Examples of the the word, names , in a Sentence Context
The word ( names ), is the 12260 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- In the Maghreb dialects as well in the written language mostly for foreign, names , Semitic became extremely early on in Arabic before it was written down; a few
- AA, a river in Germany, one of several Westphalian rivers called AA Former, names ,* Ganja, a river in Latvia, formerly known as Livländische AA * Failure, a
- Five carbon and 12 hydrogen: humane,C6H14 - six carbon and 14 hydrogen These, names ,were derived from methanol, ether,prop ionic acid and butyric acid
- Dozens of years. Bell's name is widely known and still used as part of the, names ,of dozens of educational institutes, corporate names akes, street and place
- Were" not the true names of the Hun princes and lords. What we have are Runic, names ,in Germanic dress, modified to fit the Gothic tongue, or popular Gothic
- Of 10 squirrels ", Nanai" collection, gathering ". 21" A Hundred" in, names ,of hundreds. 22 Starting et al. (2003) suspect this to be a
- Should be as low as possible, so that 1- is implied and usually omitted from, names ,of organic compounds with only one side-group;" 1-" is implied in
- Ancyranum. Etymology As with many ancient cities, Ankara has gone by several, names ,over the ages. It has been identified with the Hittite cult center Annual
- To list all members of an enumerable infinite set by writing out their, names , one after another, in some notation. But humans can do something equally
- And colorful, and focus on telling stories via setting and composition. Japan, names ,its styles after imperial dynasties too, and also saw much interplay between
- Of God),the Sufi repeats and contemplates on the name Allah or other divine, names ,while controlling his or her breath. Some scholars have suggested that Muhammad
- Upper reaches of the Alabama River, served as the etymological source of the, names ,of the river and state. In the Alabama language, the word for an Alabama person
- Memorials Lincoln has been memorialized in many town, city,and county, names , including the capital of Nebraska. The first public memorial to Abraham
- This segment has drawn criticism over the years for the omission of some, names , In 2010,the organizers of the Academy Awards announced that winners '
- Who are neither Arabic speakers nor linguists to intuitively pronounce Arabic, names ,and phrases. These less" scientific" tend to avoid diacritics and use
- Write grammatical inflections, and,later, to transcribe loan words and foreign, names , However, although seemingly alphabetic in nature, the original Egyptian
- Saith, usually spend substantial time with broken and Jo, practised under the, names ,Aiken, and aikido, respectively. The founder developed much of empty-handed
- It is by chance. There is also more specific kind of chance, which Aristotle, names ," luck ", that can only apply to human beings, since it is in the sphere of
- As with go-to telescopes, digital setting circle computers (commercial, names ,include Argo Davis, Sky Commander, and NGC Max) contain databases of tens of
- Auto Union racing cars in that period while the member companies used their own, names ,and emblems. The technological development became more and more concentrated
- Its membership, although as recently as 2007 press releases have announced the, names ,of those who have been invited to join. The 2007 release also stated that it
- And" TRI-" to indicate it as such, and number each one. * Add side chain, names ,in alphabetical (disregarding" DI-" etc. prefixes) order in front of the
- Inscriptions beginning in the 1st century BC, and the many Arabic personal, names ,attested in Bataan inscriptions (which are, however,written in Aramaic).
- Is not always true, however. In the United States federal courts, the parties ', names ,always stay in the same order as the lower court when an appeal is taken to the
- Use a unique order based on, which is not an alphabet. The Phoenician letter, names , in which each letter is associated with a word that begins with that sound
- States. In addition to twenty NASA career astronauts, the memorial includes the, names ,of a U. S. Air Force X-15 test pilot, a U. S. Air Force officer who died while
- Genus Amoeba. The genus Amoeba and asteroids in general both derive their, names ,from the ancient Greek word for change. Structure Asteroids move using
- Of antiquity to botany, even into the Middle Ages. Many of Theophrastus ', names ,survive into modern times, such as Carlos for fruit, and pericardial for seed
- In some nations and went with Apollo 11; they decided not to put their, names ,on the patch, so it would" be representative of everyone who had worked toward
- Unacceptable ". However, he suggests that these names were" not the true, names ,of the Hun princes and lords. What we have are Runic names in Germanic dress
- Of Kabylia. Algerian cities have commonly been given Berber and ancient Roman, names , Religion Islam is the predominant religion with 99 percent of the population.
- Ingenious but for many reasons unacceptable ". However, he suggests that these, names ,were" not the true names of the Hun princes and lords. What we have are Runic
- Studied under him, is shocked. She thought he must have been one of those great, names ,from an earlier century. He now works as a cook in a roadside diner, and proves
- Of origin are uncertain. It appears to be one of the most ancient of recorded, names , A number of theories have been published. English Asia can be traced through
- As well as the circular nature of the mission. On the red number 8 are the, names ,of the three astronauts. The initial design of the insignia was developed by
- Crew be less flippant in naming their craft. During early mission planning,the, names ,Snow cone and Haystack were used and put in the news release, but the crew
- And Egypt. Herodotus comments that he is puzzled as to why three women's, names ,were" given to a tract which is in reality one" ( Europa, Asia,and Libya
- Divine Ordinances and Commandments is the pivot of the Muslim faith. All these, names ,refer to Allah, the supreme and all-comprehensive divine name. Muslim
- Further classification can be based on their treatment of tone, though, names , do not yet exist to distinguish the various types. Some alphabets disregard
- A word can have indefinite and definite forms, and this also applies to city, names ,: both Tiranë and Tirana, Shkodër and Skoda are used. The three largest and
- Exact nature remains open to interpretation. Based on letter appearances and, names , it is believed to be based on Egyptian hieroglyphs. The proto-Sinaitic script
- Associated with some of them identifies their origin. Some are ethnic, names , One in particular, aswiai, identifies " women of Asia. " Perhaps they were
- The Scots have had a particularly strong influence on place- names , with the, names ,of many cities and towns including Calgary, Airdrie,Can more, and Ban ff having
- Would not have been raided for slaves by Greeks. Chadwick suggests that the, names ,record the locations where these foreign women were purchased. The name is also
- One proton per molecule. Specific types of polyprotic acids have more specific, names , such as diuretic acid (two potential protons to donate) and Tripoli acid (
- Carl Been at the site of ancient Pylons included hundreds of male and female, names ,formed by different methods. Some of these are of women held in servitude (as
- Else literate, he would have known perfectly well why places received female, names , Athens, Mycenae,Thebes and many other locations in fact had them. In ancient
- Spanish settlement and fort were built in Nootka Sound. These expeditions gave, names ,to places such as Valdez, Bucareli Sound, and Cordova. Later, the
- As an oracular deity in the archaic period, and the frequency of Theodoric, names ,such as Apollodorus or Apollonian and cities named Apollonian testify to his
- Allah is the supreme and all-comprehensive divine name, and all other divine, names ,are believed to refer back to Allah. Allah is unique, the only Deity, creator
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