Examples of the the word, minimal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( minimal ), is the 3666 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. From a rationalist and utilitarian basis opposed revolutionary action and saw a, minimal ,state as a present" necessary evil" that would become increasingly irrelevant
  2. Benson explains: According to Anderson," Defining anarcho-capitalist to mean, minimal ,government with property rights developed from the bottom up, the western
  3. Young volcanic activity (i.e. less than three billion years),and having, minimal ,ground overlap with the orbital ground tracks of Apollo 15 and Apollo 16 to
  4. Since the simple tricks Wozniak had used to generate a pseudo-NTSC signal with, minimal ,hardware did not carry over to the more complex PAL system. In the Japanese
  5. Current use, suggesting that cross-resistance with agents already in use may be, minimal , For example the combination of 5'-methoxyhydnocarpine and barbering in herbs
  6. Not to kill, but to save, and the act of killing in that situation would have, minimal ,negative karmic repercussions. According to Abashed Amber, the doctrine of
  7. Also called" publicity advertising" ), can provide good exposure at, minimal ,cost. Personal recommendations (" bring a friend "," sell it" ), spreading
  8. Blank purchased the Falcons franchise on December 6,2001. Michael Pick saw, minimal ,playing time in 2001,playing backup and learning the system under starting QB
  9. P returns the result of running p. Thus, if P is a program in L2 which is a, minimal ,description of s, then InterpretLanguage (P) returns the string s. The length
  10. Techniques are used, mainly by exploiting psychoacoustics, to remove data with, minimal ,reduction in the quality of reproduction. For many everyday listening
  11. Of least degree that has the number as a root. This polynomial is called its, minimal ,polynomial. If its minimal polynomial has degree n, then the algebraic number
  12. Entrust to them, although most matters with which they were entrusted were of, minimal ,importance. Around 446 BC, they were given the authority to care for the
  13. A more commercial context, the biggest reasons for using assembly language were, minimal ,bloat (size), minimal overhead, greater speed, and reliability. Typical
  14. The biggest reasons for using assembly language were minimal bloat (size), minimal , overhead,greater speed, and reliability. Typical examples of large assembly
  15. Of minimal length—i.e. it uses the fewest number of characters—it is called a, minimal ,description of s. Then the length of d (s)—i.e. the number of characters in
  16. Is 1. On the other hand, if F has some proper algebraic extension K, then the, minimal ,polynomial of an element in K \ F is irreducible, and its degree is greater than
  17. Shunt. They must not be connected to a source of voltage; they are designed for, minimal ,burden, which refers to the voltage drop across the ammeter, which is typically
  18. Function GenerateFixedString () return s If a description of s’d (s),is of, minimal ,length—i.e. it uses the fewest number of characters—it is called a minimal
  19. The number as a root. This polynomial is called its minimal polynomial. If its, minimal ,polynomial has degree n, then the algebraic number is said to be of degree n.
  20. Sold for $10,000 at an auction on November 17, 1971,at Sotheby's New York – a, minimal ,amount for the artist whose paintings sell for over $6 million more recently.
  21. Let K (s) be the complexity of the string s. It is not hard to see that the, minimal ,description of a string cannot be too much larger than the string itself: the
  22. A wire contour, the surface of the least area spanning (" filling" ) it is a, minimal ,surface. Familiar examples include soap bubbles. The question of the filling
  23. Trapping expedition to the Llano Estrada in New Mexico and Texas. Trapping was, minimal ,and, after traveling about 1300 miles (650 on foot),he finally arrived at
  24. MBT) conceived in the Cold War era can survive multiple RPG strikes with, minimal ,effect on the crew or the operation of the vehicle. The light tanks that were
  25. Also describes an early version of Occam's razor, where he employs only, minimal ,hypotheses regarding the properties that characterize astronomical motions, as
  26. To protecting individual liberty and property, and opposed all but the most, minimal ,economic regulations. The" normative core" of classical liberalism is the
  27. Behavior of distributors. Namely, continued involvement of distributors despite, minimal ,economic return may result from social satisfaction compensating for diminished
  28. Results. France did win revenge over hated England, but its material gains were, minimal ,and its financial losses huge. It was already in financial trouble and its
  29. An advocate for women's rights. Born in Connecticut in 1799,Alcott had only, minimal ,formal schooling before attempting a career as a traveling salesman. Worried
  30. Were common across their aircraft to enable pilots to fly multiple models with, minimal ,cross-training. Travel Concepts, Inc., founded by William J. Robin in 1971
  31. Is minimal . The size of the agriculture and manufacturing sectors also remains, minimal , The GDP per capita for Aruba was estimated to be $21,800 in 2004; among the
  32. Piloted the plane using differences in engine thrust and landed the plane with, minimal ,further damage. The plane was repaired and offered for sale. * 14 April 2010:
  33. Lacking the necessary skills or in an environment that does not conform to, minimal ,medical standards, or both. " They may be performed by the woman herself, by
  34. This, Bradley Kuhn, who later worked for the Free Software Foundation, made a, minimal ,redraft to clarify the ambiguous passages. This was released as the Clarified
  35. It will be the fastest method. The most popular greedy algorithm is finding the, minimal ,spanning tree as given by Huffman Tree, Kruskal, Prim,Collin. * Linear
  36. And the existence of the packet and its minimum size implies a spread and, minimal ,value in particle wavelength, and thus also momentum and energy. In quantum
  37. Arrangements (ibid). Arrangements for small jazz combos are usually informal, minimal , and uncredited. This was particularly so for combos in the bebop era. In
  38. At the discretion of the minister, who need not be a pastor. There is, minimal ,ceremony attached to its administration. Usually, several people physically
  39. Every assignment of values. Usually one takes as logical axioms at least some, minimal ,set of tautologies that is sufficient for proving all tautologies in the
  40. AGP cards and motherboards were still produced, but OEM driver support was, minimal , Advantages over PCI As computers became increasingly graphically-oriented
  41. Apple also continues to score poorly in the Greenpeace's guide for the, minimal ,information it provides about its future toxic chemical phase-out plans. In the
  42. With an attacker's movements for the purpose of controlling their actions with, minimal ,effort. One applies by understanding the rhythm and intent of the attacker to
  43. Is converted into uric acid, which is solid, and can therefore be excreted with, minimal ,water loss. Liquid ammonia as a solvent Liquid ammonia is the best-known and
  44. The Fountainhead was released in 1949. Although it used Rand's screenplay with, minimal ,alterations, she " disliked the movie from beginning to end," complaining
  45. Of the tourism sector. Today, the influence of the oil processing business is, minimal , The size of the agriculture and manufacturing sectors also remains minimal .
  46. Former, they appear in the syllable nucleus. This means that opaque (if not, minimal ,) contrasts can occur in languages like Italian (with the i-like sound of
  47. Nineteenth-century individualists anarchists, Rothbard decided to reject, minimal ,state laissez-faire and embrace individualist anarchism. Rothbard said in 1965
  48. Of piano 'slow ', appearing in the syllable onset:) and Spanish (with a near, minimal ,pair being abject 'abject' and Alberto 'opened' ).:: Because of the
  49. Individualist anarchism philosophical anarchism may accept the existence of a, minimal ,state as unfortunate, and usually temporary," necessary evil" but argue that
  50. Many companies in the American food industry develop new products requiring, minimal ,preparation, such as frozen entrées. Many of these recipes have become very

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