Examples of the the word, authorization , in a Sentence Context

The word ( authorization ), is the 4621 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Disclosing secret information or transferring money without the victim's, authorization , A solution to XSS vulnerabilities is to use HTML escaping whenever displaying
  2. Started work on repealing the ban by inserting language into the 2011 defense, authorization ,bill. During President Obama's State of the Union Address on January 27, 2010
  3. The newly founded and active Franciscan order. These preaching friars, with the, authorization ,of Gregory IX, adopted (with some modifications,e.g. the substitution of the
  4. Of the King of Hungary would never be excommunicated without his special, authorization , On 20 August 1233,Andrew had a meeting with the legate of Pope Gregory IX in
  5. Cited five independent studies and offered an amendment to that year's defense, authorization ,bill to cap production of the bombers to the existing 21 aircraft. The
  6. Service and included such provisions for award criteria. The current statutory, authorization ,for the Distinguished Service Medal is Title 10,United States Code, Section
  7. Money transfers. Australia operates both electronic credit card transaction, authorization ,and traditional EFTPOS debit card authorization systems, the difference between
  8. Management to one or more of its members. The following operations require the, authorization ,of the supervisory board or the deliberation of the administrative board: * any
  9. Accolade. In 2001,the Argentine Football Association (AFA) asked FIFA for, authorization ,to retire the jersey number 10 for Maradona. FIFA did not grant the request
  10. Credit card transaction authorization and traditional EFTPOS debit card, authorization ,systems, the difference between the two being that EFTPOS transactions are
  11. May belong to the computer insecurity article: * Access, authorization ,restricts access to a computer to group of users through the use of
  12. Of judicial review has not been constituted until 2010,despite statutory, authorization , After the end of the Civil War the regime came under pressure from within as
  13. Six US cruise missiles armed with nuclear warheads are flown without proper, authorization ,from Minot Air Force Base to Barksdale Air Force Base. Births *1434 – Janus
  14. Possible uses include security monitoring, alerting,statistics gathering and, authorization , Most modern relational databases include active database features in the form
  15. One difficulty in using online debit cards is the necessity of an electronic, authorization ,device at the point of sale (POS) and sometimes also a separate PIN pad to
  16. Court with powers of judicial review was never constituted despite statutory, authorization , In practice, power was more and more concentrated in the hands of the
  17. Capitulation de Toledo" law in which King Charles I of Spain had laid out his, authorization ,for the conquest of Peru and the awards every conquistador would receive from
  18. Security model therefore offers confidentiality and authentication, but limited, authorization ,capabilities, and no non-repudiation. GSM uses several cryptographic algorithms
  19. Certain sections, including the entirety of Psalm 58. General Synod gave final, authorization ,to the revision in 1962,to coincide with the 300th anniversary of the 1662
  20. Common Prayer separately from the English version in 1918,which received final, authorization ,from General Synod in 1922. The revision of 1959 was much more substantial
  21. All decoding of encrypted programming signals, followed by an exception where, authorization ,is received from the person holding the lawful right in Canada to transmit and
  22. Prohibits any foreign fishing company to fish in this zone without governmental, authorization , However, since Gabon has no patrol boats, foreign trawlers (especially French
  23. To the execution, i. e., the carrying out, of a death warrant, which is an, authorization ,to a sheriff, prison warden, or other official to put a named person to death.
  24. Central America, Alvarado had set sail for the south without the crown's, authorization , landed on the Ecuadorian coast, and marched inland to the Sierra. Most of
  25. A limited number of circumstances concerning national security, may request an, authorization ,from the commission for wiretaps (in other circumstances, wiretaps may only be
  26. Embed International. Online Debit System Online debit cards require electronic, authorization ,of every transaction and the debits are reflected in the user’s account
  27. To export cryptographic software using key lengths greater than 64-bits without, authorization ,from the U. S. Bureau of Industry and Security),but it became easier to gain
  28. John F. Kennedy, per Executive Order 11046 dated 24 August 1962,to expand the, authorization ,to include those serving with friendly forces. This allowed for awards where U.
  29. Orders the arrest of Army Chief of Staff General Along Seung-hwa without, authorization ,from President Choir Kyushu, alleging involvement in the assassination of
  30. Monetary rewards of up to $5 million, or now, in some cases more, upon special, authorization ,by the United States Secretary of State, to individuals who provide information
  31. Massachusetts, who favored modification (but ultimately voted for the defense, authorization ,bill with the gay ban language),and retired Republican Senator Barry
  32. Brands from popular culture have been turned into Doom Wads by fans (without, authorization ,), including Aliens, Star Wars, The X-Files, The Simpsons, South Park, Sailor
  33. And their short life expectancies, allowed them certain privileges, such as the, authorization ,to wear beards. The current pioneer unit of the foreign legion reintroduced the
  34. i.e. the money is withdrawn from their account immediately following the, authorization ,request from the merchant, which in many countries, is the case when making an
  35. Nationale informative et liberties (CNIL) ); public services must request, authorization ,from it before establishing a file with personal information, and they must
  36. From the U. S. Bureau of Industry and Security),but it became easier to gain, authorization ,to export to certain countries in 1999/2000. When the Data Encryption Standard
  37. A notice to the developers and the caring maintainer (so that their upload, authorization ,can be revoked). Development procedures Software packages in development are
  38. Railroad (the Pacific Railway Acts),the National Banking Act and the, authorization ,of United States Notes by the Legal Tender Act of 1862. The Revenue Act of 1861
  39. Using the" credit" ( offline debit) option, the transaction merely places an, authorization ,hold on the customer's account; funds are not actually withdrawn until the
  40. That several manufacturers had falsified data submitted in seeking FDA, authorization ,to market certain generic drugs. Vitrine Pharmaceuticals of New York, which
  41. Public awareness of postage stamps carried by the astronauts without, authorization , who had made plans to sell them upon their return. Crew All three astronauts
  42. No-retreat order and ordered a general retreat. Early on 5 November he received, authorization ,by Hitler to withdraw,12 hours after his decision to do so—but it was far too
  43. For posting four stories to the newsgroup" alt. Binaries. E-book" without, authorization , The other defendants were AOL and Remark, internet service providers whose
  44. Order 9419 dated 4 February 1944,retroactive to 7 December 1941. This, authorization ,was announced in War Department Bulletin No. 3,dated 10 February 1944. The
  45. Overlordship. Discords with his son The junior King Bela IV started, with the, authorization ,of Pope Honors III, to take back the royal domains in his provinces that
  46. Days of BASE jumping, the Service issued permits under which jumpers could get, authorization ,to jump from El Capitan. This program ran for three months in 1980 and then
  47. Which states:" No person shall, except under and in accordance with a radio, authorization , install, operate or possess radio apparatus, other than (b)a radio apparatus
  48. Contains an agent's January 1961 letter regarding a Mayo Clinic request of, authorization ,to tell Hemingway that having entered the clinic under an assumed name, which
  49. Because they often have different processes, business rules, data semantics, authorization ,hierarchies and decision centers. This may require migrating some business
  50. Emergency employment of electronic surveillance before obtaining the necessary, authorization ,from the FISA court, after which the Attorney General or his designee must

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