Examples of the the word, sweeping , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sweeping ), is the 9228 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Castle, about the illness until they come to the conclusion that a plague is, sweeping ,the town. They both approach fellow doctors and town authorities about their
  2. Encouraged economic development, especially in the export sector. A popular, sweeping ,Land Reform Act, as well as American foreign aid during the 1950s,laid the
  3. Final at-bat) to return to the World Series. They continued to dominate by, sweeping ,the Yankees in the newly renovated Yankee Stadium, the first World Series games
  4. So with this kind of economic structure. That is clear. " She also called for a, sweeping ,reform of tax and customs administration, the creation of a" strong and
  5. Through the 1970 season, winning the NL West and captured the NL pennant by, sweeping ,the Pittsburgh Pirates in three games. By time the club got to the World Series
  6. Man Who Won the War ", led his coalition into another khaki election, and won a, sweeping ,victory over the Asquith Liberals and the newly emerging Labour Party. Lloyd
  7. To extend the user's range of touch sensation. It is usually swung in a low, sweeping ,motion, across the intended path of travel, to detect obstacles. However
  8. From the rectangular" horseless carriages" into sleek vehicles with, sweeping ,lines, symmetry,and V-shapes that seemed to add to their suggestiveness of
  9. The Great routed Darius III for supremacy in Asia Minor is vast in ambition, sweeping ,in scope, vivid in imagery, rich in symbols, and obviously heroic—the Iliad of
  10. The Athletics in the ALCS. However, the outcome was the same, with the A's, sweeping ,the ALCS in four straight. In 1990,Yankees fans started to chant" 1918! " To
  11. Later, they both became ill, possibly with the sweating sickness which was, sweeping ,the area. He died on 2 April 1502,and Catherine recovered to find herself a
  12. Gervais Controversies Corolla has occasionally stirred up controversy due to, sweeping ,generalizations he sometimes makes during unscripted broadcasts, the more
  13. Above the Bill of Rights 1689. Armani Narrow has written:" If one is to make, sweeping ,statements, one may say that, save Magna Carta (more truly, its implications)
  14. The introduction of new literary forms and styles, as well as many new ideas, sweeping ,Europe reached Armenians living in both regions. This created an ever-growing
  15. Or brush, is used to sweep the ice surface in the path of the stone, ( see ", sweeping ,"),and is also often used as a balancing aid during delivery of the stone. In
  16. And to decrease the amount of curl. The stones curl more as they slow down, so, sweeping , early in travel tends to increase distance as well as straighten the path, and
  17. Liberal leader, Dr John Henson, releasing Fightback!, a detailed proposal for, sweeping ,economic change, including a goods and services tax and deep cuts to government
  18. To convert detector positions back to a 2D surface embedded in R3. By, sweeping ,this surface through R3 as a function of the ion sequence input data, such as
  19. More so than on 'High Water (for Charley Patton),' in which Dylan draws a, sweeping ,portrait of the South's racial history, with the unsung blues singer as a
  20. Permanent by the AA CCA rules committee: The committee unanimously voted for, sweeping ,revisions to cheerleading safety rules, the most major of which restricts
  21. Early in travel tends to increase distance as well as straighten the path, and, sweeping , after sideways motion is established can increase the sideways distance. When
  22. Happened in Paris. Fever broke decisively with this paradigm in 1912,with his, sweeping ,doctoral thesis on Philippe II et la Franche-Comté. The geography and social
  23. Some teams use stopwatch timing, from back line to the nearest hog line as a, sweeping ,aid. Many teams use the Number System to communicate in which of 10 playable
  24. Same IP as Civilization II, the new company felt that players wanted" a new, sweeping ,epic of a turn-based game ". Having just completed a game of human history up
  25. After sideways motion is established can increase the sideways distance. When, sweeping , pressure and speed of the brush head are key in slightly increasing the layer
  26. Was revered as a voice of their God, and was used as a weapon of great power, sweeping ,enemies aside. In his book The Lost Ark of the Covenant (2008),Parity also
  27. Was no longer the focus of Christianization, what is now Denmark fell under the, sweeping ,missionary gaze, with a group of monks including Ansgar sent back to Jutland
  28. Next year, Boog Powell won the MVP and the Orioles won another 108 games. After, sweeping ,the Twins once again in the ALCS, the Orioles won the 1970 World Series by
  29. Was a bold and significant departure from earlier period films, which employed, sweeping ,orchestral instrumentals. The title theme of the film has become iconic, and
  30. In 1962: the British Railways Board. The period of nationalization saw, sweeping ,changes in the national railway network. A process of dissemination occurred
  31. The Reds won the NL West by ten games. They went undefeated in the postseason, sweeping ,the Philadelphia Phillies (winning Game 3 in their final at-bat) to return to
  32. Strengths lie this may not always be the case. Speed and pressure are vital to, sweeping , In gripping the broom, one hand should be one third of the way from the top (
  33. Empire had lost ethnic Italian areas to Piedmont owing to nationalist movements, sweeping ,through Italy, and many Austro-Hungarians perceived the threat of losing the
  34. Introduced universal suffrage into his political platform and carried out a, sweeping ,land-reform promoting rural education and nationalization of the country's
  35. Tube handles are lighter and stronger than wooden handles, allowing faster, sweeping ,and also enabling more downward force to be applied to the broom head with
  36. The writer's political views. Neal Stephenson, in particular, refrains from, sweeping ,political statements when deliberately provoked. Ken MacLeod's Fall Revolution
  37. Attitude toward their supposed" curse. " Boston began the postseason by, sweeping ,the AL West champion Anaheim Angels in the AIDS. However, Curt Schilling
  38. Delivery from the hack and by sweepers or the skip to glide down the ice when, sweeping ,or otherwise traveling down the sheet quickly. Stainless steel was once common
  39. Of relevant stimulation, as in images and hallucinations ... Given such a, sweeping ,definition, it is apparent that cognition is involved in everything a human
  40. Not have a clear blueprint of the Cuba he wanted to create, Castro dreamed of a, sweeping ,revolution that would uproot his country's oppressive socioeconomic structure
  41. To accommodate the curling delivery.: *A stopwatch to time the stones while, sweeping ,to get a feel of the speed of the stone. Stopwatches can be attached either to
  42. Frogmen performing underwater demolition at Two Jim confused the enemy by, sweeping ,both coasts, but later alerted Japanese defenders to the exact assault beaches
  43. Victories by communist parties in any of these countries could lead to, sweeping ,economic and political change in Western Europe. Morgenthaler and Marshall Plans
  44. Named Rookie of the Year. " The Boys in Blue" took control of the division by, sweeping ,a four game series in Milwaukee. On September 14,in a game moved to Miller
  45. Rules, this player must be the skip; or if the skip is throwing, then the, sweeping ,player must be the third. 'Burning' a stone Occasionally, players may
  46. Away from romantic extremes and rediscovered baroque principles—although this, sweeping ,reform movement in organ building eventually went further than Schweitzer
  47. Is not desirable. For example, a stone may have too much weight, but require, sweeping ,to prevent curling into a guard. The team must decide which is better: getting
  48. Threatened to send in an army and force them to capitulate. As the paranoia, sweeping ,Europe was bleeding over into America, calls for secession reached unparalleled
  49. Impact of a certain scene De Palma has employed a 360-degree camera pan. Slow, sweeping , panning and tracking shots are often used throughout his films. Split focus
  50. Mike Cellar shared the CY Young Award with Detroit's Denny McLain. After, sweeping ,Minnesota in the American League Championship Series, Baltimore was shocked by

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