Examples of the the word, vend , in a Sentence Context

The word ( vend ), is the 12262 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Resultantly Island Records leased the Sue brand for UK distribution in order to, vend ,the American company's output in the UK, beginning with" Mockingbird" in
  2. Inventor. The act secured to the inventor the exclusive right to make, use,and, vend ,the thing patented, and consequently to prevent others from exercising like
  3. Was thereafter popularized with the slogan C'est possible: on Fabrice, on, vend , on see page! (It is possible: we make them, we sell them, we pay ourselves! ).
  4. Priestly Society of the Holy Cross - St. Jose maria website A, vend ,counter is a device to count the number of sales from a vend ing machine in
  5. The ending -t is regularly dropped when directly following a d or t (e.g. IL, vend ," he sells ", not 2 Alternation of -oi- before consonant or unstressed e,-of-
  6. Transformatione, etc. * Fabians de Monte S. Severing, Ex tract. De empty. Et, vend , * Nicolaus Niger Applies, Aphorismi Brazilian five canons hermetic de
  7. Foreyard" for soloists and orchestra (text: Johannes Jørgensen) * 1934 God, vend ,Wren til min Ban (Motet 4-part mixed choir) * 1935 Had er et Tennessee? (
  8. In bulk vend ing machines as well. Some operators of vend ing machine that lack, vend ,counters compensate for this deficiency by occasionally checking the amount of
  9. Type ‘ B’ could accept ½ d,1d or (later) 3d coins and would in exchange, vend ,a single stamp from a coil stamp roll joined vertically (IE head-to-tail). A
  10. Hungarian term for the Slovenes living in Hungary was" Wend" ( Hungarian:, vend ,). Many Slovenes in Hungary accepted this nomenclature, although in their
  11. Electrical or electromechanical device which can be used to automatically, vend ,postage stamps to users in exchange for a pre-determined amount of money
  12. If we sell 1,500 copies of your disk, that will already be a success" ( Si on, vend ,1 500 exemplars de vote risque, ce era Dena tree Bain). Their first
  13. Is applied with increasing frequency. Such microenterprises are able to, vend ,water at extremely low prices, with increasing government regulation. Initial
  14. Bulk candy and gumball vend ing Bulk candy machines are mechanical machines that, vend ,a handful of candy, a bouncy ball, or perhaps a capsule with a small toy or
  15. Developed further, and machines were universally provided with printers able to, vend ,credit-card-sized tickets (although receipts, card sales vouchers and seat
  16. Bar which when pulled, forces the next booklet in a stack out through the, vend ,slot. Such mechanisms as Type F and Type G are said to be“ coin-freed ”. This
  17. Famine,1861 and the subsequent recession, the price of coal collapsed,the, vend ,dropped 112,840 tons. Men were laid off. A new shaft, the Lawrence Pit was sunk
  18. Laid off. A new shaft, the Lawrence Pit was sunk at Park, in 1885 raising the, vend ,to vend of 216,362 tons and paying for itself within a year. However, the costs
  19. And the rapid adoption of sense-and-feedback systems to verify that the, vend ,was made. According to Michael Katakana, National Automatic Merchandising
  20. Thus, whilst words such as buy and sell are of Germanic origin, purchase and, vend ,are from Old French. French is an official language in both Jersey and Guernsey
  21. During the past few years, at different times, saloons have been licensed to, vend ,alcoholic liquors, but in a very short time were compelled to cease their
  22. Though – which usually involves a wheel making a one-third turn with every, vend ,– it may already be too late to ensure that the next vend bears fruit. A
  23. Vous eyes Aussie à Mon bureau. Pace Que vows NE m’ave pas corrupt, je NE vows, vend ,pas LE soda. Vows ave refuse de me signer; JE refuse Aussie de vows Vendée LE
  24. The Pearson Wing ( vend s food) and a cafeteria in the Massey Wing (does not, vend ,food). Controversies and issues Postponed future development The current high
  25. Emptying the cash and reloading the stamp machines. The machines were set to, vend ,two halfpenny stamps in exchange for one old penny, the stamps being supplied
