Examples of the the word, hello , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hello ), is the 4136 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To run under RDS and prints the string“ Hello, world. ” on the console.; a ", hello , world" program for Nova running RDS, by Toby Than; uses CHAR system call.
  2. To allude to the taboo word" Hell ", then replaces it with the innocuous ", hello ,". Examples Shakespeare The following lines from Shakespeare's The Winter's
  3. Child-like wonderment (spreading out its arms in the aerospace exhibit, waving, hello , to an astronaut suit that resembles him, etc.),while Garrison Keillor
  4. A_message → do_something; → handle (Discontent); → Io: format (" Got, hello ,message: ~s ", Text ); → Io: format (" Got goodbye message: ~s ", Text ) end.
  5. ZERO (RANDOM 10) ) (PRON (GO #: END1137) ) NIL) (PRON (WRITE-LINE ", hello ,") ) (GO #: START1136) ) #: END1137) All macros must be expanded before the
  6. ALGOL 60 family Since ALGOL 60 had no I/O facilities, there is no portable, hello ,world program in ALGOL. The following program could (and still will) compile
  7. Cx featured a page devoted to fan-submitted artwork and tributes to the site's, hello , JPG, and a parody of the image was unwittingly shown by a BBC newscast as an
  8. The apt packaging system; this allows users to simply type" apt-get install, hello ," for the program to be installed, along with any software dependencies. While
  9. Program for Nova running RDS, by Toby Than; uses CHAR system call. Titl, hello , Nrel. Ent start: do char: LDA 0,@pmsg; load ac0 with next character
  10. May be added after the əʉ (M. -D. /of/) sound in words like" no" near,", hello ," həˈləʊr," don't" dəʊ-rnt and" low" lair.; You coalescence *You
  11. Allows a series of items to be generated in sequence until one fails: 1 | ", hello ," | x < 5 can generate" 1 "," hello ", and " 5" if x is less than 5.
  12. think, therefore iMac" was used in 1998 to promote the iMac, and " Say, hello ,to iPhone" has been used in iPhone advertisements. " Hello" was also used to
  13. HelloWorldApp To compare this to other programming languages see the list of, hello ,world program examples. Source files must be named after the public class they
  14. Assignment: +,-, *,/, %,&, |,^, <<, >>" Hello, world " example The ", hello , world" example, which appeared in the first edition of K&R, has become the
  15. Often substituted for" Hello world" as the introductory program. Purpose A ", hello ,world" program has become the traditional first program that many people learn
  16. That prints the string" Hello, world! " May be built by creating a file named, hello , Awk containing the following lines: #! /USR/bin/AWK -f BEGIN The -f tells AWK
  17. Given language's syntax and structure from a hello world program. In addition, hello ,world can be a useful sanity test to make sure that a language's compiler
  18. Of an associative operation is string concatenation: the concatenation of ", hello ,",","," world" can be computed by concatenating the first two strings (
  19. And third string (giving ", world ") and concatenating the first string (", hello ,") with the result. String concatenation is not commutative. * In arithmetic
  20. Using the so-called" shebang" syntax. For example, a UNIX command called, hello , Awk that prints the string" Hello, world! " May be built by creating a file
  21. Programming textbooks, regardless of programming language. The program prints ", hello , world" to the standard output, which is usually a terminal or screen display.
  22. Doit (this) disc ('Hello! ') end end end When put into a file named, hello , M, this can be executed with the following commands: >>
  23. WHEN (ZERO (RANDOM 10) ) (GO #: END1137) ) (PRON (WRITE-LINE ", hello ,") ) (GO #: START1136) #: END1137) During macro expansion the value of the
  24. Hello" was also used to introduce the original Macintosh, Newton,iMac (", hello ,(again) "),and iPod. Commercials Apple's product commercials gained fame
  25. Be made more selective with modifications such as find" Bob" in card field ", hello ,". Similarly, it had a" sort" command that allowed evaluating entire
  26. a. Deb package, either traditionally or using deb helper, and the version of, hello ,used, GNU hello , serves as an example of how to write a GNU program. Heavy
  27. Either traditionally or using deb helper, and the version of hello used, GNU, hello , serves as an example of how to write a GNU program. Heavy metal may refer to
  28. To run, thus allowing the first user programs (trivial ones such as the, hello ,world program in C) to run. Since 2005,most of the developers' time has gone
  29. Language introduced a multilingual hello world program, Sun demonstrated a Java, hello ,world based on scalable vector graphics, and the XL programming language
  30. Book The C Programming Language. The example program from that book prints ", hello , world" ( without capital letters or exclamation mark),and was inherited
  31. Semantics, and pass-by-reference semantics. Classdef, hello ,methods function dot (this) disc ('Hello! ') end end end When put into a
  32. Producing side effects. The Debian and Ubuntu Linux distributions provide the ", hello ,world" program through the apt packaging system; this allows users to simply
  33. For example, the Go programming language introduced a multilingual, hello ,world program, Sun demonstrated a Java hello world based on scalable vector
  34. In sequence until one fails: 1 |" hello " | x < 5 can generate" 1 ",", hello ,", and " 5" if x is less than 5. Alternators can be read as" or" in many
  35. Code: main () a 'hell '; b 'o, w '; c 'old '; For modern languages,the, hello ,world program tends to subtly grow in sophistication. For example, the Go
  36. Vector graphics, and the XL programming language features a spinning Earth, hello ,world using 3D graphics. Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales announced during his
  37. Main () The first known instance of the usage of the words ", hello ," and" world" together in computer literature occurred earlier, in Kernighan
  38. The original version was: main () A standard-conforming ", hello , world" program is: #include int main (void)
  39. World Program can be written in MOO as: @program, hello ,: run player: tell (" Hello to the world of MOO! ");. A more interesting
  40. Of life. Often, people walking down the streets, or buying food at shops say, hello ,by saying" Pure Vida ", which means pure life, or good life. It can be phrased
  41. A single argument, the address of the first character in the string literal ", hello , world\n ". The string literal is an unnamed array with elements of type char
  42. World" can be computed by concatenating the first two strings (giving ", hello ," ) and appending the third string (" world" ), or by joining the second and
  43. The frame by first calling the super class constructor, passing the parameter ", hello ,", which is used as the window's title. It then calls the method inherited
  44. As English. For instance, put the first word of the third line of field ", hello ," into field" goodbye" did exactly that. Referring to objects and the items
  45. Ad-hoc debugging aid. BCPL is reputedly the language in which the original, hello ,world program was written. The first MUD was also written in BCPL. Several
  46. As" HELLO WORLD! ", on systems that only support capital letters, while many ", hello ,world" programs in esoteric languages print out a slightly modified string.
  47. Found here) (, hello , Adb) with Ada. Text_IO; use Ada. Text_IO;
  48. From one implementation to another is easily demonstrated by the classic, hello ,world program. ALGOL 58 (ILL) ALGOL 58 had no I/O facilities. ALGOL 60 family
  49. Open source compiler GNAT, by executing gnat make, hello , Adb Data types Ada's type system is not based on a set of predefined
  50. Gain a lot of information about a given language's syntax and structure from a, hello ,world program. In addition, hello world can be a useful sanity test to make

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