Examples of the the word, counterpart , in a Sentence Context

The word ( counterpart ), is the 4604 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Abide claimed that in January 2009 during his visit to Moscow, his Russian, counterpart ,Anatomy Serdyukov unofficially had admitted to weapons transfers" after the
  2. Or Thrice-Great Hermes). His name is derived from the god Thoth and his Greek, counterpart ,Hermes. Hermes and his caduceus or serpent-staff, were among alchemy's
  3. Of the plant cell culture. Culinary Agar-agar is a natural vegetable gelatin, counterpart , White and semi-translucent, it is sold in packages as washed and dried strips
  4. Projects worth about US$6.8 million were identified, with US$2.6 in, counterpart ,funds (funds provided by the Brazilian government). More than 70 % of the
  5. He succeeds in eliminating all the other versions of himself. Later his Future, counterpart ,Immortal becomes an alternate version of himself. However, some are genuine
  6. Be divided into 12 pairs (voiced <> voiceless). The only consonant without a, counterpart ,is the voiceless velar fricative. The contrast 'voiced vs. voiceless' is
  7. Squadrons. The US Navy followed suit in 1993 with the F/A-18C. The eastern, counterpart ,of AMRAAM is the very similar Russian AA-12 Adder, commonly known in the west
  8. S demand that he pursue Lee's retreating and exposed army, while his, counterpart ,General Don Carlos Bell likewise refused orders to move the Army of the Ohio
  9. To this day, http://www.harmonyinc.org Harmony, Inc. is smaller than its, counterpart , but has an atmosphere of friendship and competition. With about 2,500 members
  10. Elyria in Greco-Roman historiography. The modern territory of Albania has no, counterpart ,in antiquity, comprising parts of the Roman provinces of Dalmatia (southern
  11. Using capitalization, the letter" د ", may be represented by d. Its emphatic, counterpart ," ض ", may be written as D. Numerals In most present-day North Africa, the
  12. Effect in which coronal onset consonants are changed into the palatal, counterpart ,after the high front vowel. For example, the in begin" to act" becomes palatal
  13. Allosaurus, Ceratosaurus, Torvosaurus, and Apatosaurus),or have a close, counterpart ,(Brachiosaurus and Lusatian, Camptosaurus and Dragon). Allosaurus
  14. You don't say!. *ма (ma) (feminine only) – originally simply the feminine, counterpart ,of be, but today perceived as rude and derisive (compare the similar evolution
  15. Has no genus (wins),nor a definition (had),nor a, counterpart ,(add),nor an opposite (did),and is detached (bar’ ) from matter (
  16. For proprietary BIOSes and their future incarnations with an open sourced, counterpart ,through the core boot and Open BIOS/Open Firmware projects. AMD provided product
  17. Before. A letter that represents a voiced consonant can represent its voiceless, counterpart ,and vice versa when adjacent to a voiceless or voiced consonant, respectively
  18. Christian hymns and therefore less marked by the blues form than its secular, counterpart , Pre-war blues The American sheet music publishing industry produced a great
  19. Digital system is more complex and requires more bandwidth than its analog, counterpart , In analog systems, it is difficult to detect when such degradation occurs.
  20. Geochemical component called KEEP was discovered that has no known terrestrial, counterpart , Together, KREEP and the anorthosites samples have been used to infer that the
  21. Have sex" ( and which is considered as crude in polite society as its English, counterpart ,). (When broadcast on television,Lili's last name is usually changed to "
  22. A member of the Saudi royal dynasty in decades. President Obama asked his Yemen, counterpart ,Ali Abdullah Sale to ensure closer cooperation with the U. S. in the struggle
  23. Cathedral, emperor William II's ambitious attempt to create a Protestant, counterpart ,to St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, is located on the Spree Island across from
  24. Series. Bat adder was intended to be a parody of Batman with Baldric as the, counterpart ,of Robin (suggested by John Lloyd). This idea eventually came to surface as
  25. Empire. Variants include Alexis with the Russian Aleksey and its Ukrainian, counterpart ,Aleksei/Oleksiy deriving from this form. The female form is Alexia (). It may
  26. Formal definition in terms of chord progressions, it was defined as the secular, counterpart ,of the spirituals. It was the low-down music played by the rural Blacks.
