Examples of the the word, congregation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( congregation ), is the 4606 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 15th century. The union was confirmed by Pope Paul V in 1606,at which time the, congregation ,added the name of St. Barnabas to its title, adopted new constitutions, divided
  2. Bishop is an expressive name for a Minister of Word and Sacrament who serves a, congregation ,and exercises" the oversight of the flock of Christ. " The term is traceable
  3. Chapel, at which Theophilus Lindsey drew together the first avowedly Unitarian, congregation ,in England; this was somewhat politically risky, and pushed religious tolerance
  4. Puritans. The family attended the old South Church, the most liberal Puritan, congregation ,in Boston, where Benjamin Franklin was baptized in 1706. Franklin’s father, a
  5. Namesake of Mercer University. UK In 1612,Thomas Helps established a Baptist, congregation ,in London, consisting of congregants from Smyth's church. A number of others
  6. Led Smith to go into exile in Amsterdam with fellow Separatists from the, congregation ,he had gathered in Lincolnshire, separate from the established church (
  7. Singing of the Canticles, and it is the only part of the services in which the, congregation ,is required to turn and face the front of the church building, if they are
  8. Whether the Providence or Newport church deserved the place of 'first' Baptist, congregation ,in America. Exact records for both congregation s are lacking. " The Great
  9. Qualification for membership Most Baptists define their church membership as a, congregation ,of baptized believers in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. The primary external
  10. District. *Sri Visa Vienna Vida Adhyatmika Bentham is a theosophical, congregation ,based on the principles of oneness of God, and discovering divinity in the self
  11. On a Sabbath in September 1304,the letter was to be read before the, congregation , when Jacob Machine Don Profit Ribbon, the renowned astronomical and
  12. Service. Anglican churches tend to have pews or chairs, and it is usual for the, congregation ,to kneel for some prayers but to stand for hymns and other parts of the service
  13. The Corinthian Church which had, apparently,been deposed and replaced by the, congregation ,on its own initiative. In this context, Clement explicitly states that the
  14. 1545-1547,Augsburg In 1545 he became minister of the Italian Protestant, congregation ,at Augsburg. From this time dates his contact with Caspar Schwenckfeld. He was
  15. At the cathedral. He has a powerful way of speaking, and he insists to the, congregation ,that the plague is a scourge sent by God to those who have hardened their
  16. Anointing. It may be part of a worship service with the full assembly of the, congregation ,present, but may also be done in more private settings, such as homes or
  17. Chapels to conduct their own services. The oldest English-language church, congregation ,in the world outside the United Kingdom is found at the Begijnhof. Regular
  18. Was any music accompanying the verses, and it may have been chanted by the, congregation ,without music. It debuted in print in 1779 in Newton and Cowper's Olney Hymns
  19. The First Baptist Church in the City of New York (1891),built for a Baptist, congregation ,in New York since 1762. The road heads north passing such important apartment
  20. Amazing Grace ", an " unashamedly middlebrow lyricist writing for a lowbrow, congregation ,", noting that only twenty-one of the words used in all six verses have more
  21. Made converts for six months at Burka, on Lake Maclaren. They organized a small, congregation ,there with the king's steward, Hergeir, as its most prominent member. In 831
  22. Gifts in preaching Jesus persuasively made him an important person in the, congregation ,at Corinth, Greece after Paul's first visit there. He was with Paul at a later
  23. Their houses, scattered throughout Lombardy and Venetian, were united into a, congregation ,by St Pius V, under the Rule of St Augustine with a mother-house, residence of
  24. Of the Louisiana Supreme Court * Gerald Archie Man gun — Pastor of the largest, congregation ,in the city * Chris Roy, Jr. - State representative from Rapids and Vernon
  25. My chariot of fire" inspired the title of the film Chariots of Fire. A church, congregation ,sings" Jerusalem" at the close of the film and a performance appears on the
  26. And testifying became an integral component to these meetings, where a, congregation ,member or even a stranger would rise and recount his turn from a sinful life to
  27. Apostles, and they may have been ordained by self-ordination, or appointed by a, congregation , " Church planting" is seen as a key role of these present-day apostles. Those
  28. Alone as the rule of faith and practice, and the autonomy of the local, congregation , Baptists recognize two ministerial offices, pastors and deacons. Baptist
  29. The death of Ben Are, and in letter 132 he sends words of sympathy to the, congregation ,of Perpignan, on the death of Don Vidal Solomon (the Mari) and Rabbi
  30. Of prior who was then instituted by the Archbishop of Milan. The priests of the, congregation ,undertook preaching and other tasks of the ministry but were not allowed to
  31. For not attending the state churches was that these institutions forbade the, congregation ,to exercise spiritual gifts according to" the Christian order as taught in the
  32. And Lutheran Churches, both being written for a trained choir and not for the, congregation , it is as a musical form essentially English in its origin and development. The
  33. Met with the approval of Ben Are. Accordingly, Ben Are addressed to the, congregation ,of Montpellier a letter, signed by fifteen other rabbis, proposing to issue a
  34. Your Lord? 6. The Apostles' Creed is then recited by candidates, sponsors and, congregation , each section of the Creed being an answer to the celebrant's question,'Do
  35. However, the consecrated bread and wine are always offered together to the, congregation ,in a Eucharistic service (" Communion in Both Kinds" ). This practice is
  36. Was the cult statue in a shrine. Temples were not places of public worship or, congregation , and only on select feast days and celebrations was a shrine carrying the
  37. Any formal bond between them. In 1441 Pope Eugene IV merged them into one, congregation ,called" Congregation Anti Ambrosia ad Nexus ", made the original house the
  38. Of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Bishop is the leader of a local, congregation , called a ward. As with most Mormon priesthood, the bishop is a part-time lay
  39. As pastor of the Italian church at Zürich, which Chino accepted. The Italian, congregation ,at Zürich was composed principally of refugees from Locarno. There for 10 years
  40. Be written by hand on parchment, and a printed book would not do, though the, congregation ,may use printed prayer books, and printed copies of the Scriptures are used for
  41. To be a valuable helper in carrying on his work in the important Corinthian, congregation , In harmony with Paul's notices are the statements in Acts that Apollos was a
  42. In America, the conservative Missouri Synod places its church authority in the, congregation ,rather than in the bishop, though its founder, C. F. W. Walther, while
  43. Asking members to do so),but is expected to be a spiritual guide for his, congregation , It is therefore believed that he has both the right and ability to receive
  44. It requires him either to deny everything or believe everything. He urges the, congregation ,not to give up the struggle but to do everything possible to fight the plague.
  45. To be baptized well in advance of a planned baptismal event, to allow for, congregation ,elders to assess their suitability. Elders approve candidates for baptism if
  46. Bishop is used in the same way as pastor, to refer to the leader of the local, congregation , and may be male or female. This usage is especially common in African American
  47. First president John Pryor, were members of the First Baptist Church Halifax, congregation , Similarly, the adjacent Colville United Baptist Church plays a significant
  48. Nor prophesying, who can or will regard or confess the same to be a spiritual, congregation , or confess according to 1 Corinthians 14 that God is dwelling and operating in
  49. The rigid self-abnegation, which was the ruling principle of this reformed, congregation ,of the Benedictine order, extended itself to the churches and other buildings
  50. The Order of St. Benedict (O. S. B.) * An abbot president is the head of a, congregation ,(federation) of abbeys within the Order of St. Benedict (for instance, the

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