Examples of the the word, leisure , in a Sentence Context

The word ( leisure ), is the 4623 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Reason. Though Crosby did want more time to tend his other business and, leisure ,activities, he also sought better quality through recording, including being
  2. To the opponents. Since a partnership that has freedom to bid gradually at, leisure ,can exchange more information, and since a partnership that can interfere with
  3. Quality of life, in which the citizens live in forested areas with sporting and, leisure ,structure (the superquadras) flanked by small commercial areas, bookstores
  4. Education and social services. However, there have been concerns over benefits, leisure ,services and waste collection. Although the council has one of London's lower
  5. They also reduced dependence on horses. Bicycles allowed people to travel for, leisure ,into the country, since bicycles were three times as energy efficient as
  6. New means, chattel slavery, to at least partially equalize the availability of, leisure ,between rich and poor. In the absence of reliable statistics all these
  7. Of mortality in approximately 40 % after multivariate adjustment, including, leisure , time physical activity ". Injuries (to cyclists, from cycling) can be divided
  8. Emerged in these centuries at the same time as coin collecting became a, leisure ,pursuit of a growing middle class, eager to prove their wealth and
  9. New Addington Leisure Center is also set to close but is to be re-built. A new, leisure ,center is also going to be built on the A23,southern end of Purely Way in
  10. Luxury hotels, offices,apartments of great standing, luxury stores and, leisure ,amenities. A crescent-shaped peninsula will be set up on the open sea. The
  11. Visitors tour Chicago for leisure is entertainment, approximately 33 % of all, leisure ,travelers. Facilities such as McCormick Place and the Chicago Theatre
  12. More popular with open water swimmers, who swim daily in the sea, both as a, leisure ,pursuit, and as training for open water competition. The bay provides safety
  13. The partial realization of the UIs will profoundly affect every person, his, leisure , activities,and his intellectual and artistic development. ... But the true
  14. With double-knit polyester shirt jackets with matching trousers known as the, leisure ,suit. Necklaces and medallions were a common fashion accessory. Hedonism: drug
  15. Southern end of Purely Way in Haddon. Sport Croydon, is the commercial arm for, leisure ,in the borough. Fusion currently provides leisure services for the council, a
  16. Is the commercial arm for leisure in the borough. Fusion currently provides, leisure ,services for the council, a contract previously held by Park wood Leisure.
  17. Botanical Garden),where Titan arum set a world record * Drainage (Bonn),a, leisure ,park on the banks of the Rhine * Kottenforst, a large area of protected woods
  18. He was more of an academic than a warrior, who studied law and languages in his, leisure ,time:" He was well skilled in the customary law by which the kingdom was
  19. Markets and fairs, refuse collection and recycling, cemeteries and crematoria, leisure ,services, parks,and tourism. Somerset County Council is responsible for
  20. The majority of the population was illiterate, and where those with the, leisure ,to enjoy literary works also had slaves to read for them, written texts were
  21. On Earth is banned and applicants are exclusively used for dangerous, menial or, leisure ,work on Earth's off-world colonies. Applicants who defy the ban and return to
  22. Activity associated with wealth, the ability to purchase art, and the, leisure ,required to pursue or enjoy it. The Palace of Versailles and the Hermitage in
  23. Sometimes be; process, progress,and project are sometimes pronounced, and;, leisure ,is often, harassment is sometimes. * Again and against are often pronounced
  24. Spaces in all districts, they create an important source of recreation and, leisure ,time. Sports Berlin has established a high-profile reputation as a host city of
  25. Open source, explains open source as a consequence of programmer motivation and, leisure , Organizations Parts is a former Debian Project Leader, a founder of Software
  26. An experience that is the product of an elevated class habits and scholarly, leisure ,as opposed to other possible and equally valid" aesthetic" experiences which
  27. Was improved by improvements in gas, electricity,water services, as well as in, leisure ,and public amenities. In addition, the 1947 Transport Act improved provision of
  28. Time is impossible to say. The breadth of slave ownership also meant that the, leisure ,of the rich (the small minority who were actually free of the need to work)
  29. Of Southward. The current bishop is Rt Rev Nicholas (Nick) Barnes. Sport and, leisure ,The borough has been criticized in the past for not having enough leisure
  30. Mosaic by Marc Chagall. Tourism, Chicago attracted 32.4 million domestic, leisure ,travelers,11.7 million domestic business travelers and 1.3 million overseas
  31. Consumption, rich social relationships, personal happiness, satisfying work and, leisure , In Beyond Freedom and Dignity, Skinner suggests that a technology of behavior
  32. Of land-use to another. The idea is that housing, shopping,office space, and, leisure , facilities are all provided within walking distance of each other, thus
  33. Waterways and docks is now being developed for mainly residential and, leisure ,use. Canal Estates (commonly known as bayous) are a form of subdivision
  34. Recovery. Of this time, Stoker wrote," I was naturally thoughtful, and the, leisure ,of long illness gave opportunity for many thoughts which were fruitful
  35. Professional and business services; education and health services; and, leisure ,and hospitality. In terms of output, the five largest sectors are financial
  36. As part of a condition of planning. It is proposed that it occupies one of the, leisure ,units behind the Arena facing onto the plaza with a children's playground in
  37. And leisure The borough has been criticized in the past for not having enough, leisure ,facilities, maintaining the position of Croydon as a three-star borough. At the
  38. As ecotourism, involves touring and exploration or sightseeing by bicycle for, leisure , A brevet or landowner is an organized long-distance ride. One popular Dutch
  39. Of Science and Industry. The top activity while visitors tour Chicago for, leisure ,is entertainment, approximately 33 % of all leisure travelers. Facilities such
  40. Important in religious ceremonies. The ancient Egyptians enjoyed a variety of, leisure ,activities, including games and music. Sent, a board game where pieces moved
  41. The shop's profits for 18 years. This lucrative business arrangement provided, leisure ,time for study, and in a few years he had made discoveries that gave him a
  42. Sports center was recently knocked down, and replaced by a newer more modern, leisure ,center. South Norwood Leisure Center was closed down in early 2006 so that it
  43. And its surroundings by equipping them with a retail area, and restoration and, leisure ,facilities. The first project will concentrate on the reorganization and the
  44. Smaller minibus have a lower capacity and open-top bus are typically used for, leisure ,purposes. In many new fleets, particularly in local transit systems, there is
  45. Largely lost its character as a means of obtaining food. It is now more of a, leisure ,activity linked to the mountain areas and complementary to forestry and the
  46. S playground in front. The plan is to build a 200 seat theater inside the, leisure ,unit. The biggest problem with this scheme is that it would be built in one
  47. The position of Croydon as a three-star borough. At the moment only three, leisure ,centers are open for public use and two of these are expected to be closed down
  48. Were used as weapons, returning boomerangs have been used primarily for, leisure ,or recreation. Returning boomerangs were also used as decoy birds of prey
  49. Beginning in the late 1950s,television began increasingly to dominate the, leisure ,time of the formerly large and loyal Japanese cinema audience. And as film
  50. Coat with narrow collar. Being men of presumed learning and undoubted, leisure , many of the class found admission to the houses of the French nobility as

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