Examples of the the word, bargaining , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bargaining ), is the 4620 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Benefits and recognition of labor rights through national collective, bargaining ,schemes. The social market is based on private ownership of businesses. State
  2. The federal rights of workers to organize unions, to engage in collective, bargaining , and to take part in strikes. While the First New Deal of 1933 had broad
  3. Rather that juries in the early nineteenth century (before the rise of plea, bargaining ,) were" unwitting and reflexive, generally wasteful of public resources and
  4. But the diplomat ignored the instructions and stayed in Mexico to continue, bargaining , Trust successfully negotiated the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848,which
  5. The requirement that the prosecution present a full case. This allows for plea, bargaining ,in adversarial systems in a way that is difficult or impossible in
  6. An inevitable, planetary catastrophe that there is no reasoning with, no, bargaining , with and no escaping. " The character also appeared in the limited series Beta
  7. Canada and thus cut off food supplies to the West Indies, making for a good, bargaining ,ship at the peace talks. But the invasion efforts all failed. Madison had
  8. Deregulation, through removal of subsidies, and reform of collective, bargaining , The national debt shall be reduced. The party supports globalization. In the
  9. President of the company) thought Ford had to come to some sort of collective, bargaining ,agreement with the unions, because the violence, work disruptions, and bitter
  10. Ad interim, offered to allow withdrawal of the missiles deployed in Apulia as a, bargaining ,chip. He gave the message to one of his most trusted friends, Ettore Bernabéu
  11. Respect, promote and realize freedom of association and the right to collective, bargaining , the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor, the effective
  12. Still looking for a Lennon (a great victory) in order to provide a stronger, bargaining ,position, firmly rejected Konoe's recommendation. With each passing week a
  13. Or the law of things adjacent) * Third level: Pitching and Yawing, ( or Basque, bargaining ,) * Seventh level: Apparent movement between two poles (or hot and cold) The
  14. Awards unless the award does not draw its essence from the collective, bargaining ,agreement. State and federal statutes may allow vacating an award on narrow
  15. At several games including the Prisoner's dilemma, Stag hunt, and the Nash, bargaining ,game as providing an explanation for the emergence of attitudes about morality
  16. Or all the workers in one company or industry. Trade unions and/or collective, bargaining ,were outlawed from no later than the middle of the 14th century when the
  17. Designed by the Romans were particularly heavy for Carthage, which had lost, bargaining ,power following its defeat at the Legates islands. Both sides agreed upon:
  18. Contract terms, pressed for inclusion of grievance arbitration in collective, bargaining ,agreements. The Supreme Court subsequently made labor arbitration a key aspect
  19. Fixed point theorems to establish equilibrium for noncooperative games and for, bargaining ,problems in his Ph.D. thesis. Arrow and Degree also used linear programming, as
  20. Have certain legal rights, most importantly the right to engage in collective, bargaining ,with the employer (or employers) over wages, working hours, and other terms
  21. Thinking about reform. In comparison to the UK, physicians in Germany have more, bargaining ,power through professional organizations (i.e., physician associations);
  22. Treasure on Gardeners Island, hoping to use his knowledge of its location as a, bargaining ,tool. Belmont (an investor) was away in Boston, Massachusetts. Aware of the
  23. Rights or to regulate contracts or transactions between parties of unequal, bargaining ,power. " The adversarial system (or adversary system) is a legal system where
  24. For resolving disputes over the interpretation and application of a collective, bargaining ,agreement. Species of Arbitration Commercial and other forms of contract
  25. United Hun tribes. At the time of two brothers' accession, the Hun tribes were, bargaining ,with Eastern Roman Emperor Theodosius II's envoys for the return of several.
  26. His celebrated answer:" The thicker the hay, the easier mowed! " After much, bargaining , the famine-stricken citizens agreed to pay a ransom of 5,000 pounds of gold
  27. Itself, privacy,compensation in accord with comparable worth, collective, bargaining , ( and/or its opposite) can be seen either as inalienable rights or as
  28. The fundamental rights concern freedom of association and collective, bargaining , discrimination, forced labor, and child labor. The ILL Conventions which
  29. Include a wide array of economic phenomena and approaches, such as auctions, bargaining , fair division, duopolies,oligopolies, social network formation, agent-based
  30. Notion of policing market failures and inefficiencies, such as inequalities of, bargaining ,power between a consumer and a business. As of all potential voters are also
  31. Argue that it deters crime, is a good tool for police and prosecutors (in plea, bargaining ,for example),improves the community by making sure that convicted criminals
  32. When the lack of skill necessary to perform most jobs shifted employment, bargaining ,power almost completely to the employers' side, causing many workers to be
  33. Dispute resolution may not offer the fairest way for parties not in an equal, bargaining ,relationship, for example in a dispute between a consumer and a large
  34. Excellent draftman. He was a rather poor businessman, and especially hated, bargaining ,and negotiating terms with those who sought to utilize the steam engine. Until
  35. Trade union affairs by dissuading trade union members to engage in collective, bargaining ,; and vilification campaign against WSU members and families to the detriment
  36. Of the opposition, Reagan gave every indication that SDI would not be used as a, bargaining ,chip and that the United States would do all in its power to build the system.
  37. Betrothal to the seven-month-old Mary, Queen of Scots. The Scots were in a weak, bargaining ,position after their defeat at Sol way Moss the previous November, and Henry
  38. Members are still an important benefit of trade union membership. * Collective, bargaining ,: Where trade unions are able to operate openly and are recognized by employers
  39. Arbitration, wherein a neutral arbitrator decides the terms of the collective, bargaining ,agreement, is commonly known as interest arbitration. The United Steelworkers
  40. National congress, banned union activities, prohibited strikes and collective, bargaining , and erased the Allende administration's agrarian and economic reforms. The
  41. Arbitration to resolve employee and union grievances arising under a collective, bargaining ,agreement. The Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America made arbitration a
  42. As Graham team owner Bernie Ecclestone started to marshal the collective, bargaining ,power of the Formula One Constructors Association (FOCAL),Monaco was
  43. For the achievement of numerous incremental improvements via the collective, bargaining ,process. As the war drew to a close, two competing visions for the post-war
  44. The first groups to successfully advance their conditions through this kind of, bargaining , The main method the unions used to effect change was strike action. Many
  45. S task. This ironically resulted in a position which was essentially a, bargaining ,tool for Jinnah to gain greater concessions becoming an end in itself.
  46. Tariffs, taxation reforms, changing from centralized wage-fixing to enterprise, bargaining , the privatization of Qantas and Commonwealth Bank, and deregulating the
  47. However, Secretary of State Cordell Hull and Roosevelt had no intention of, bargaining ,from this draft. Throughout the next six months, Konoe continued to hope that
  48. Made in the Flood case, the owners had no choice but to accept the collective, bargaining ,package offered by the ML BPA, and the reserve clause was effectively ended, too
  49. Bolster the military of both nobility and the church. By the time of Henry IV, bargaining ,by the peasants for the benefit of the group was the norm. Gregorian Reform The
  50. Union to act as a mediator for a negotiated surrender, but not before Japan's, bargaining ,position had been improved by repulse of the anticipated Allied invasion of

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