Examples of the the word, firearm , in a Sentence Context

The word ( firearm ), is the 4624 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Have a selective-fire option, which is a mechanical switch that allows the, firearm ,be fired either in the semi-automatic or fully automatic mode. In the current
  2. Autoloader" or" self-loading" are preferred when referring to a, firearm ,that fires only one shot per trigger pull. Prior to the 19th century, all
  3. Magazine that holds multiple cartridges. A magazine is defined as a part of the, firearm ,which exists to store ammunition and assist in its feeding by the action into
  4. Recoil hack removes any recoil (and thus improves accuracy) from a player's, firearm , * No spread is used to remove the random deviation normally experienced when
  5. On horseback yet still fought as foot soldiers, is derived from their early, firearm , the" dragon ", a wide-bore musket that spat flame when it fired, and was thus
  6. Of more than one crewman, just like artillery guns. Generally, an automatic, firearm ,designed for a single user is referred to as an automatic rifle. Other terms
  7. Inches. In metric units 1 MOA at 100 meters = 2.908 centimeters. Sometimes,a, firearm ,'s accuracy will be measured in MOA. This simply means that under ideal
  8. Kurt. The resultant rifle was the Sturmgewehr 44 (StG44). An earlier, firearm , the Italian Cei-Rigotti combined similar features but suffered poor
  9. Presentation boxes of Breitling watches and sometimes as a substitute for metal, firearm ,magazines. Bakelite is also used in the mounting of metal samples in
  10. M1943). A particular requirement of the competition was the reliability of the, firearm ,in the muddy, wet,and frozen conditions of the Soviet front line. Kalashnikov
  11. Periodically be partially disassembled, cleaned and lubricated to ensure the, firearm ,'s reliability. Firearms may sometimes be referred to as small arms. Small arms
  12. Rifle" in the next section) Automatic weapons An automatic weapon is a, firearm ,capable of firing multiple rounds with one pull of the trigger. The Gatling gun
  13. i. e., each time a cartridge is fired, the operator must manually re-cock the, firearm ,and load another cartridge. The classic single-barreled shotgun is a good
  14. Next round with each trigger pull is considered a semi-automatic or autoloading, firearm , An automatic (or" fully automatic" ) firearm is one that automatically
  15. Well. An automatic pistol fires one shot per trigger pull, unlike an automatic, firearm ,such as a machine gun, which fires as long as the trigger is held down and
  16. Be used as a club. It is also possible to strike someone with the barrel of a, firearm ,or grasp it by the barrel or grip and strike someone with the butt, which is
  17. Semi-automatic or autoloading firearm . An automatic (or" fully automatic" ), firearm ,is one that automatically re-cocks, reloads,and fires as long as the trigger
  18. Hunting rifles and all revolvers, are internal to and inseparable from the, firearm , and are loaded by using a clip, which is a device that holds the ammunition by
  19. Is sometimes made between the projectile itself as the weapon and the, firearm ,as a weapons platform. In some cases, the firearm can be used directly as a
  20. Fire arm ". Although the modern term 'gun' is often used as a synonym for, firearm , in specialist or military use it has a restricted sense referring only to an
  21. From cast bronze. Several centuries later, in late Dark Age Europe, the term ", firearm ," was used in Old English to denote the arm in which the match was held that
  22. Shotgun, and most bolt-action rifles are good examples of repeating firearm s. A, firearm ,that automatically re-cocks and reloads the next round with each trigger pull
  23. Another cartridge. The classic single-barreled shotgun is a good example. A, firearm ,that can load multiple cartridges as the firearm is re-cocked is considered a "
  24. As inside buildings, in urban areas or in trench complexes. A related class of, firearm ,is the" Personal Defense Weapon" or PDW, which is in the simplest terms a
  25. Only concealed handguns in public except when hunting, since an unconcealed, firearm ,could attract undue attention, and could therefore be less secure. However,42
  26. Rifles and shotguns are manually cycled by shuttling the foregrip of the, firearm ,back and forth. This type of action is typically used by shotguns, but several
  27. Glock 17 or 19 to aid in their next qualification. New agents are issued their, firearm ,with which they qualify, upon successful completion of their training at the
  28. By the rim of the case and is designed to assist the shooter in reloading the, firearm ,'s magazine. Examples include revolver speed loaders and the clip used to store
  29. A single user is referred to as an automatic rifle. Other terms, including ", firearm ," itself, have been defined in specialized ad hoc ways by various legislation.
  30. Projectile and casing are generally a single piece that is launched from the, firearm , Some short-range naval guns use cased ammunition, but many battleships and
  31. Sniper attack is slightly more than... History The earliest depiction of a, firearm ,is a sculpture from a cave in Sichuan, China. The sculpture dates to the 12th
  32. Year-numbering system Military *Accidental discharge, the mistaken firing of a, firearm ,*Active duty, a status of full duty or service, usually referencing full
  33. That in the 1940s industrial processes were much cruder than today, so a, firearm ,needed great amounts of semi-artisanal work to be fine-tuned and be actually
  34. Is a building, often with high towers and domes, where Muslims go to worship. A, firearm ,is a weapon that launches one, or many, projectile (s) at high velocity
  35. The one ahead of it was ignited. It was neither a very reliable nor popular, firearm , but it enabled a form of" automatic" fire long before the advent of the
  36. Century and early 18th century. The name is possibly derived from a type of, firearm ,(called a dragon) carried by dragoons of the French Army. There is no
  37. Black powder) were generally separate components used in a muzzle-loading, firearm ,such as a rifle, pistol,or cannon. Sometimes for convenience a suitable amount
  38. Freeman Dyson, English-born American physicist * 1923 – Uriel Gal, Israeli, firearm , designer (d. 2002) * 1923 – Valentin Varennikov, Russian general and
  39. Residue. These waste products can interfere with the internal functions of the, firearm , As a result, regularly used firearm s must periodically be partially
  40. Title 26,Subtitle E, Chapter 53,Subchapter B, Part 1,§ 5845 as:" ... any, firearm ,which shoots ... automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, by
  41. As iron sights. Modern crossbow sights often use similar technology to modern, firearm ,sights such red dot sights, and telescopic sights. Many crossbow scopes feature
  42. Modern long guns are either rifles or shotguns. Historically, a long smooth bore, firearm ,was known as a musket. A rifle has a rifled barrel that fires single bullets
  43. And, before the firing mechanism was perfected, the very high risk posed by the, firearm ,to the person attempting to fire it. One interesting solution to the reloading
  44. Smooth-bored long guns) were among the first small arms developed. The, firearm ,was loaded through the muzzle with gunpowder, optionally some wadding and then
  45. All automatic firearm s. Submachine gun A submachine gun is a magazine-fed, firearm , usually smaller than other automatic firearm s, that fires pistol-caliber
  46. The wall were criminals and needed to be shot:" Do not hesitate to use your, firearm , not even when the border is breached in the company of women and children
  47. Receipt, or a Finnish Depositary Receipt * Gunshot residue, also known as, firearm ,discharge residue * First Data Resources, a US financial transaction services
  48. Itself as the weapon and the firearm as a weapons platform. In some cases,the, firearm ,can be used directly as a weapon without firing a projectile, although this is
  49. Multiple cartridges as the firearm is re-cocked is considered a" repeating, firearm ," or simply a" repeater ". A lever-action rifle, a pump-action shotgun, and
  50. Shotgun is a good example. A firearm that can load multiple cartridges as the, firearm ,is re-cocked is considered a" repeating firearm " or simply a" repeater ". A

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