Examples of the the word, governmental , in a Sentence Context

The word ( governmental ), is the 4618 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Selected by the Peace Implementation Council. The High Representative has many, governmental ,and legislative powers, including the dismissal of elected and non-elected
  2. Coming from South Africa. Botswana has in turn put in place plans through, governmental ,expansion of the Couple power station, as well as encouraging private
  3. In March 1781. Under the Articles, the states retained sovereignty over all, governmental ,functions not specifically relinquished to the national government. On June 12
  4. Service includes political parties, interest groups, religious organizations and, governmental ,agencies. Nonprofit organizations may rely on free modes of persuasion, such as
  5. Dependent upon the Abdul. It is possible that the Abdul adopted many of the, governmental ,practices of the Romans, such as the electing of magistrates and other
  6. Management ", pointing to his slashing of public service jobs as a Queensland, governmental ,advisor. Structure The Australian Labor Party is a democratic and federal party
  7. Treaty left the United States independent and at peace but with an unsettled, governmental ,structure. The Articles envisioned a permanent confederation, but granted to
  8. Within its own political-administrative statute and organic law. Its, governmental ,organs include: the Legislative Assembly, a unicameral parliament composed of
  9. However, the Spanish had kept a nominal (although largely ignored), governmental , presence in the region, based out of Mobile. When Andrew Jackson's forces
  10. Bank pursues it through secondary legislation, controls and cooperation with, governmental ,authorities. Following reform in 2005,which was prompted by takeover scandals
  11. Assault, arson,and bombing. Anti-abortion violence has been classified by, governmental ,and scholarly sources as terrorism. Only a small fraction of those opposed to
  12. Wesley's atonement is a hybrid of the penal substitution theory and the, governmental ,theory of Hugo Grotius, a lawyer and one of the Remonstrants. Steven Harper
  13. Tradeoffs between the environment and development. Some of the most effective, governmental ,action in the environmental area has occurred at the state and local levels in
  14. By 1774 each colony had established a Provincial Congress, or an equivalent, governmental ,institution, to govern itself, but still within the empire. The British
  15. Also nineteen Persian loan-words in the book, most of them having to do with, governmental ,positions. Judea was under Persian administration for two centuries until the
  16. Was called a" Veil" ( saint). He also traced a reform policy, followed the, governmental ,administrations closely and worked with statesmen. When Abdulhamid came to the
  17. To convey the divine power of Allah, the majesty of the Ottoman Sultan, and the, governmental ,authority of the Ottoman State. Sports The city has one professional football
  18. Religious freedom independent of the state was unthinkable to both clerical and, governmental ,leaders. Religious liberty was equated with anarchy; Kropotkin traces the birth
  19. To antisemitism. There have been a number of efforts by international and, governmental ,bodies to define antisemitism formally. The U. S. Department of State defines
  20. Cultural, and international dimensions. Waldorf schools receive full or partial, governmental ,funding in some European nations, Australia and in parts of the United States (
  21. Aircraft provided data which led first to news reports and then to a number of, governmental ,and inter- governmental investigations. Advertising is a form of communication
  22. Major oil producer and exporter, having recently made huge oil discoveries. The, governmental ,agencies responsible for the energy policy are the Ministry of Mines and Energy
  23. Of America (February 4,1861),with Jefferson Davis as president, and a, governmental ,structure closely modeled on the U. S. Constitution. Following the attack on
  24. The Military Committee of Recovery for National Progress as the supreme, governmental ,authority, thus eradicating the 1977 constitution. Colonel Zero also
  25. While administrative decision-making bodies are often controlled by larger, governmental ,units, their decisions could be reviewed by a court of general jurisdiction
  26. He gave Standard Oil as an example). Anarcho-capitalists also oppose, governmental ,restrictions on banking. They, like all Austrian economists, believe that
  27. Are recognized with an air operating certificate or license issued by a, governmental ,aviation body. Airlines vary from those with a single aircraft carrying mail or
  28. Move from Austin to Houston to Washington-on-the-Brazos. Without the, governmental ,body, Austin’s population declined to an alarming low of only a few hundred
  29. Jews for reasons connected to their Jewish heritage. According to a 2005 U. S., governmental ,report, antisemitism is" hatred toward Jews—individually and as a group—that
  30. Any sort of coercion. Furthermore, this Baptist polity calls for freedom from, governmental ,control. Exceptions to this local form of local governance include a few
  31. From contamination. Alternative medicine products are not subject to the same, governmental ,quality control standards, and consistency between doses can vary. This leads
  32. That their bishops should obey him, apparently believing that more of the Roman, governmental ,and ecclesiastical organization survived in the Britain than was actually the
  33. Advocacy group Air travel * Airline Deregulation Act, a 1978 US bill removing, governmental ,control from commercial aviation Computing * Ada (programming language),a
  34. In regulation acceptance testing, a system is tested to ensure it meets, governmental , legal and safety standards.; Alpha and beta testing: Alpha testing takes place
  35. Triumvirate, Octavian restored the outward facade of the Roman Republic, with, governmental , power vested in the Roman Senate, but in practice retained his autocratic power
  36. After gaining independence from France in 1960,the country underwent many, governmental ,changes until arriving at its current form, a semi-presidential republic. The
  37. Charities such as Mahboba's Promise assist orphans in association with, governmental ,structures. Education in the country includes K-12 and Higher Education, which
  38. United Kingdom In October 2006,the Department for Culture, Media and Sport,a, governmental ,department, authored a document:" Understanding the Future: Priorities for
  39. Serious problems include the state's role in the economy, the question of, governmental ,transparency, and debt reduction. To protest the 1996 coup by President Pierre
  40. Elect, while most Wesleyan Arminians would maintain that the substitution was, governmental ,in nature. Differences * Nature of election – Arminians hold that election to
  41. And grammar As in most English-speaking countries, there is no official, governmental ,regulator or overseer of correct spelling and grammar. The Macquarie Dictionary
  42. S seat of government and commercial center, Adelaide is the site of many, governmental ,and financial institutions. Most of these are concentrated in the city center
  43. The nature of its legal work, the ACLU is often involved in litigation against, governmental ,bodies, which are generally protected from adverse monetary judgments: a town
  44. Morality; beliefs on the responsibility, ethical scope, and proper extent of, governmental ,authorities in public policy; and on the rights and responsibilities of the
  45. To defuse tensions between the French and British communities, and implemented, governmental ,systems similar to those employed in Britain, with the intention of asserting
  46. This has resulted in a BE approaching 1,000 instead of the value used in, governmental ,regulations. The largest natural contributor to public radiation dose is radon
  47. They do not meet ICAO standards, and advance approval from the respective, governmental ,or non governmental operating organization is required for landing (1999 est. )
  48. Boards Much national policy in Japan has been developed out of the action of, governmental ,advisory boards, known as Shanghai/審議会 in Japanese. One such committee
  49. Dispute. Speer joined the Nazi Party in 1931,launching him on a political and, governmental ,career which lasted fourteen years. His architectural skills made him
  50. Energy Agency established in 2005 by the autonomous government, is a new, governmental ,organ charged with the development of energy policy and provision of a

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