Examples of the the word, mask , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mask ), is the 7981 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. This tradition, mask s are made of clay while the creator's eyes are closed. A, mask ,is made for each direction of the medicine wheel. During this process, the
  2. Of the troupe, deadpan and downtrodden. Although Pedro lino appeared without, mask , Pierrot usually appears in white face, typically with very little other color
  3. Parameters through electronics under user control. Degassing If the shadow, mask ,becomes magnetized, its magnetic field deflects the electron beams passing
  4. Based on its relation to the shape of the Greek letter delta. ) A grille or, mask ,absorbs the electrons that would otherwise hit the wrong phosphor. A shadow
  5. That can be lethal. The damage done by chlorine gas can be prevented by a gas, mask , or other filtration method, which makes the overall chance of death by
  6. Cup). Updated 7 October 2011. Nuclear, biological,and chemical warfare, mask ,and hood Bioterrorism is terrorism involving the intentional release or
  7. Packets. The requestor then sent an acknowledgement packet containing a bit, mask ,indicating which of the response packets it received, so the responder could
  8. Often humorously, by the hosts of Top Gear. Jeremy Clarkson even used a, mask ,with Bill Oddie's face to escape speed cameras while racing the Nissan GT-R
  9. Theatre practitioners including Sanford Manner. Other classes may include, mask ,work, improvisation,and acting for the camera. Regardless of a school's
  10. Modes are also available: Extra Halftime, which uses a 6th biplane as a, mask ,to half the brightness of any color, and Hold And Modify (HAM) - allowing all
  11. Time, when it will not seem outré to represent a great novelist as a huge comic, mask ,crowning a bathrobe, but even at the present day this statue impresses one as
  12. As" free ". The constant focus on the division of the island can sometimes, mask ,other human rights issues. Prostitution is rife in both the Republic of Cyprus
  13. Substance Triamterene, a diuretic used to dilute urine samples in order to, mask ,the presence of anabolic steroids. Including these failed drug tests,27
  14. One navy blue, two nickel, two royal blue, two white stripes, and white face, mask , A new logo, a stylized B consisting of two bullets and a more detailed buffalo
  15. Crowds of people line the streets, wearing mask s. One prominent style of, mask ,is called the Black Forest Style, originating from the Black Forest Region.
  16. Modes were also included: Extra Halftime, which used a 6th biplane as a, mask ,that halved the brightness of any color seen, and Hold And Modify (HAM)
  17. And a slide screw. Apparently, the researchers can also modify the shape of the, mask ,based on actual human faces. To" copy" a face, they need only a 3D scanner to
  18. Of assaulting a shop assistant by simply jumping over a counter wearing a ski, mask , The court said: Scottish law also provides for a more serious charge of
  19. Spirits, such as London dry gin, work especially well as the flavorings can, mask ,the alcohol smell. However, such use can be problematic in households with
  20. That his" true love" Miss KitKat is actually Cat woman when she trips and her, mask ,falls off. Although Commodore Schmidlapp sneezes on and scatters the powdered
  21. Special hunting boats),weaving, figurine making, clothing,carving, and, mask , making. Ivory and woodcarving were and are prevalent crafts for Aleut men to
  22. A continuous graphics mode part way down the display. By using the palette to, mask ,the top area of the display and taking care about when it changes mode it can
  23. Have a barony mask specifically for non-ritual performances as well as an older, mask ,which is only used for sacred performances. Balinese society continues to
  24. As in aperture grille designs) or clusters called" triads" ( as in shadow, mask ,CRTs). Color CRTs have three electron guns, one for each primary color
  25. I believe, with boots ... no gloves, no gauntlets ... with a small domino, mask , swinging on a rope. He had two stiff wings that were sticking out, looking
  26. A couple of major improvements to the design. The robot features an elastic, mask ,made from the average head dummy. It uses a driving system with a 3DOF unit.
  27. Lover, the queen Cleopatra of Egypt, to retire to her land and give battle to, mask ,his retreat; but lack of provisions and the growing demoralization of his army
  28. Disenfranchisement. Most African Americans followed the Jim Crow laws, using a, mask ,of compliance to prevent becoming victims of racially motivated violence. To
  29. Through it, causing color purity distortion as the beams bend through the, mask ,holes and hit some phosphors of a color other than that which they are intended
  30. Fiction, but with Dickens this is very noticeable, even though he took pains to, mask ,what he considered his shameful, lowly past. David Copperfield is one of the
  31. Fact that they may conceal or reveal, or operate somewhere in between like a, mask ,that can establish identity. For example, Jim Morrison used an anagram of his
  32. Garrett A. Morgan developed the first automatic traffic signal and gas, mask , Lewis Howard Latimer invented an improvement for the incandescent light bulb.
  33. For added strength. Other technical features reveal a shaft driven behind the, mask ,at the desired facial point, driven by a DC motor with a simple pulley and a
  34. A total of 56 degrees of freedom. As for the materials they used, the WD-2's, mask ,is fabricated with a highly elastic material called Septum, with bits of steel
  35. With a thick wetsuit, including a hood, booties,and gloves, and usually also a, mask , snorkel, weight belt, abalone iron, and abalone gauge. Alternatively, the rock
  36. Robot can change its facial features by activating specific facial points on a, mask , with each point possessing three degrees of freedom. This one has 17 facial
  37. Beam hit only the phosphors of its designated color. If a beam hits the shadow, mask ,at the wrong angle, it will hit some phosphors of other colors adjacent to
  38. Three-issue Battle for the Cowl miniseries, ( 'cowl' referring to Batman's, mask ,) sees those closest to Wayne compete for the" right" to assume the role of
  39. According to the preferences of foreign audiences; some villages have a barony, mask ,specifically for non-ritual performances as well as an older mask which is only
  40. Summer of 1986,upon Andre's return to the United States, he began wearing a, mask ,and competing as the" Giant Machine" in a stable known as The Machines. (Big
  41. Such suggestions as giving the character a cowl instead of a simple domino, mask , a cape instead of wings, and gloves, and removing the red sections from the
  42. Bad attack of hay fever, and he would cycle to the office wearing a service gas, mask ,to keep the pollen off. His bicycle had a fault: the chain would come off at
  43. Words into the Arabic script. The Persian word ( mask , from the English word ", mask ,"),for example, might be written with an above the to signify that there is no
  44. Of the standing buffalo helmet. The blue pants remained through 1985. The face, mask ,on the helmet was blue from 1974 through 1986 before changing to white. Buffalo
  45. Particularly on the head, are discouraged; many individuals have a black facial, mask , Some specimens have facial hair that looks like a FM Manchu mustache that are
  46. Are clear sand to dark fawn/brown, red and brindle (with or without a dark, mask ,), with white bib, tail tip, and white on all feet (which can be tips of toes
  47. Absorbs the electrons that would otherwise hit the wrong phosphor. A shadow, mask ,tube uses a metal plate with tiny holes, placed so that the electron beam only
  48. Rivals) he ages by more than a year. In The Knights we are told that the, mask ,makers were too afraid to make a caricature of Clean (there represented as a
  49. SAM's). The B-1 attempted to avoid SAM's by flying close to the ground to, mask ,their radars behind terrain, only to face a new generation of interceptors with
  50. As long as philosophers and they men have thought, most of them have tried to, mask ,it ... And the ethics which they have proposed to their disciples has always

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