Examples of the the word, acorn , in a Sentence Context
The word ( acorn ), is the 12264 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Prosome, the intermediate desmosome, and the posterior metasome. The body of, acorn ,worms is worm-shaped and divided into an anterior proboscis, an intermediate
- That has catkins and grows from acorn s) is not completely useless, even if ", acorn ," and" catkin" are defined in terms of" oak ", in that it supplies
- Is a not called an acorn , borne in a cup-like structure known as a cu pule; each, acorn ,contains one seed (rarely two or three) and takes 6–18 months to mature
- Hard shelled fruit, of some plants, with an indecent seed, such as an, acorn ,or hazelnut. Seed production Seeds are produced in several related groups of
- Trees are susceptible to the chestnut weevil (which also uses the Turkey oak, acorn ,to develop),and the Turkey oak trees can pass it on to the chestnut trees.
- And the" Master ". He claims to remember" the first raindrop and the first, acorn ,", and " knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless — before the Dark
- Acorns mature in 6 months and taste sweet or slightly bitter; the inside of an, acorn ,shell is hairless. The leaves mostly lack a bristle on their lobe tips, which
- Known as Scrap) who is trying to find a location to store his prized, acorn , Eventually, as he tries to hide it, he causes an avalanche. He barely escapes
- Others take the name as coming from the Greek name of Saris glans (Saris, acorn ,) – Saris being the capital of Lydia, Asia Minor, wherefrom the fruit had
- To neutralize potentially harmful alkaloids. Clay was used in the production of, acorn ,bread in California and Sardinia, Italy. Current practice While geology is
- France in approximately 1480. The treble (club) was probably copied from the, acorn ,and the pique (spade) from the leaf of the German suits. The names" pique "
- Out of gold wire for infantry officers at the end of the 19th century; such, acorn ,forms of tassels were said to be 'boxed ', which was the way of securing the
- Sect. Ferris, the Turkey oak and its relatives of Europe and Asia. Styles long;, acorn ,mature in 18 months and taste very bitter. The inside of the acorn 's shell is
- Mirroring the opening scene when Scrap causes a break in the ice with an, acorn , Cast The characters are all prehistoric animals. The animals can talk to and
- Styles long; acorn mature in 18 months and taste very bitter. The inside of the, acorn ,'s shell is hairless. Its leaves typically have sharp lobe tips, with bristles
- Of California Black Oak have been successfully established in clear cuts from, acorn ,plantings. Thinning such stands promotes stand productivity and wood quality
- Lyon in France and at a number of sites in Britain. They vary in size from tiny, acorn ,sized to large amphorae like vessels, but all have elevated levels of zinc on
- Long; acorn s mature in about 6 months and taste bitter; the inside of this, acorn ,'s shell is hairless. The section Mesobalanus is closely related to section
- As with tribes in the San Joaquin Valley and throughout much of California,the, acorn ,was a staple food. The historic abundance of white oaks in the Sacramento
- Might produce a" circle" among the terms," oak "," catkin ", and ", acorn ,", each of these are used in contexts (e.g., those related to plant, trees
- Short, acorn s mature in 18 months and taste very bitter. The inside of the, acorn ,shell appears woolly. Leaves typically have sharp lobe tips, with bristles at
- Referring to its distinctive shape. The medical name comes from Latin glans ", acorn ," + penis" of the penis" – the Latin genitive of this word has the same form
- You are the same person you were yesterday, in which the oak is the same as the, acorn , in which you perhaps even can step into the same river twice. Philosophers
- Living groups of hemichordates. The solitary enteropneusts, commonly known as ", acorn ,worms ", have long probosces and worm-like bodies with up to 200 bronchial
- Long; acorn s mature in 18 months and taste very bitter. The inside of the, acorn ,shell appears woolly. The actual nut is encased in a thin, clinging,papery
- A substitute for wheat flour. It was used by Native Americans. Koreans also use, acorn ,flour to make Notorious * Almond flour is made from ground almonds, suitable
- Cushaw squash),C. Moschata (butternut squash),and C. peso (most pumpkins, acorn ,squash, summer squash, Cultivation Archaeological evidence suggests squash may
- To the Lower or Middle Cambrian and include two main classes: Enteropneusta (, acorn ,worms),and Prosobranchia. A third class, Planctosphaeroidea, is known only
- He believed, is to discover and fulfill our deep innate potential, much as the, acorn ,contains the potential to become the oak, or the caterpillar to become the
- Resulting gill slit larva, this larva will ultimately give rise to the marine, acorn ,worm Genetic control of dorsal ventral hemichordate patterning Much of the
- Traditional roof construction. Acorns are used for making flour or roasted for, acorn ,coffee. Oak galls were used for centuries as the main ingredient in manuscript
- No cooking. Winter squashes (such as butternut, Hubbard,buttercup, ambercup, acorn , spaghetti squash and pumpkin) are harvested at maturity, generally the end of
- Clinton in 1292; Arrington in 1311 and Arrington in 1324. The name may mean, acorn ,farmstead from Anglo-Saxon æcern meaning acorn and tun meaning farmstead or
- In 1324. The name may mean acorn farmstead from Anglo-Saxon æcern meaning, acorn ,and tun meaning farmstead or village. There is no known Old English personal
- In the deep curvature of the cup, but the rim is very sharp, resembling an, acorn ,cup. Many pictures of cornet players show just such a small mouthpiece, and
- Hemichordata are divided into two classes: the Enteropneusta, commonly called, acorn ,worms, and the Prosobranchia, which may include the graptolites. A third class
- You are the same person you were yesterday, in which the oak is the same as the, acorn , in which you perhaps even can step into the same river twice. Philosophers
- His hammer. Kramer awakes after each attempt, only to say that he detected an, acorn ,falling on his head or that he wonders if bits of tree from the branches above
- Fruit of which is a non-valved nut (usually containing one seed) called an, acorn , The husk of the acorn in most oaks only forms a cup in which the nut sits.
- The flowers are catkins, produced in spring. The fruit is a not called an, acorn , borne in a cup-like structure known as a cu pule; each acorn contains one seed
- Did not have pins plugging into a socket but were soldered in place. The ", acorn ," valve (named due to its shape) was also very small, as was the metal-cased
- Example, we can define" oak" as a tree which has catkins and grows from an, acorn , and then define" acorn " as the nut produced by an oak tree. To someone who
- By an enormous glacier, being struck by lightning, attempting to thaw out the, acorn ,by a fire too long so that it accidentally took the form of a kernel of popcorn
- Oak" as a tree which has catkins and grows from an acorn , and then define ", acorn ," as the nut produced by an oak tree. To someone who does not know which trees
- Where Scrap the squirrel makes many comical attempts to bury his beloved, acorn , His misfortunes include getting chased by an enormous glacier, being struck by
- Example, the British Army generally adopted a white leather strap with a large, acorn ,knot made out of gold wire for infantry officers at the end of the 19th century
- And sea cucumbers. Other phyla of invertebrates are the Hemichordata, or, acorn , worms,and the Chaetognatha, or arrow worms. The largest animal phylum is also
- Island. The sun slowly melts the cube, bringing Scrap back to life but the, acorn , which is just out of his reach ends up being washed away by the tide. Scrap
- Head repetitively on a tree, which drops a coconut. Believing it to be a giant, acorn , Scrat's anger immediately turns to glee at this new find. He tries to pack it
- Come in a number of shapes including an ellipsoidal form closely resembling an, acorn ,- this could be the origin of the Latin word for a leaden sling-bullet: glandes
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