () to the easternmost extremity at Cap de Creus () over a
- Relaxation/stress reduction recommendations, ice pack/cryotherapy, extremity ,adjusting (also mentioned in previous paragraph),trigger point therapy, and
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