Examples of the the word, horizontal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( horizontal ), is the 4617 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The first component of the horizontal blanking interval which also contains the, horizontal ,sync pulse and the back porch. A sync separator circuit detects the sync
  2. It is negative. The k and h values introduce translations, h,vertical, and k, horizontal , Positive h and k values mean the function is translated to the positive end of
  3. Effective control surfaces, many early aircraft were virtually flyable. The, horizontal ,and vertical stabilizers of most aircraft give stability,similarly to
  4. Separator circuit detects the sync voltage levels and sorts the pulses into, horizontal ,and vertical sync. (see section below - Other technical information, for extra
  5. Tiltwing, tailsitter, and Coleoptera aircraft have their rotors/propellers, horizontal ,for vertical flight and vertical for forward flight. Other methods of lift *A
  6. The bandwidth of the electronics and the transmission system, and the number of, horizontal ,scan lines in the image. A frame rate of 25 or 30 hertz is a satisfactory
  7. Of the Pythagorean theorem. Similarly, the angle that a line makes with the, horizontal ,can be defined by the formula: \theta = \tank (m)\! Where m is the slope of
  8. However, genes that confer resistance can be transferred between bacteria in a, horizontal ,fashion by conjugation, transduction,or transformation. Thus, a gene for
  9. The plateau regions have high elevations ranging from 4500 to. Extensive, horizontal ,mesas are capped by sedimentary formations and support woodlands of junipers
  10. US food animal production. Mechanisms Antibiotic resistance can be a result of, horizontal ,gene transfer, and also of unlinked point mutations in the pathogen genome at a
  11. Used as a selectable marker in routine biotechnology. Due to concerns over, horizontal ,gene transfer to pathogenic organisms in the wild, the European Food Safety
  12. Parallel with or orthogonal to the direction of gravity (vertical and, horizontal ,). Physics Cosmologists use the term to describe the uneven temperature
  13. Sunk, Tavush, and Mayors Door. The flag of Armenia consists of three equal, horizontal ,bands of red (top),blue, and orange. Executive branch The president is
  14. By a quick jerk along the horizontal axis to spin all the beads away from the, horizontal ,beam at the center. Sampans can be used for functions other than counting.
  15. Courses of brick, bond beams are laid across the top of the bricks to provide a, horizontal ,bearing plate for the roof to distribute the weight more evenly along the wall.
  16. Large data blocks in memory (fill rate 4 MB/s) *Hardware-support for, horizontal ,and vertical fine scrolling and split screen (using the Shifter video chip)
  17. A check, Americans write three and (using this solidus construction or with a, horizontal ,division line): they do not need to write the word dollars as it is usually
  18. Most aircraft feature espionage (a tail section) incorporating vertical, and, horizontal , stabilizing surfaces which create equilibrium of lift, stabilize the flight
  19. Resistance either by mutation in chromosomally-encoded genes, or by the, horizontal ,gene transfer of antibiotic resistance determinants. Development of multidrug
  20. Through the unusual expedient of subdividing a larger flat by means of a, horizontal ,rather than a vertical partition. The diminutive Carry could just manage to
  21. 10 years after it was introduced. Recognition and computation of handwritten, horizontal ,and vertical formulas such as" 1 + 2 =" was also under development but never
  22. Vertical line, capped with a semicircle at the intersection of the bottom-most, horizontal ,line and the single vertical line. Below these lines is a wide space with a
  23. Gene and another gene of interest. A recent study demonstrates the extent of, horizontal ,gene transfer among Staphylococcus to be much greater than one previously
  24. Coordinate system, where each point has an x-coordinate representing its, horizontal ,position, and a y-coordinate representing its vertical position. These are
  25. The adiabatic are the black curves. The adiabatic are isotropic. Volume is the, horizontal ,axis and pressure is the vertical axis. In chemistry, an amide is an organic
  26. Nepal's script are rounded. Most North India scripts' full letters incorporate a, horizontal ,line at the top, with Gujarati script an exception; South India scripts do not.
  27. Takeoff and landing (VTOL). Most types transition to fixed-wing lift for, horizontal ,flight. Classes of powered lift types include VTOL jet aircraft (such as the
  28. Detail. ) Horizontal synchronization The horizontal synchronization pulse (, horizontal ,sync SYNC),separates the scan lines. The horizontal sync signal is a single
  29. Needs to take luminance, chrominance (in a color system),synchronization (, horizontal ,and vertical),and audio signals, and broadcast them over a radio transmission
  30. By spinning wing-shaped rotors sometimes called rotary wings. A wing is a flat, horizontal ,surface, usually shaped in cross-section as an airfoil. To fly, air must flow
  31. Inside the bridge's expansion and contraction zones as well as in long, horizontal ,grooves running the length of the bridge's underside, an environment ideally
  32. Ptolemy started by measuring the Moon's parallax, finding what amounted to a, horizontal ,lunar parallax of 1° 26′, which was much too large. He then derived a maximum
  33. Can be reset to the starting position instantly by a quick jerk along the, horizontal ,axis to spin all the beads away from the horizontal beam at the center.
  34. 640×256 (2 colors),320×200 (2 colors — spaced display with two blank, horizontal ,lines following every 8 pixel lines),640×200 (2 colors — spaced display) *
  35. With similar characteristics. For example, the parent function y 1/x has a, horizontal ,and a vertical asymptote, and occupies the first and third quadrant, and all of
  36. Right to left),hieratic was always written from right to left, usually in, horizontal ,rows. A new form of writing, Demotic,became the prevalent writing style, and
  37. In his time, the noon was simply a vertical pillar or rod mounted on a, horizontal ,plane. The position of its shadow on the plane indicated the time of day. As it
  38. An image by scanning a beam of electrons across the screen in a pattern of, horizontal ,lines known as a raster. At the end of each line the beam returns to the start
  39. Electrons form a group that is aligned in the same column of the table. (The, horizontal ,rows correspond to the filling of a quantum shell of electrons. ) The elements
  40. The angle of attack. A fixed-wing aircraft usually" banks" to change the, horizontal ,direction of flight. To maintain direction, efficiency,and controllability of
  41. Different genetic events that include acquisition of different mutations and/or, horizontal ,transfer of antibiotic resistance genes. Hypermutation favors the selection of
  42. Measured by the roll or bank angle. *Pitch is a rotation about the sideways, horizontal ,axis giving an up-down movement of the aircraft nose measured by the angle of
  43. When calculating groundwater flow to drains or to wells, the difference between, horizontal ,and vertical permeability is to be taken into account otherwise the results may
  44. Between picture lines. The front porch is the first component of the, horizontal ,blanking interval which also contains the horizontal sync pulse and the back
  45. Two, Double Lo-Res and Double Hi-Res (560×192 pixels). Both modes doubled the, horizontal ,resolution in comparison to the standard Lo-Res (40×48) and Hi-Res (280×192
  46. Other technical information, for extra detail. ) Horizontal synchronization The, horizontal ,synchronization pulse ( horizontal sync SYNC),separates the scan lines. The
  47. Interval is allowed for the spot to move back to the start of the next line (, horizontal ,retrace) or the start of the screen (vertical retrace). The timing of the
  48. Line and the single vertical line. Below these lines is a wide space with a, horizontal ,crack dividing it. Below this crack is another group of eleven parallel lines
  49. The first and third quadrant, and all of its transformed forms have one, horizontal ,and vertical asymptote, and occupies either the 1st and 3rd or 2nd and 4th
  50. Calculate the bounce angles - animation was handled by playfield vertical and, horizontal ,scrolling tricks, the rotation animation was done with color cycling in the

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