  26. In addition, the mechanism was driven by the user lifting a large flap over the, vend ,slot. This action primed the machine. It could be set to dispense any number of
  27. A poor job of servicing the machine. Almost all soda and snack machines have, vend ,counters that track how many items are sold, making it difficult for an
  28. Of chocolates. *" Albatross" – Cheese, dressed as a waitress, attempts to, vend ,a wandering albatross to audience member Jones. The sketch is stopped by the
  29. C$4.1 billion. A similar valuation was used in the failed 2010 proposal to, vend ,Lipread to Hydro-Quebec, and was extremely controversial. 2003 reorganization
  30. In the copyright law. An inventor has not only the exclusive right to make and, vend ,his invention or discovery, but he has the like right to use it; and when a
  31. Idea changed bulk vend ing history. He was one of the first in the industry to, vend ,charms along with confection products. During the pre-capsule days of the late
  32. Compound) U V * vaccinate from vaccination *, vend ,as in vend out (meaning to contract out to a vend or),derived from vend or W
  33. To install coin mechanisms that held the patron's money in escrow until the, vend ,was made; to post a telephone number that a customer could call to report a
  34. Version known as the Baymax 4 was introduced. The Baymax 4 features even faster, vend ,speeds and is more energy-efficient, optionally using LED lighting rather than
  35. Orange Moll" and a friend of Madam Gwyn's, had been granted the license to ", vend , utter and sell oranges, lemons,fruit, sweetmeats and all manner of fruiterers
  36. Machines are retired cigarette vend ing machines that have been converted to, vend ,art. The inspiration for Art-o-mat came to artist Clark Whittington while
  37. Vending much. Image: Type G2 much on display. JPG|A type G2 coil multi-value, vend ,mechanism showing the mechanical complexity. Image: Type B52. JPG|A Hill day
  38. Turn with every vend – it may already be too late to ensure that the next, vend ,bears fruit. A distinguishing feature of bulk vend ing is that the items are
  39. Claims that it represented gambling, since children were not always assured a, vend ,worth equal value. After the gambling uproar, Lyle sold off all 5,000 machines.
  40. U V * vaccinate from vaccination * vend as in, vend ,out (meaning to contract out to a vend or),derived from vend or W Dayana
  41. Different amounts of product. Capsule wheels and gumball wheels are used to, vend ,capsules and gumballs, respectively. For gumballs, a two-for-one wheel can be
  42. With cards wipers. Sweden's DISEC company invented the bookmaker machine to, vend ,library books at remote locations and during off hours. Individual countries
  43. A new shaft, the Lawrence Pit was sunk at Park, in 1885 raising to vend to, vend ,of 216,362 tons and paying for itself within a year. However, the costs were
  44. Of a copyrighted work. The court stated the issue as::" Does the sole right to, vend ,(named in 4952) secure to the owner of the copyright the right, after a sale
  45. Of years therein expressed, should and lawfully might make, use,exercise, and, vend , within England, Wales and the Town of Berwick-upon-Tweed, my invention of" AN
  46. The inhabitants, being mostly smiths, are very ingenious in their way, and, vend , vast quantities of all sorts of iron wares. " Around 1750,the" England's
  47. Act of 1790. The Act secured an author the exclusive right to publish and, vend ," maps, charts and books" for a term of 14 years, with the right of renewal
  48. END) platform by using Helpline e-Box, equipped with GPRS technology to, vend ,telephone air-time. This service called Helpline e-Services is a service
  49. 1 The -t is regularly dropped when directly following a d or t (e.g. IL, vend ," he sells ", not Non-finite forms: The following table gives principal parts
  50. And that he" be commissioned or otherwise appointed & Authorized to print and, vend ,Editions of the Sacred Scriptures. " Despite the 7-year interruption in the

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