Examples of the the word, regret , in a Sentence Context

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  1. By a mature performer who has seen it all before. The song remains an anthem to, regret ,for unwise decisions in the past and recognition that there's no need to send
  2. How long into the future their ordeal may last. And the past smacks only of, regret , of things left undone. Living with the sense of abandonment, they find that
  3. Works this knowledge proves Promethean in nature either filling the seeker with, regret ,from what they have learned, destroying them psychically, or completely
  4. The cryonics patient. ” History Benjamin Franklin, in a 1773 letter, expressed, regret , that he lived" in a century too little advanced, and too near the infancy of
  5. Marriage to a wealthier man—Edward Coke. Years later, Bacon still wrote of his, regret ,that the marriage to Patton had not taken place. At the age of forty-five
  6. Material and that Bergman was treated just like any other suspect. He expressed, regret ,that Bergman had left the country, hoping that Bergman was a" stronger "
  7. I am, that I might answer him, that we should come to trial together. ” Job’s, regret ,is that he has no arbiter to act as a go-between; that Job can not reconcile
  8. If someone causes harm to another, and then feels guilt and demonstrates, regret ,and sorrow, the person harmed is likely to forgive. Thus, guilt makes it
  9. Is …; JE m'en four:" I don't give a damn/a fuck. "; JE NE regret ted rain:" I, regret ,nothing" ( from the title of a popular song sung by Edith Piaf:" Non, je né
  10. Or human states, feelings,and emotions, such as freedom, pain,guilt, and, regret , as opposed to analyzing objective knowledge, language,or science. The early
  11. The controversial" rejuvenation therapy" was practiced. He later expressed, regret ,for endorsing Glycol. Barnard divided the remainder of his years between
  12. Reside, the fields of sorrow where those who committed suicide and now, regret ,it resides, including Aeneas' former lover, the warriors and shades, tartarus (
  13. Death in 1900: 'We hold to the doctrine that the earth is flat ourselves and we, regret ,exceedingly to learn that one of our members is dead '. After Rowbotham's
  14. There are two things connected with the late outbreak (Eureka) which I deeply, regret , The first is, that we should have been forced to take up arms at all; and the
  15. Line-up, dismissing vocalist Tony Martin and bassist Neil Murray. " I do, regret ,that in a lot of ways ", Iommi said. " We were at a good point then. We decided
  16. The Prague Golem. The theme of vengeance against anti-Semites and subsequent, regret ,of such deeds pervades the novel, culminating in Kavalier's own drawing of a
  17. Angelo Soda no declared Bruno's death to be a" sad episode" but, despite his, regret , he defended Bruno's prosecutors, maintaining that the Inquisitors were "
  18. An anthropomorphic frog and also slew his friend Cyrus. Chivalrous but mired in, regret , Frog dedicates his life to protecting Leene, the queen of Guardian, and
  19. Said about the film," It is like writing history with lightning. And my only, regret ,is that it is all so terribly true ". In Wilson: The New Freedom, the historian
  20. Said the film was" ... like writing history with lightning. And my only, regret ,is that it is all so terribly true. " The attribution is disputed. Plot Part 1:
  21. Are bastards," shortly before the war. Kissinger has since expressed his, regret ,over the comments. Israeli policy and Soviet Jewry According to notes taken by
  22. Fawkes admitted his intention to blow up the House of Lords, and expressed, regret ,at his failure to do so. His steadfast manner earned him the admiration of King
  23. Agreement to let the last Qing monarch abdicate (a decision Sun would later, regret ,). Over the next few years, Yuan proceeded to abolish the national and
  24. Which it had been called to clarify. By 327,Emperor Constantine I had begun to, regret ,the decisions that had been made at the Nicene Council. He granted amnesty to
  25. Of being involved in and coordinating the riots. Thackeray however has shown no, regret ,and feels that he is proud of what he and his party men did back in those days
  26. Palace, much to the dismay of his guests and household. To the King's later, regret , David Lloyd George persuaded him to go further by ostentatiously locking the
  27. Setting fire to the Reichstag. From the artistic point of view I did not at all, regret ,that the assembly chamber was burned – I hoped to build a better one. But I did
  28. Conditions were received, this decision is made with considerable and genuine, regret , The series went on to gain popularity through syndication. Beginning in 1975
  29. Could not be accused of wrecking the negotiations, but neither showed, regret ,at the breakdown of the talks. There was no alternative but to continue the war
  30. Others, and the death of Casey, leave the record incomplete. " Reagan expressed, regret ,regarding the situation during a nationally televised address from the White
  31. Between them show a loving and cordial relationship, underscored by Berthe's, regret ,at the distance between them and about Edma's withdrawal from painting. Emma
  32. This as a joke; but, in his preface to the second edition, Butler wrote:: I, regret ,that reviewers have in some cases been inclined to treat the chapters on
  33. Of the Florentine chronicler Giovanni Villain. Eventually, Florence came to, regret ,Dante's exile, and made repeated requests for the return of his remains. The
  34. Bush said," I make no excuses. I had an opportunity and I missed it. I, regret ,that .... Furthermore, I wish I had gotten up then and seized the moment to set a tone, a
  35. Which earned competent spots on album charts. Love has publicly expressed her, regret ,over the record several times, calling it" a crap record ", reasoning that her
  36. For example, a father may tell his son not to start smoking as he will, regret ,it when he is older, and the son may point out that his father is or was a
  37. His father is or was a smoker. This does not alter the fact that his son may, regret ,smoking when he is older. Guilt by association Guilt by association can
  38. An angry rebuke from King Manuela. He wrote:" It is a matter of great, regret ,that the throwing of bombs by zeppelins on London was denounced as a most
  39. The pot away from US Free Market Trade Policies. Clinton recently expressed, regret ,and apologized for the US's trade policies with Haiti Aristides however decided
  40. Accessible than is sometimes the case. The score positively throbs with love, regret ,and desire. " But of the specific production, the reviewer went on to note: "
  41. Ruminate over, thoughts and feelings of worthlessness, inappropriate guilt or, regret , helplessness, hopelessness,and self-hatred. In severe cases, depressed people
  42. Stressed the need for peaceful resolution of international problems, expressed, regret , at his ministers' failure to respond to Baron Hara's probings, and recited a
  43. That the assembly chamber was burned – I hoped to build a better one. But I did, regret ,very much that I was forced to find a new meeting place for the Reichstag and
  44. For me to disappoint Sen. McCain in the way that I have this morning, and I, regret ,that ... I think we need a transformational figure. I think we need a president
  45. 2 to their online mailing list. An email dated October 18 read:" Although we, regret ,to inform you that Hot Sauce Committee Part 1 will continue to be delayed
  46. Saying it longed for peace, cooperation,and prosperity. The Dalai Lama voiced, regret , Memorials When compared to the memorials of other former CPC leaders, those
  47. Weapons carrying his name in the hands of" terrorists and thugs" caused him, regret , Cultural influence The Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China, as
  48. Then greatly and as a result they despised François because of the memory of, regret ,that he represented (Knopf 4). He was an outcast from his earliest years
  49. Chronicle made 'a dramatic announcement ': 'We stop the Press with very great, regret ,to announce that the potato Murrain has unequivocally declared itself in
  50. Dear" in a play on his initials),was pious and uncongenial. Hoffmann was to, regret ,his estrangement from his father. Nevertheless, he remembered his aunts with

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