Examples of the the word, gentle , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gentle ), is the 4610 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Elephant aggression Despite their popularity in zoos, and portrayal as, gentle ,giants in fiction, elephants are among the world's the most dangerous animals.
  2. 100. Aaliyah described her sound as" street but sweet ", which featured her ", gentle ," vocals over a" hard" beat. Though Aaliyah did not write any of her own
  3. Can be prevented or reduced through the use of sharp blades during processing, gentle ,handling, and proper sanitation. Cut pieces of celery last only a few hours
  4. Such as fiber products, may even crumble to dust under all but the most, gentle ,touch. Caving organizations Cavers in many countries have created organizations
  5. Epitome of the court of Louis XV. His style consisted of delicate colors and, gentle ,forms painted within a frivolous subject. His works typically utilized
  6. Flit, Geisel became adept at drawing insects with huge stingers, shaped like a, gentle ,S-curve and with a sharp end that included a rearward-pointing barb on its
  7. Cannot be relied on to raise the alarm upon sighting a human intruder. They are, gentle ,and highly sensitive dogs with a natural respect for humans, and as adults they
  8. Sex, in words that do little to reinforce the stereotype of Anne as meek and, gentle , The increasing popularity of the Bells' work led to renewed interest in the
  9. Published when he was 38,won the Boyle poetry prize. He wrote" Do not go, gentle ,into that good night ", a villeinage, to his dying father, who passed away in
  10. Most basic and utilitarian, also the least expensive. Smooth regular curves are, gentle ,on equipment and allow easy repositioning of loads. Their greatest disadvantage
  11. Line correctly, the exact words being," Don't be afraid of Lobos; he's as, gentle ,as a kitten. " Rudolph Grey's book Nightmare of Ecstasy: The Life and Art of
  12. 1841 that she did not like her situation and wished to leave it. Her own quiet, gentle ,disposition did not help matters. However, despite her outwardly placid
  13. Much of Barbados is regarded as a Tropical monsoon climate (Am). However, gentle ,breezes of 12–16 kilometers per hour (8–10 mph) abound throughout the year
  14. Wellesley led his men, in a line of battle of two ranks, against the enemy to a, gentle ,ridge and gave the order to fire. Seringapatam Immediately after their arrival
  15. Ged's is Sparrowhawk. The undisciplined young man grows restless under the, gentle , patient tutelage of his master. One day at the taunting of the daughter of the
  16. Dogs are suited to city dwelling. Temperament The Beagle has an even temper and, gentle ,disposition. Described in several breed standards as" merry ", they are
  17. Temperaments from lapdog to quite fierce. Lifelong socialization and firm but, gentle ,handling are critical. Well socialized and trained, they can be good with other
  18. What the Greeks wrote so many years ago: to tame the savageness of man and make, gentle ,the life of this world. " The speech is considered to be Kennedy's finest. The
  19. Was unable to defend herself. Instead, she came to prefer the company of" the, gentle ,Camille Pissaro ", with whom she could speak frankly about the changing
  20. One of Muhammad's companions. Dubbed" Abu Ha shim ", Nami was considered ", gentle ,in manner" by his colleagues, and reported that he had a dream in which he
  21. Hagiograph goes, his first disciple and monk was a boar that had been rendered, gentle ,by God. This was followed by a fox, a badger, a wolf and a stag. Neopaganism In
  22. To observe that certain chances arise more frequently than others. These, gentle ,forces upon the imagination cause the viewer to have strong beliefs in outcomes
  23. Paths; two- to three-hour flat island and coastal walks; two- to four-hour, gentle ,hill and mountain hikes; and four- to seven-hour strenuous hill walks. Detailed
  24. Style played against strict verse forms, such as in the villeinage Do not go, gentle ,into that good night. His images were carefully ordered in a patterned sequence
  25. Bag full of the captured winds, so he could sail easily home to Ithaca on the, gentle ,West Wind. All three men named Aeolus appear to be connected genealogically
  26. Dionysus yield, for arms exchange the labors of the field; encourage peace, to, gentle , works inclined, and give abundance, with benignant mind. " Other accounts In
  27. Inseparable companions ". She described Anne at this time:" Anne, dear, gentle , Anne was quite different in appearance from the others, and she was her aunt's
  28. Which often include alliteration, metaphor,word play and a more or less, gentle ,irony, have also received praise for their sophistication. Although DiFranco's
  29. Butter from cream, often dried as livestock food ** Ghee, clarified butter, by, gentle , heating of butter and removal of the solid matter ** Men, a fermented
  30. Under Milk Wood and the celebrated villeinage for his dying father," Do not go, gentle ,into that good night ". Appreciative critics have also noted the craftsmanship
  31. That" Speed is antisocial, paranoid making,it's a drag ... all the nice, gentle ,dope fiends are getting screwed up by the real horror monster Frankenstein
  32. Easier in pre-industrial societies whose cultures invariably appear to be more, gentle , meditative and less competitive,. " Although Brahmins have usually been
  33. And Butt-head. Van Dries sen is a devoted hippie with a forgiving nature and, gentle ,demeanor. His repeated attempts to teach the duo useful life lessons typically
  34. Can perform independently of its master. With those they accept, Azawakh are, gentle ,and extremely affectionate. With strangers many are reserved and prefer not to
  35. Thought his painting skill superior to Sartain's, she preferred the latter's, gentle ,teaching style which promoted no particular aesthetic approach. Unlike Eakins
  36. Babies, but may produce between two and eight in a single litter. Capybaras are, gentle ,and will usually allow humans to pet and hand-feed them. The meat is said to
  37. The center. Chips will be less likely to roll on edge if they are tossed with a, gentle ,frisbee-like spin. It is considered rude to" late bet," or make wagers while
  38. Occupying a narrow strip on each side of the Tennessee River, is a country of, gentle ,rolling lowlands varying in elevation from. To the northeast of these highlands
  39. As possible candidates for drug and explosive detection. Because of their, gentle ,nature and unimposing build, they are also frequently used in pet therapy
  40. It was too little consonant with the character, tastes and ideas of the, gentle , retiring inexperienced writer. " This act was the predominant cause of Anne's
  41. The fretting hand can add vibrato to a plucked or picked note, either a, gentle , narrow vibrato or a more exaggerated, wide vibrato with bigger pitch
  42. Wertheim described Fish as looking as“ a meek and innocuous little old man, gentle ,and benevolent, friendly and polite. If you wanted someone to entrust your
  43. Their midpoints with string and at their bases with wax, and gave the whole a, gentle ,curvature like the wings of a bird. When the work was done, the artist, waving
  44. In 2002,Kieran Roberts was appointed as producer and aimed to re-introduce ", gentle ,storylines and humor ", after deciding that the Street should not try and
  45. Dream of a golden day when the bestial War shall rule no more? But instead-the, gentle ,Prince in the Hall of Brotherly Love in the City of Peace. " Cast Uncredited: *
  46. Victoria. Also known as the Central Highlands, it is named so because of its, gentle ,hills and lack of any significant mountains that are more common in the eastern
  47. Although some enteric coated formulations of aspirin are advertised as being ", gentle ,to the stomach ", in one study enteric coating did not seem to reduce this risk
  48. Waterway system in the United States. About three-fifths of the land area is a, gentle ,plain with a general descent towards the Mississippi River and the Gulf of
  49. The modern sense of the word. It provides instead a spiritual portrait of the, gentle , disciplined abbot. In a letter to Bishop Maximilian of Syracuse, Gregory
  50. Fossils have been found within 15 degrees of the Cretaceous South Pole. A very, gentle ,temperature gradient from the equator to the poles meant weaker global winds

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