Examples of the the word, resign , in a Sentence Context

The word ( resign ), is the 4616 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. On 28 September 1878 the Finance Minister, Koloman von Well, threatened to, resign ,if the army, behind which stood the Archduke Albert, were allowed to advance to
  2. Affair, the Fantasy Gardens scandal which forced Premier Bill Wander Calm to, resign ,and ended the Social Credit era, the Bingo gate scandal which brought down NDP
  3. His dog on Exmoor; the hitman only shot the dog, Rinka. Thorpe was forced to, resign ,due to his clandestine gay affairs, but was acquitted of conspiracy to murder.
  4. Acting as president since March 25, 2008,when his predecessor was forced to, resign ,for" failing to exercise proper fiduciary responsibility" while making "
  5. The alleged scandal named Casino gate which drove NDP Premier Glen Clark to, resign , A variety of scandals have plagued the current Liberal government, but with
  6. Metaphysical reality, what must be the response of individuals? Should they, resign ,themselves to it, accept it as inevitable, and seek what solace they can as
  7. Judges subsequently appointed will serve until the age of 70,unless they, resign ,or are removed for cause. Appointments made 5 years after the initial
  8. Led to one of the quickest free falls in major sports history. He was forced to, resign ,his managing general partner post in the late summer of 2004. In a 2004
  9. Later into the Royal Society of London. In 1729 declining health obliged him to, resign ,the chairs of chemistry and botany; and he died, after a lingering and painful
  10. Multiple corruption scandals that rocked his cabinet, forcing some members to, resign ,their posts. In 2006 Lula regained part of his popularity and ran for
  11. His authority ... to ... remove him from office. " Sharon initially refused to, resign ,as Defense Minister and Prime Minister Menace Being refused to fire him.
  12. Stage. After a resurgence of gas protests in 2005,Carlos Mesa attempted to, resign ,in January 2005,but his offer was refused by Congress. On 22 March 2005,after
  13. Sale of honors amongst other grievances, and Lloyd George was forced to, resign , The Conservatives came back to power under Boar Law and then Stanley Baldwin.
  14. Prime minister who appoints and dismisses them. In turn the prime minister will, resign ,if the government loses the confidence of the parliament (or a part of it).
  15. Holding hands (Baltic Way). * 1989 – 1,645 Australian domestic airline pilots, resign ,after the airlines threaten to fire them and sue them over a dispute. *1990 –
  16. Pro-democracy protest against president Hangman Rhee, eventually forcing him to, resign , *1961 – The Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba ends in success for the defenders.
  17. Secretary, John Morley. This intrigue finally led Harcourt and Morley to, resign ,their positions in 1898 as they continued to be at loggerheads with Robbery
  18. Also formally deposed Benedict XIII of the Avignon line, but he refused to, resign , Afterwards, Pope Martin V was elected and was accepted everywhere except in
  19. The opponent, chess games do not have to end in checkmate — either player may, resign ,which is a win for the other player. It is considered bad etiquette to continue
  20. Drug use. Congressman Cliff Stairs said in December 2007 that Selim should, resign ,because of use of performance enhancing drugs in baseball during his tenure.
  21. National Movement government attempted unsuccessfully to force Cochran to, resign , Cochran was successful in riding out the unrest. In May 2000,Android
  22. Managing the state budget, and maintaining law and order. The Council must, resign ,if the National Assembly passes a vote of no confidence in the Council or the
  23. Family resided, owed an allegiance to the British crown which he could never, resign ,or lose, except by act of parliament or by the recognition of the independence
  24. Canceled the second round of elections. It forced then-president Bendjedid to, resign ,and banned all political parties based on religion (including the Islamic
  25. All counts. The last remaining claimant in Avignon, Benedict XIII, refused to, resign ,and was excommunicated. Martin V was elected as new pope in 1417. Fossa, as he
  26. Statesman of the party, Goldwater successfully urged President Richard Nixon to, resign ,when evidence of a cover-up in the Watergate scandal became overwhelming and
  27. However, compelled the newly appointed royal officials in Massachusetts to, resign ,or to seek refuge in Boston. Lieutenant General Thomas Gage, the British North
  28. No matter where the death take place, are reserved in Curia. The prelates could, resign ,their office in favor of others. Formerly these offices as well as those of
  29. Her son. Consequently, Claudius broke off the engagement and forced Sinus to, resign ,from public office. Sinus committed suicide on the day that Agrippina married
  30. And demanded that either he or Chief Engineer Harrison" Stormy" Storms, resign , Atwood elected to fire Storms. On the NASA side, Joseph Shea became unfit for
  31. Complexities and had to be withdrawn. Soon after, Ellenborough was forced to, resign ,over an entirely separate matter involving the current Governor-General, Lord
  32. Commander of the Egyptian army, Sir Herbert Kitchener, immediately offered to, resign , Comer strongly supported Kitchener and pressed the Derive and prime minister
  33. The latter of whom was Plato's successor at the Academy and who offered to, resign ,to take up the post. In the end, Philip offered the job to Aristotle, who
  34. With the Presidency. Terms of initial appointees are 5 years, unless they, resign ,or are removed for cause by consensus of the other judges. Once appointed
  35. In East Tennessee. A Unionist, he was the only Southern senator not to, resign , He became the most prominent War Democrat from the South and supported Lincoln
  36. The Guardian, resulting in Aiken being only the third person to have to, resign ,from the Privy Council in the 20th century. (1995) * Bernie Ecclestone was
  37. Help. I was translating both of you. " In 1948,Pasternak advised Ivinskaya to, resign ,her job at Navy Mir, which was becoming extremely difficult due to their
  38. Institute (EAI). On June 22, 2004,Lomborg announced his decision to, resign ,from this post to go back to the University of Aarhus, saying his work at the
  39. Scandal, Richard Nixon becomes the first President of the United States to, resign ,from office. His Vice President, Gerald Ford, becomes president. *1988 – Wayne
  40. Use the no-confidence vote to force the chancellor or any cabinet member to, resign , In March 1933,one month after the Reichstag fire, parliament ceded its powers
  41. The Arizona Governor Evan Mecca as" hardheaded" and called on him to, resign , and two years later stated that the Republican Party had been taken over by a
  42. The so-called" Kirribilli agreement" or" Kirribilli accord" ) to, resign ,in favor of Keating some time after winning the 1990 election. After Keating
  43. McLetchie, leader of the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party is forced to, resign ,after claiming the highest taxi expenses of any MSP. These included personal
  44. The prime minister’s plan of government and may force the prime minister to, resign ,through a majority vote of no-confidence. However, if the National Assembly
  45. MP. * Keith Van, Peter Anderson and the Hindu brothers. Anderson forced to, resign ,again due to misleading statements. (2001) * Jo Moore, within an hour of the
  46. After Australia took a 1–0 lead in the first two Tests, Botham was forced to, resign ,or was sacked (depending on the source). Rarely surprisingly agreed to be
  47. Supported by the opposition parties – keeps claiming that Matisse has to, resign , In January 1997,however, the Bangui Agreements were signed and the French
  48. Art Noumea architect Henry van de Verde. When van de Verde was forced to, resign ,in 1915 because he was Belgian, he suggested Gropius, Hermann Oboist and August
  49. Doug Drake were expected to command salaries too high for Pittsburgh to, resign ,them. San Francisco Giants (1993–2000) In 1993,Bonds left the Pirates to
  50. Labor government won a wafer-thin majority. Thorpe was subsequently forced to, resign ,after allegations about his private life. The party's new leader, David Steel

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