Examples of the the word, legally , in a Sentence Context

The word ( legally ), is the 3970 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And Malawi came to power. On 2 June 2007 a Faridabad court ruled that he had, legally ,acquired agricultural land designated specifically for landless Dali farmers.
  2. Contain both sugar and sweetener ". In Canada, foods that contain aspartame are, legally ,required by the country to list the chemical among the product's ingredients
  3. Had been undertaken after lengthy scriptural and theological reflection, legally ,in accordance with their own canons and constitutions and after extensive
  4. Attempt, with the help of Tvardovsky, to get his novel, The Cancer Ward, legally ,published in the Soviet Union. This had to get the approval of the Union of
  5. Was not included in the union. It remained a separate kingdom and indeed was, legally ,subordinate to Great Britain until 1784. Ireland's benefits from the Union of
  6. And the law that the lower court applied and decides whether that decision was, legally ,sound or not. The appellate court will typically be deferential to the lower
  7. An exception to age of consent laws if the accused can show that he or she is, legally ,married to the other person. * Close-in-age—while most legislation dealing with
  8. Practice for many farmers in both developing and developed countries, GMO seeds, legally ,bind farmers to change their seed saving practices to buying new seed every
  9. Coast at Motrin. As of 2008 Andalusia has six public airports, all of which can, legally ,handle international flights; however the Málaga Airport is dominant, handling
  10. The agreement between the parties to submit their dispute to arbitration is a, legally ,binding contract. All arbitral decisions are considered to be" final and
  11. Bodies are consultative and collaborative, and their resolutions are not, legally ,binding on the independent provinces of the Communion. There are three
  12. From aspartame in beverages. In the UK, foods that contain aspartame are, legally ,required by the country's Food Standards Agency to list the chemical among the
  13. A particularly awkward problem where the right to harvest Paul can be granted, legally ,under Māori customary rights. When such permits to harvest are abused, it is
  14. Vodka or grain alcohol),sugar, coloring and flavoring. Such drinks are, legally ,classified as beers in virtually all states and can thus be sold in outlets
  15. Was held to be stealing her husband's property, since any income she made was, legally ,his. In the second edition of The Tenant of Wild fell Hall, which appeared in
  16. The operator of the movie theater was able to use a quirk of the site zoning to, legally ,operate a movie theater. The theater had only one screen, but featured couches
  17. In the U. S. (see DMCA). For those who prefer to obtain their old software, legally , the Lost Classics Project has the goal of convincing copyright holders of
  18. Willful perversion" of the Constitution. They argued that if Scott could not, legally ,file suit, the Supreme Court had no right to consider the Missouri Compromise
  19. Also often translated" covenant. " It is a legal term denoting a formal and, legally ,binding declaration of benefits to be given by one party to another (e.g.,"
  20. By St. George Spirits became the first brand of American-made absinthe to be, legally ,produced in the United States since a ban was enacted in 1912. Theaters City
  21. Metering. Utility permission is required, but such cooperative generation is, legally ,mandated in some areas (for example, California ). A grid-based building is
  22. And joined Galt's strike. Mulligan's birth name was Michael, but he had it, legally ,changed after a news article called him" Midas" in a derogatory fashion
  23. Became official in 1898 and in 1967 a Dutch version of the Constitution was, legally ,accepted. The Berlin Conference of 1885 ceded control of the Congo Free State
  24. Name stuck. Ownership of Oscar statuettes Since 1950,the statuettes have been, legally ,encumbered by the requirement that neither winners nor their heirs may sell the
  25. Facility in China making iPads and iPhones, workers were forced to sign a, legally ,binding document guaranteeing that they would not kill themselves. In 2011
  26. An author is the originator of any written work. Author of a written or, legally ,copied work Legal significance In copyright law, there is a necessity for
  27. But not in a legal sense. Legislation allowing Alaskan communities to, legally ,incorporate as cities did not come about until 1900,and home rule for cities
  28. The decision was not appealed. Campbell-Kelly and Spray conclude: The case was, legally ,resolved on October 19, 1973 when U. S. District Judge Earl R. Larson held the
  29. Punishment administered to children by their parent or legal guardian is not, legally ,considered to be assault unless it is deemed to be excessive or unreasonable.
  30. Is a religion for Establishment Clause purposes did not provide any, legally ,admissible evidence in support of this view; the case is under appeal. In 2000
  31. Felt the original would not fit in a cartoon frame. Camp had it changed, legally ,in 1949. His younger brother Elliot Chaplin also became a comic strip creator
  32. Hasan Ali Shah and other defendants. The judgement was significant in that it, legally ,established the status of the Thomas as a community referred to as Shia Imam
  33. United States Supreme Court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896—which was, legally ,mandated by southern states and nationwide at the local level of government
  34. The Church of England has been more explicitly a state church and the choice is, legally ,that of the British crown; today it is made in the name of the Sovereign by the
  35. Documents; often only the first name and see are mentioned. The archbishop is, legally ,entitled to sign his name as" Cantor" ( from the Latin for Canterbury). The
  36. And Perpetual Union, was an agreement among the 13 founding states that, legally ,established the United States of America as a confederation of sovereign states
  37. By private financial institutions practicing fractional-reserve banking system, legally ,permitted in most economic and financial systems in the world. Austrian School
  38. Is made. Other concerns Marriage The age at which a person can be, legally ,married can also differ from the age of consent. In jurisdictions where the
  39. Its surrender to the British. Massachusetts was the first British colony to, legally ,recognize slavery in 1641. It was not until 1662 that Virginia ruled that a
  40. May be employed to help distinguish the source of the drug, whether obtained, legally ,(via prescription) or illicitly, or possibly as a result of formation from a
  41. Jones and others). However, any activity outside the rules of the game is not, legally ,recognized as a defense of consent. In Scottish Law, consent is not a defense
  42. Party of the Left, with the previous logo in a small circle, as a means of, legally ,preventing others from using it. The name was suggested by an article on the
  43. Current channel of the Mississippi has meandered from where it had last been, legally ,specified. Arkansas shares its southern border with Louisiana, its northern
  44. Is not a defense where the degree of injury is severe, as long as there is no, legally ,recognized good reason for the assault. This can have important consequences
  45. Traded several years labor in exchange for passage to America. Africans could, legally ,raise crops and cattle to purchase their freedom. They raised families
  46. Contesting the Justice Department's conclusions, since he believed they were, legally ,incorrect. The memo was written one month before the torture memos were drafted
  47. Uses of the term" architect ",outside the etymological variants noted, is, legally , protected. Architects in practice Architecture is a business in which technical
  48. From April to November, not including July. Transportation of abalone may only, legally ,occur while the abalone is still attached in the shell. Sale of sport-obtained
  49. And Perpetual Union, that it was a binding contract, and called any secession ", legally ,void ". He stated he had no intent to invade Southern
  50. The age of consent is the minimum age at which a person is considered to be, legally ,competent to consent to sexual acts. The European Union calls it the legal age

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