Examples of the the word, generous , in a Sentence Context

The word ( generous ), is the 4615 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Whole counties - to the utter impoverishment of the treasury. Andrew was, generous ,primarily with his wife's German relatives and followers, which caused
  2. Of Mrs. Moore throughout his life, saying to his friend George Layer," She was, generous ,and taught me to be generous , too. " In December 1917 Lewis wrote in a letter
  3. For Claudius' symptoms. As a person, ancient historians described Claudius as, generous ,and lowbrow, a man who sometimes lunched with the plebeians. They also paint
  4. Their city is evident in the sheer scale of many of the early public buildings, generous ,public recreational spaces, and opulence of many of its commercial
  5. Were unable to break out as the cavalry had done, and having been offered, generous ,terms by the King, surrendered 6,000 infantry and all his army's guns and
  6. A dowry of 2 million crowns. The French responded with what they considered the, generous ,terms of marriage with Princess Catherine, a dowry of 600,000 crowns, and an
  7. Which is, of course, nonsense in more ways than one, but it is part of the, generous ,chorus of praise. " Though overshadowed by Mary Cassatt and relatively unknown
  8. From the rising to the setting sun. " Caligula's first acts were said to be, generous ,in spirit, though many were political in nature. He helped those who had been
  9. Force in music and was a big influence on The Rolling Stones. He was very, generous ,to us in our early years, and we learned a lot from him. " Jagger also praised
  10. Office once more and was snubbed. Since the new emperor was not anymore, generous ,than the old, Claudius gave up hope of public office and retired to a scholarly
  11. Life, saying to his friend George Layer," She was generous and taught me to be, generous , too. " In December 1917 Lewis wrote in a letter to his childhood friend Arthur
  12. Of Reconstruction, seeking to speedily reunite the nation through a policy of, generous ,reconciliation in the face of lingering and bitter divisiveness. However, just
  13. Indirect means to obtain and support his authority with the people. He was, generous ,to the poor; it was his custom to comment severely in his preaching on the
  14. William Cornelius Van Horne, to oversee construction with the inducement of a, generous ,salary and the intriguing challenge of handling such a difficult railway
  15. Other organizations. As of 2007,Bill and Melinda Gates were the second-most, generous ,philanthropists in America, having given over $28 billion to charity. The
  16. Government felt towards Chiang. This relationship was rooted largely in the, generous ,and lenient treatment of Japanese POWs by the Nationalist government in the
  17. It about. His quarrel with Congress prevented the readmission into the Union on, generous ,terms of the members of the late Confederacy .... He sacrificed two important
  18. Dominican Republic, it is the most popular drink to enjoy, poured with a very, generous ,amount of locally produced Dominican Rum (i.e. Brutal, Bermúdez,and so on. )
  19. Forwarded to the governor-general of Lithuania, praising the supposed, generous , patriotic intentions of the Lithuanian landed proprietors, and suggesting that
  20. Error,and seldom made, : When poets are by too much force betrayed.: Thy, generous ,fruits, though gathered ere their prime, : Still showed a quickness; and
  21. Popular creations were the Shoos, creatures whose incredible usefulness and, generous ,nature made them a threat to civilization as we know it. Another famous
  22. Was considerable. The most significant French writers to come after him were, generous ,with tributes; four years after his death, Arthur Rimbaud praised him in a
  23. To the Venetian ambassador, the Cavaliere Julian, and enlightened and, generous ,protector of the arts, and was received in the most hospitable manner. His
  24. Domus tube (Latin for:" Lord, I admired the adornment of your house. "). A, generous ,patron of art and learning, he counted Erasmus among his friends. He died at
  25. Name "/IN"> desertion"/> In the North," bounty jumpers" enlisted to get the, generous ,bonus, deserted,then went back to a second recruiting station under a
  26. Photographic memory that few, if any, of his colleagues could match. Yet he was, generous , kind, and forbearing in an institution where egos generally come in only one
  27. Of rural bus services, while the Agriculture Act 1947 established a more, generous ,subsidy system for farmers. Education The Attlee Government ensured provisions
  28. By glove-wearing Soviet soldiers in Arctic conditions. The large gas piston, generous ,clearances between moving parts, and tapered cartridge case design allow the
  29. Contributed his father-in-law's bowler hat ('derby' ) and his own pants (of, generous ,proportions). Chester Conklin provided the little cutaway tailcoat, and Ford
  30. Of 21 wins per season. Knight has a high regard for education and has made, generous ,donations to Texas Tech. On November 29, 2007,the Tech library honored this
  31. Between gods and humans (Rev.1.26.3). When Agni is pleased, the gods are, generous , Agni represents the cultivated, cooked and cultured aspects of Vedic ritual.
  32. Meat is usually quite expensive, and meals are generally light on meat and, generous ,on vegetable fat. Name "/NP"> Benin"/> Frying in palm or peanut oil is the most
  33. Charles was born in Florence, Italy,where his father was then Grand Duke. In a, generous ,act by his father, he was adopted and raised in Vienna by his childless aunt
  34. In spending from the university’s endowment have allowed Columbia to extend, generous ,financial aid packages to qualifying students. As of 2008,undergraduates from
  35. To argue that high levels of government spending harms an economy, and " a, generous ,social-welfare state is not a road to serfdom but rather to fairness, economic
  36. For various causes. The 'Andrew Carnegie Dictum' illustrates Carnegie's, generous ,nature: *To spend the first third of one's life getting all the education one
  37. August 31, 1818 in his eighties and in poverty; his vast wealth dissipated by, generous ,gifts and loans, and by business reverses, but,mainly by the refusal of
  38. To him, was blessed (in Tract ate Psychic 112a) * Job's reward for being, generous ,(in Tract ate McMillan 28a) * King David, Job,and Ezekiel described the Torah
  39. Body of St John's School, Leatherhead, Surrey from 1951 to 1966 and a, generous ,supporter. Montgomery was an Honorary Member of the Winkle Club, a noted
  40. Usually entitle him to compensation if he is removed, and may often include a, generous ," golden parachute" which also acts as a deterrent to removal. In a recent
  41. On earth in the nearby Cripple Creek and Victor area, and was perhaps the most, generous ,early contributor to those communities and to Colorado Springs. After he made
  42. Of five houses constructed under Labor were council properties, built to more, generous ,specifications than before the Second World War, while subsidies kept down
  43. The Seas" and would receive a portion of all profits. The terms were unusually, generous , but as his son later wrote, the monarchs did not really expect him to return.
  44. Landscape as the earlier style of whitewashed raised gable cottages. Because of, generous ,tax incentives, many holiday homes have been built over the last ten years.
  45. The British government to offer the Irish an offer" conceived on the most, generous ,lines ". Sir John Simon MP, another future Foreign Secretary, was also
  46. Nation and not alienate the South, Lincoln urged that speedy elections under, generous ,terms be held throughout the war. His Amnesty Proclamation of December 8,1863
  47. Wag by Wall, was published posthumously by The Horn Book in 1944. Beatrix was a, generous ,patron of the Girl Guides whose troops she allowed to make their summer
  48. Saint or sanctuary. * 1536. Mac Goisdelbh,i.e. John, son of the Gilla-dubh,a, generous , humane man, and a good captain, was killed by Piers Mac Goisdelbh, and by some
  49. On the eventual value of Kluge's estate at the time of his death; however,the, generous ,donation has helped change financial aid policy at Columbia. Annual gifts
  50. And were acquired by the National University of Turin Library with, generous ,sponsorship of Turbines businessmen Roberto FOA and Filippo Giordano, in memory

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