  27. His output, making it difficult for cotton prices to rebound, but his Mali, counterpart ,may go broke in the meantime. A livestock farmer in South Korea can calculate
  28. When, of Rear-Admiral Friedrich Bödicker's Scouting Group II, hit her British, counterpart ,Galatea at extreme range. Meanwhile, Beatty began to move his battlecruisers and
  29. Vowel is the 'long' u (like the vowel in 'school ', ). It has a more open, counterpart , the 'long' o, like the vowel in 'low' (). There are shorter, and thus more
  30. Like the first vowel in the English 'batter ', ). It usually has a back, counterpart ,('long' a, like the an in 'father ', or even tending to the vowel in 'caught
  31. Official or solemn contexts) *Чао (Chao) – Bye; from Italian (the informal, counterpart ,of native" Довиждане ", this word is more common than the native) *Creep (
  32. And is considered by some to have been the first major league. Its amateur, counterpart ,disappeared after only a few years. William Hulbert's National League, which
  33. As well as the second longest in Northern Europe, being only shorter than its, counterpart ,in Trondheim. The Aarhus City Hall is a uniquely designed building drawn by
  34. Is the 'long' i (like the vowel in 'need ', ). It has a slightly more open, counterpart , the 'long' e, as in the final vowel of 'café' (). Both of these have
  35. The basis of a" real" ABM system. Work started on a short-range, high-speed, counterpart , known as the Sprint to provide defense for the ABM sites themselves. By the
  36. Conferences of the National Football League (NFL). This conference and its, counterpart , the National Football Conference (NFC),currently contain 16 teams each
  37. Then exposed to ridicule through the wronged husband's clever device. The, counterpart ,of Ares among the Roman gods is Mars, who as a father of the Roman people held
  38. Still the standard in international travel. The Tupolev Tu-144 and its Western, counterpart , Concorde, made supersonic travel a reality. Concorde first flew in 1969 and
  39. Proved that the first order theory of Abelian groups, unlike its Abelian, counterpart , is decidable. This desirability, plus the fundamental theorem of finite
  40. And corrupt humanity away from thinking and doing the good. Lucifer and his, counterpart ,Ahriman figures in anthroposophy as two polar, generally evil influences on
  41. As the" Protestant Episcopal Church ", thereby distinguishing it from the, counterpart ,established" Protestant Presbyterian Church" in Scotland. High Churchmen, who
  42. Year-old Royal Institution of Great Britain is also establishing an Australian, counterpart ,in Adelaide which will formally open in 2009. Research In addition to the
  43. Venus as she now is in this new eon; no longer the mere vehicle of her male, counterpart , but armed and militant. " In his Commentaries on The Book of the Law Crowley
  44. Less heavy-set and with a more pointed muzzle. It was faster than its southern, counterpart ,but its scenting abilities were less well-developed. As fox hunting became
  45. HMS Renown in very bad weather, and although they had stronger armor than their, counterpart , the British ship could hit them harder and at a longer range because the
  46. Greater income in time) within civil authority. This venality is the secular, counterpart ,of simony, which is the buying and selling of positions (notably benefices)
  47. Was soon relegated to the infantry-support role. United States U. S. Army and, counterpart ,British designs were very different in conception. U. S. doctrine was based in
  48. Name cromie20010816/> However, in 1996,antihydrogen, the antimatter, counterpart ,of hydrogen, was synthesized at the CERN laboratory in Geneva. Name
  49. The an in 'father ', or even tending to the vowel in 'caught ', ),and a front, counterpart ,('short' e, like the vowel in 'head ', ). There is much correspondence
  50. MSA) are as follows: *Certain grammatical constructions of CA that have no, counterpart ,in any modern dialect (e.g. the energetic mood) are almost never used in MSA

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