Examples of the the word, cursor , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cursor ), is the 8951 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Title" Hypertext Markup HTML/NP"> Language">HTML; in most browsers, pointing the, cursor ,at the abbreviation should display the title text" HyperText Markup Language.
  2. Input. The mouse's motion typically translates into the motion of a, cursor ,on a display, which allows for fine control of a graphical user interface.
  3. 1960s developed the On-Line System (NLS),which incorporated a mouse-driven, cursor ,and multiple windows used to work on hypertext. Engelhardt had been inspired, in
  4. While the mouse cursor hovers over an interface object #The user moves the, cursor ,to a different location while holding the button down #The user releases the
  5. Printable characters" 2; 10H ", would cause a DEC VT-102 terminal to move its, cursor ,to the 10th cell of the 2nd line of the screen. Several standards exist for
  6. Might be represented by a picture of a paper notebook, and clicking while the, cursor ,hovers this icon might cause a text editing program to open the file in a
  7. As pointing devices and graphics hardware, as well as the positioning of the, cursor , In personal computers all these elements are modeled through a desktop
  8. Between small and capital letters, as well as identify the position of the, cursor , As a result, most newer corded keyboards for braille input include at least
  9. That do not correspond to any ASCII printable or control character, for example, cursor ,control arrows and word processing functions. The associated key presses are
  10. Enough to easily remove. Operation A mouse typically controls the motion of a, cursor ,in two dimensions in a graphical user interface (GUI). Clicking or hovering (
  11. For that meaning and used" Delete" to mean" remove the character at the, cursor ,". That latter interpretation is the most common now. Many more of the control
  12. Editing a section of text, use a built-in trackpad to allow movement of the, cursor ,while keeping his hands on the keyboard. Windows' multiple-device support
  13. Spatial translation. The user requires only small wrist rotations to move the, cursor , reducing user fatigue or" gorilla arm ". Usually cordless, they often have a
  14. The driver software in the system converts the signals into motion of the mouse, cursor ,along X and Y axes on the screen. The ball is mostly steel, with a precision
  15. Can also employ mice gestural; meaning that a stylized motion of the mouse, cursor ,itself, called a" gesture ", can issue a command or map to a specific action.
  16. Of Mac OS X are inherited from Existed (such as the Dock, the automatic wait, cursor , or double-buffered windows giving a solid appearance and flicker-free window
  17. Also a key inspiration for Viola WWW, an early web browser. The pointing-finger, cursor ,used for navigating stacks later found its way into the first web browsers, as
  18. Key bindings. Vi-bindings can be enabled by running set -o vi. *: Moves the, cursor ,to the line start (equivalent to the key). *: Sends the signal SIGINT to the
  19. Cursors if it was a full screen application, Windows still supports just one, cursor ,and keyboard. As of 2009,Linux distributions and other operating systems that
  20. Chords which enable the user to issue editing commands, such as moving the, cursor , deleting words, etc. Note that the number of points used in braille computing
  21. And lowercase characters, a numeric keypad, dual-speed (pressure sensitive), cursor , control keys,6-bit (DAC) audio,16-color high-resolution graphics, and a
  22. Options specifically tailored to the interface element over which the mouse, cursor ,currently sits. By default, the primary mouse button sits located on the
  23. Version information about the current instance of bash. *: Alternates the, cursor ,with its old position. (C-x, because x has a crossing shape). *: Sends the
  24. Or web browser tabs to indicate longer titles than will fit. Hovering the, cursor ,over the tab often shows a pop-up balloon of the full title. When many programs
  25. User interface (GUI). Clicking or hovering (stopping movement while the, cursor ,is within the bounds of an area) can select files, programs or actions from a
  26. Time the 520ST reached the market, however,consumers demanded a keyboard with, cursor ,keys and a numeric keypad. For this reason, the 520ST ended up significantly
  27. Of the panels is active at a given time. The active panel contains the" file, cursor ,". Panels are resizable and can be hidden. Files in the active panel serve as
  28. Device at the same time generally results in seemingly random movements of the, cursor , However, the advantage of this support lies not in simultaneous use, but in
  29. Material, the keyboard is noticeably tilted to the front with MSX-style, cursor ,keys above the numeric keypad that now carries" function key" labeling. The
  30. Moves to the end of the word. *: Lowers the case of every character from the, cursor ,'s position to the end of the current word. *: Cancels the changes and put back
  31. On screen by outputting escape sequences that indicate movements of the screen, cursor ,and color/flash changes. If this method is used then the art becomes known as
  32. Between use, allowing the user freedom of movement without affecting the, cursor ,position. A patent for an inertial mouse claims that such mice consume less
  33. For example, interpreted " Delete" to mean" remove the character before the, cursor ," and this interpretation also became common in Unix systems. Most other
  34. Style of interaction uses a physical input device to control the position of a, cursor ,and presents information organized in windows and represented with icons.
  35. Their computer mouses. The software, MouseCage, automatically smooths mouse, cursor ,motion to reduce the effects of unsteady or shaky hands. IBM created a
  36. The next character typed to the line Verbatim. *: Clears the word before the, cursor ,and copies it into the clipboard. *: Edits the current line in the EDITOR
  37. Mouse" because the tail came out the end. His group also called the on-screen, cursor ,a" bug ", but this term was not widely adopted. He never received any
  38. As lengths on a logarithmic scale and computation is performed by setting a, cursor ,and aligning sliding scales, thus adding those lengths. Numbers could be
  39. Simultaneous pointing devices. Because Windows only provides a single screen, cursor , using more than one device at the same time generally results in seemingly
  40. Of text does not shift, making it easier to read. It was also used to lock the, cursor ,on its line and scroll the work area under it. On spreadsheets such as
  41. Back the line as it was in the history. *: Capitalizes every character from the, cursor ,'s position to the end of the current word. *: Insert the last argument to the
  42. Changed that OFF setting, use to return. *: Clears the line content before the, cursor ,and copies it into the clipboard. *: Add the next character typed to the line
  43. Previous character (same as backspace). *: Clears the line content after the, cursor ,and copies it into the clipboard. *: Clears the screen content (equivalent to
  44. Acceptable before being submitted to the server. * Changing images as the mouse, cursor ,moves over them: This effect is often used to draw the user's attention to
  45. Subject and EPOS. Where subject is the string being scanned, and EPOS is the, cursor ,or current position within the subject string. For example s: =" this is a
  46. Separately remembered for each line. *: Capitalizes the character under the, cursor ,and moves to the end of the word. *: Lowers the case of every character from
  47. Stacks later found its way into the first web browsers, as the hyperlink, cursor , The Myst computer game franchise, initially released as a Hypercube stack and
  48. Gesture, in which: #The user presses the mouse button while the mouse, cursor ,hovers over an interface object #The user moves the cursor to a different
  49. By collating the 36 fundamental symbols of Sanskrit as listed in. Scroll your, cursor ,over the conjuncts to reveal their Romanizations (in LAST) and IPA
  50. Symbols with ANSI escape sequences to allow changing colors on demand, provide, cursor , control and screen formatting, and even basic musical tones. During the late

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