Examples of the the word, clerk , in a Sentence Context

The word ( clerk ), is the 4130 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Elizabeth of York. She was educated by a tutor, Alessandro Geraldine, who was a, clerk ,in Holy Orders. Catherine studied religion, the classics, Latin histories
  2. In the autumn of 1867 he accepted a $40 per week contract, nominally as a, clerk , but really to play professionally for the Chicago Excelsior, a not uncommon
  3. And events, which he used in his writing. His father's brief period as a, clerk ,in the Navy Pay Office afforded Charles a few years of private education at
  4. At Udine, and eventually took his degree at Modena. He was employed as a law, clerk ,at Loggia and Feltre, after which he returned to his native city and began
  5. Addition to the mayor,Chicago's two other citywide elected officials are the, clerk ,and the treasurer. The City Council is the legislative branch and is made up of
  6. Father preferred he work in his business, giving him a job working as a cargo, clerk , He took every opportunity during those next five years on the job to practice
  7. Child of Marie Chef fer and Jean-Baptiste Rodin, who was a police department, clerk , He was largely self-educated, and began to draw at age ten. Between ages 14
  8. Or trace our own postal packages on the internet instead of relying on a paid, clerk , Since the 1960s,people have been trying to make sense out of the impact of
  9. So that the results could be more easily separated by a computer operator or, clerk , ASCII art was also used in early e-mail when images could not be embedded. The
  10. He traveled to Boston in April 1827,sustaining himself with odd jobs as a, clerk ,and newspaper writer. At some point he started using the pseudonym Henri Le
  11. Of common pleas, a member of the proprietary council, a justice, recorder,and, clerk ,of the orphans' court, and prothonotary of Bedford and Westmoreland counties.
  12. Thinking will resolve the situation. Suddenly the doorbell rings and the chief, clerk ,comes into the apartment. Angry that his firm sends the chief clerk himself if
  13. Process. A bookkeeper (or book-keeper),also known as an accounting, clerk ,or accounting technician, is a person who records the day-to-day financial
  14. In 1726 with the help of Thomas Den ham, a merchant who employed Franklin as, clerk , shopkeeper, and bookkeeper in his business. That same year, he edited and
  15. Law on 18 June 1906 and performed an obligatory year of unpaid service as law, clerk ,for the Civil and criminal courts. — as it made it extremely difficult for him
  16. King—specifically, Richard III, dead since 1485—and that Jackson was his, clerk , He was deemed insane and institutionalized. Afterward, due to public curiosity
  17. California. His father, Wilfred Bailey Everett Bixby Jr., was a store, clerk ,and his mother, Jane (née McFarland) Bixby, was a senior manager at I. Magnon
  18. The chief clerk comes into the apartment. Angry that his firm sends the chief, clerk ,himself if he is only a little late, Gregor finally swings himself out of bed.
  19. Of appeal; this notice is transmitted to the trial court and, when filed by the, clerk ,of the trial court, constitutes the final judgment on the case, unless the
  20. Prussian Silesia. The provinces From 1796 Hoffmann obtained employment as a, clerk ,for his uncle, Johann Ludwig Deffer, who lived in Global with his daughter
  21. Lying in the open, and warned that he was almost inviting an unscrupulous, clerk ,to commit treason; his warnings were fully justified by the William Gregg
  22. John of Carcassonne, Herbert " Le Homelier," Herbert of Sens, Robert (a, clerk ,), a certain William, and an unnamed clerk of Prissy. The party set out on 27
  23. In Costa Rica include health clinics, with a general practitioner, nurse, clerk , pharmacist and a primary health technician. In 2008,there were five specialties
  24. The director of public service. The people elect the auditor, municipal court, clerk , municipal court judges and city attorney. A charter commission, elected in
  25. For Rambert's escape. *Joseph Grand: Joseph Grand is a fifty-year-old, clerk ,for the city government. He is tall and thin and always wears clothes a size
  26. To all town officers ... and is the clerk of the town meeting. " In the role as, clerk ,of town meeting he notifies the public and members of the Town Meeting and
  27. Transferred to nearby York Factory, and over the next few years spent time as a, clerk ,at Cumberland House and South Branch House before arriving at Manchester House
  28. I'm Not Angry" as the" vanity factory" – where he worked as a data entry, clerk , He worked for a short period as a computer operator at the Midland Bank
  29. Several historians believe he received his elementary schooling from a church, clerk ,until he was sent to one of Kiev's Orthodox fraternity schools. He continued
  30. As a lawyer, and paid a salary of $600. Soon thereafter, however,the, clerk ,of courts for the county died, and Coolidge was chosen to replace him. The
  31. His father Hermann and Max Broad arrive at the home of an English insurance, clerk ,(and Kafka aficionado) and his wife. *,Kafka's Hell-Paradise,2006,a play
  32. The elected members after an election. There is also 1 ex-officio member,the, clerk ,of the house. The head of state - the president -is elected by the House of
  33. Of jobs after leaving school: a soda jerk, insurance investigator, office, clerk , Most of them ended with him being fired. He lost the insurance job when he
  34. To part-time. To earn money, he also took odd jobs: as private tutor, car parts, clerk ,and assistant at the Meteorological Institute. He completed his license de
  35. A determination to vindicate his genius. After Oxford, Jackson got a job as a, clerk ,in the Patent Office in London and arranged a job there for Housman as well. A
  36. Pressure of. Erin Brockovich-Ellis (born June 22, 1960) is an American legal, clerk ,and environmental activist who, despite the lack of a formal law school
  37. In the main camp of Auschwitz I. Oskar Growing is one such well known Auschwitz, clerk , who has appeared on several documentaries speaking about life in Auschwitz for
  38. Her father was" the sort of rebel destined to transform colonial America "; as, clerk ,of the court, he was jailed for disobeying the local magistrate in defense of
  39. To be all-powerful, to compel others to do his bidding ... like an underpaid, clerk ,in a department store who consoled himself at night with dreams of glory in
  40. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1835,by C. Bradley, in the, clerk ,'s office of the District Court of Massachusetts ", according to the Newberry
  41. Herbert of Sens, Robert (a clerk ),a certain William, and an unnamed, clerk ,of Prissy. The party set out on 27 January 1249,with letters from King Louis
  42. Leader, mess steward,storekeeper and two cooks; assistant leader, company, clerk , assistant educational advisor and three second cooks. These men received
  43. The mid-1930s,Delete organized a Ranger's Club for young people, served as, clerk ,and president of the local school board, served as a parole officer, organized
  44. Arraignment is the first of eleven stages in a criminal trial, and involves the, clerk ,of the court reading out the indictment. The defendant is asked whether he or
  45. Of Holmes was inspired by Dr. Joseph Bell, for whom Doyle had worked as a, clerk ,at the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. Like Holmes, Bell was noted for drawing large
  46. Records, administers the oaths of office to all town officers ... and is the, clerk ,of the town meeting. " In the role as clerk of town meeting he notifies the
  47. Insists that Gregor must be ill, or he would not be acting like this. The chief, clerk ,loses his temper and tells Gregor that he is shocked by his attitude, insisting
  48. Families could not provide the spelling of their surname, and so the scribe, clerk , minister, or official would write down the name on the basis of how it was
  49. Should be written down and preserved in a public office; and that the town, clerk ,should read the text over with the actors; and that all performances which did
  50. Elizabeth Dickens. He was the second of their eight children. His father was a, clerk ,in the Navy Pay-office, and was temporarily on duty in the neighborhood. Very

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