Examples of the the word, paradigm , in a Sentence Context

The word ( paradigm ), is the 4619 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 80s and 90s saw the rise of neural networks and connectionism as a research, paradigm , Under this point of view, often attributed to James McClelland and David
  2. Networks, and broadband services are driving forces of a new city planning, paradigm ,towards intelligent cities. Intelligent / smart cities use technology and
  3. Cell microprocessor. Data parallelism A less common but increasingly important, paradigm ,of CPUs (and indeed, computing in general) deals with data parallelism. The
  4. Dangers of regional separatism and annexation to Germany. After 1945 the tribal, paradigm ,lost its grip on anthropology; the" three-tribes-theme" was also
  5. Three paradigm s at work in various areas of computer science: * a" rationalist, paradigm ,", which treats computer science as branch of mathematics, which is prevalent
  6. Endings -u -a) are often not pronounced, despite forming part of the formal, paradigm ,of nouns and verbs. The following levels of pronunciation exist: Full
  7. The rest of the world has lent and sold. However, as Friedman predicted, this, paradigm , appears to be changing. As of October 2007,the U. S. dollar weakened against
  8. Into conflict, the victor often appropriated the loser's property. The rights, paradigm ,tended to stabilize the distribution of property holdings on the presumption
  9. Affixes but changes the vowels of the stem. The following shows a, paradigm ,of a regular Arabic verb," to write ". Note that in Modern Standard Arabic
  10. French history supposedly happened in Paris. Fever broke decisively with this, paradigm ,in 1912,with his sweeping doctoral thesis on Philippe II et la Franche-Comté.
  11. Introduced features to support object-oriented and event-driven programming, paradigm , Most built-in procedures and functions now represented as methods of standard
  12. Uses an -n. This is a property not found in Indo-European languages. The entire, paradigm ,of the verb is further augmented by inflecting for" listener" ( the
  13. Technology development and innovation support programs, as an important, paradigm ,of future development. The recession that began at the end of 1998 continued
  14. Paradigm and possibly a nor-nori-nork (absolutize–dative–negative), paradigm , The last would entail the dizkidazue example above. In each paradigm , each
  15. For the US Information Agency This coupling was made to reinforce the learning, paradigm ,when English-language speakers used translators to address audiences in their
  16. And that physical objects have a concrete existence. That, perhaps,is the, paradigm ,case of a difference in ways in which items can be said to be, or to have being
  17. And the internal passive. The following is an example of a regular verb, paradigm ,in Egyptian Arabic. See varieties of Arabic for more information on grammar
  18. Particular was the Chat Room concept from Planet, as opposed to the previous, paradigm ,of CB-style channels. Chat Rooms allowed a large group of people with similar
  19. To the spiritual and universal reality was the fundamentals sic of the, paradigm ,that he demonstrated. " The character for I is used in everyday Japanese terms
  20. In finance are often addressed as matters of law rather than ethics. Finance, paradigm ,Aristotle said," the end and purpose of the Polish is the good life ". Adam
  21. In modern social psychology, under the rubric of the communication-persuasion, paradigm , Supporting literature includes: the work of social impact theory, which
  22. MPEG-4 video codec profile * Answer set programming, a declarative programming, paradigm ,* Application service provider, a business that provides computer-based
  23. Computer science, and mainly employs deductive reasoning, * a" technocratic, paradigm ,", readily identifiable with engineering approaches, most prominent in software
  24. In Palestine validates Israel's entitlement to the land and provides a, paradigm ,of how Israel was to live there: twelve tribes, with a designated leader
  25. Stretchy membrane with friction and electrical resistance—the membrane, paradigm , This is different from other field theories like electromagnetism, which do
  26. Was partly due to theories in anthropology, which were based on a tribal, paradigm , Being politically and geographically inclusive and leaving at the same time
  27. In which no agent is mentioned, and also has a Norfolk (absolutize–negative), paradigm , and possibly a nor-nori-nork (absolutize–dative–negative) paradigm . The last
  28. Since the acceptance of the Big Bang as the dominant physical cosmological, paradigm , there have been a variety of reactions by religious groups as to its
  29. Cases like the paradigm atic case ought to be treated likewise; cases unlike the, paradigm ,ought to be treated differently. Thus, a man is properly charged with
  30. Manual in 1952,influenced by the legacy of Adolf Meyer who had introduced the, paradigm ,illness as a reaction of biogenetic factors to psychological and social
  31. Itself in the public consciousness with Newton's physics taken as a, paradigm ,: structures should be well-founded in axioms and be both well-articulated and
  32. Imperative. Each verb that can be taken intransitively has a nor (absolutize), paradigm , and possibly a neo-noir (absolutize–dative) paradigm , as in the sentence
  33. Of B. F. Skinner's book Verbal Behavior. At the time,Skinner's behaviorist, paradigm ,dominated psychology: Most psychologists focused on functional relations
  34. Approaches, most prominent in software engineering, and * a" scientific, paradigm ,", which approaches computer-related artifacts from the empirical perspective
  35. Political advisors, and politicians argue that a new political party, paradigm ,is emerging "; that is, that Canada has recently undergone a watershed
  36. At this time, the levee en masse and conscription would become the defining, paradigm ,of modern warfare. Before then, however,most national armies were in fact
  37. Has a nor (absolutize) paradigm and possibly a neo-noir (absolutize–dative), paradigm , as in the sentence Bitter travel EcoRI AIO (" The hat fell from
  38. Robust models. However, signalling theory and agency theory extended the, paradigm ,to greater realism. Other issues Fairness in trading practices, trading
  39. An important construct in early 20th century psychology with the advent of the, paradigm ,known subsequently as" behaviorism. " Behaviorism was a reaction against "
  40. Paradigms Computer programs can be categorized by the programming language, paradigm ,used to produce them. Two of the main paradigm s are imperative and declarative.
  41. And Stephen Tomlin (The Abuse of Casuistry 1988),challenge the traditional, paradigm ,of applied ethics. Instead of starting from theory and applying theory to a
  42. 16,demonstrates their belief that society can benefit from conservation as a, paradigm ,as well as a profession: Training in conservation for many years took
  43. Period appeared a string of monographs and edited volumes that cemented the, paradigm ,of British Social Anthropology (BSA). Famous ethnographic include The NER
  44. Back. Criticisms Since its introduction by Alan Ruth in 1980,the inflationary, paradigm ,has become widely accepted. Nevertheless, several physicists, mathematicians
  45. Analysis into anthropological study. In England, British Social Anthropology's, paradigm ,began to fragment as Max Glickman and Peter Worse experimented with Marxism
  46. Another way of classifying algorithms is by their design methodology or, paradigm , There is a certain number of paradigm s, each different from the other.
  47. Deduction is applied to the axioms. This is the basis for the logic programming, paradigm , In pure logic programming languages the control component is fixed and
  48. Computation such as quantum superposition or quantum entanglement. By design, paradigm ,Another way of classifying algorithms is by their design methodology or
  49. Such as place or belief, could also result in Gemeinschaft. This, paradigm ,of communal networks and shared social understanding has been applied to
  50. Paradigm. The last would entail the dizkidazue example above. In each, paradigm , each constituent noun can take on any of eight persons, five singular and

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