Examples of the the word, fence , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fence ), is the 4132 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In 2005,the team moved the bullpens to the vacant area beyond the left-field, fence ,and filled the previous location with seats. In late 2001,Dave Borowski
  2. 2003,the franchise largely quieted the criticism by moving in the left-center, fence ,to, taking the flagpole in that area out of play, a feature carried over from
  3. Greek folk etymologies, in the Doric dialect the word originally meant wall, fence ,from animals and later assembly within the Agora. In the Ancient Macedonian
  4. Somewhat dubious in this era as many fans would get in by climbing over the, fence ,from Bishops Park into the Putnam End. Like many other grounds, fans would
  5. And he was inspired by observing a cat attempting to pull a chicken through a, fence , and could only pull through some feathers. A single cotton gin could
  6. Making the most of the cavernous stadium, Veeck had a portable center field, fence ,installed, which he could move in or out depending on how the distance favored
  7. Israeli soldiers formally left Gaza on 11 September 2005 and closed the border, fence ,at Kissoff. While his decision to withdraw from Gaza sparked bitter protests
  8. Piano Science Center – Phillips Peter Academy Library – Piazza – Picket, fence ,– Pier – Pier – Petra aura – Pilaster – Pilot – Pin fold – Pittsburgh toilet –
  9. Ground, that touches a fence before being touched by a fielder or that clears a, fence ,;: (2) the batter reaches first base safely on a fair ball hit with such force
  10. Political allegory); Plays * August Wilson – Fences (play) (Troy's, fence ,is" designed" to keep the grim reaper away) Film * Planet of the Apes (1968
  11. Had decided they would be safer at the back of the plane. The plane clipped the, fence ,at the end of the runway on its next take-off attempt and a wing tore through a
  12. Crosslink (i.e., connect )" posts" of 4 stacked amino acids into a ", fence ," which is the peptide part of peptidoglycan (the rest of the structure is
  13. Because of the delays and closures as a result of its poor security, a double, fence ,was built at a cost of £5 million, reducing the numbers of refugees detected
  14. Brigade, who raised determined resistance and delaying tactics from behind, fence ,posts with fire from their breech loading carbines. Still, by 10:20 a. m., the
  15. Words and actions. As to his demeanor during the deposition, he said," Did I, fence ,with Bodies? ... I plead guilty. Whatever that penalty it should be levied
  16. Inner German border between the two German states was closed, and a barbed-wire, fence ,erected. The border between the Western and Eastern sectors of Berlin, however
  17. Common – 30,000 women hold hands and form a human chain around the perimeter, fence , *1984 – Majolica Would Sid'Ahmed Maya becomes the third president of Mauritania
  18. Enclosure),a cluster of buildings having a shared purpose, usually inside a, fence ,or wall * Compound (fortification),a version of the above fortified with
  19. That it would blow up under the carriage ... The explosion knocked me into the, fence , " The explosion, while killing one of the Cossacks and seriously wounding the
  20. And is about 30 meters high. Near the top is a rectangular terrace with an iron, fence , On each side of the fence is an iron console construction which holds the
  21. Communications with others and surrounded his property with a barbed wire, fence , His influence and moral authority for the West diminished as he became
  22. And warm climates, such as the Masai Mara in Kenya. This is known as a cactus, fence , Cactus fence s are often used by homeowners and landscape architects for home
  23. Hooliganism in the 1980s led chairman Ken Bates to propose erecting an electric, fence ,to deter them from invading the pitch; the proposal was rejected by the GLC.
  24. Elements of the game to a new level. Though early on targets were trees or, fence ,posts in the woods, now courses are being cut out and under utilized parts of
  25. Has also been preserved; number 5931. It is displayed, within a chain-link, fence , at the main entrance to Heritage Park in Calgary, Alberta. For most of its
  26. Who was arrested on two separate occasions as he climbed over a chain-link, fence ,at the test site. Personal life and beliefs Sagan was married three times—in
  27. I am still standing. The public entrance area is outside the perimeter, fence ,in what was the camp admission building, where new prisoners were registered
  28. The thieves were arrested on assumed burglary as they had surmounted a, fence ,and the supermarket owner made a complaint on theft later. * In Canada, The
  29. Was called back early in the game despite the fact that it clearly cleared the, fence , hit a chair, and bounced back onto the field. The game lasted 13 innings, and
  30. The Berlin Wall was more than long. In June 1962,a second, parallel, fence , some farther into East German territory was built. The houses contained between
  31. Near the top is a rectangular terrace with an iron fence . On each side of the, fence ,is an iron console construction which holds the lamps for lighting the clock.
  32. Or even waders could sneak in on the bay side, just by swimming around the, fence , Some resort homes and buildings from the Neptune beach era still exist
  33. At the front of this enclosure and the area had a distinctive white picket, fence ,to keep fans off the pitch (up until the 70s). The Pavilion The Cottage
  34. Also the model for Olympia and the Luncheon on the Grass, sits before an iron, fence ,holding a sleeping puppy and an open book in her lap. Next to her is a little
  35. The distance favored the Indians against their opponents in a given series. The, fence ,moved as much as between series opponents. Following the 1947 season, the
  36. Appropriation of land is not legitimate by merely claiming it or building a, fence ,around it; it is only by using land – by mixing one's labor with it – that
  37. And mist. Before the battle of Culdremne (561) a druid made an Earle dried (, fence ,of protection?) round one of the armies, but what is precisely meant by the
  38. Base) safely on a fair ball that settles on the ground, that touches a, fence ,before being touched by a fielder or that clears a fence ;: (2) the batter
  39. Bonds had hit a home run. He hit a Tim Wakefield knuckle ball just over the low, fence ,into the Giant's bullpen in right field. It was his first home run off his
  40. Had been converted into an air-raid shelter for the SS) was restored and the, fence ,was moved (because of building work being done after the war but before the
  41. Movement to a crawl, but geologists are still analyzing results for the optimum, fence ,designs. Preventing sand dunes from overwhelming towns, villages,and
  42. Line wavered and broke temporarily at a jog called the" Angle" in a low stone, fence , just north of a patch of vegetation called the Copse of Trees, reinforcements
  43. Lines and the stands, but a flout in a park with more expansive foul ground. A, fence ,in foul territory that is close to the outfield line will tend to direct balls
  44. Young member of the Narodnaya Volga, Ignaty Grinevitsky, standing by the canal, fence , raised both arms and threw something at the tsar's feet. He was alleged to
  45. A lack of either natural resources or financial means to construct a permanent, fence , This is often seen in arid and warm climates, such as the Masai Mara in Kenya
  46. Center. The outer boundary of the outfield is typically demarcated by a raised, fence , which may be of any material and height (many amateur games are played on
  47. Second worldwide. Another sport is the" game of the sticks" where opponents, fence ,with long sticks. This may have come about from the shepherds of the islands
  48. The rest of the structure is linked sugars that sit on top of the ", fence ," and further link the" posts" ). Peptidoglycan is the outermost and primary
  49. Challenging runs. Film was a trail with one obstacle (use) like a jump,a, fence , a difficult turn, a gorge, a cliff (often more than 10 meters high) and more
  50. 19th century United States (particularly in the sense" pull oneself over a, fence ,by one's bootstraps" ), in the sense of being an absurdly impossible feat.

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