Examples of the the word, euro , in a Sentence Context

The word ( euro ), is the 4140 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. If public finance reform passes. However, the most recent draft of the, euro ,adoption plan omits giving any date. Although the country is economically
  2. Employed 1,381 personnel and expended 648.2 million Luna (86.4 million, euro ,). Stated aims of Croatian foreign policy include enhancing relations with
  3. In use in France: the relative value of the CFA franc versus the French franc /, euro ,changed only in 1948 and 1994. The value of the CFA franc has been widely
  4. With the first sets of euro coins being minted in 1999. The standard Belgian, euro ,coins designated for circulation show the portrait of King Albert II. Despite a
  5. 1999,when both currencies were replaced by the EU's single currency,the, euro , Coins and notes of both the franc and the peseta remained legal tender in
  6. In the European community cent is the official name for one hundredth of a, euro , However, in French-speaking countries the word centime is the preferred term.
  7. Against the euro , British pound, and many other currencies. For instance,the, euro ,hit $1.42 in October 2007,the strongest it has been since its birth in 1999.
  8. Franco" = 65 pesos) Note: Réunion and Saint-Pierre and Miquelon currently use, euro ,as part of the French Republic. European Monetary Union In 1998,in
  9. One hundredth of a Canadian dollar is called a sou (penny). Subdivision of, euro ,: cent or centime? In the European community cent is the official name for one
  10. In addition to normal adjectival use, as in a twenty-pound-a-week pay-rise. The, euro ,most often takes a regular plural -s in practice despite the EU dictum that it
  11. Country is economically better positioned than other EU Members to adopt the, euro , the change is not expected before 2013,due to political reluctance on the
  12. Forces Command. Annual spending per soldier amounts to 30,000 lava (~ 15,000, euro , ) and is scheduled to increase to 43,600 lava by 2014. Unlike many formers
  13. Mark or BAM)- the national currency introduced in 1998 - is pegged to the, euro , and confidence in the currency and the banking sector has increased.
  14. Over the past several years. Benin uses the CFA franc, which is pegged to the, euro , Benin’s economy has continued to strengthen over the past years, with real GDP
  15. Europe. On 1 January 2008,the country entered the euro zone and adopted the, euro ,as its official currency, replacing the Cypriot pound at an irrevocable fixed
  16. For admission to the European Union. The Cypriot government adopted the, euro ,as the national currency on 1 January 2008. Oil has recently been discovered in
  17. Since the country" currently fulfills all criteria for adoption of the, euro ,", however his subsequent deposition has rendered this deadline moot. There are
  18. Facility with annual revenues amounting to more than 4 billion lava (2 billion, euro ,). Have seen a steady increase in electricity production from renewable energy
  19. Quid was formerly also used in Ireland for the punt and today is used for the, euro , " Quid" does not (generally) have a plural form but" buck" does (aside
  20. Ferry takes about an hour, with ticket prices for adults within the 4-15, euro , range. There are regular bus services from Regina town to destinations
  21. Can be determined by touch. For example: ** In some currencies, such as the, euro , the pound sterling and the Indian rupee, the size of a note increases with its
  22. S fourth-highest inflation rate for both years. And about 705 colones to the, euro , The central government offers tax exemptions for those willing to invest in
  23. The European institutional framework, the bank implements the decisions, issues, euro , banknotes and withdraws and destroys worn pieces. The main function has thus
  24. Both CFA Francs currently have a fixed exchange rate to the 0.152449 euro ; or 1, euro ,655.957 CFA francs. Although Central African CFA francs and West African CFA
  25. Gate is an iconic landmark of Berlin and Germany. It also appears on German, euro ,coins (10 cent,20 cent, and 50 cent). The Reichstag building is the
  26. Are effected. Overvaluation of the Cypriot pound prior to the adoption of the, euro ,in 2008 had kept inflation in check. Trade is vital to the Cypriot economy—the
  27. Czech government led by social democrats had expressed a desire to adopt the, euro ,in 2010,but the current center-right government suspended that plan in 2007.
  28. 100 CFA franc 0.152449 euro or 1 euro 655.957 CFA franc. (1 January 1999:, euro ,replaced FRF at the rate of 6.55957 FRF for 1 euro ) The 1960 and 1999 events
  29. First of the ready-made computers were sold with the" kit" versions of the, euro ,cards, the version with redesigned cards came a month or so later. Soon the
  30. The second highest in Europe. Germany has imposed an extra duty of 0.80 to 0.90, euro , per bottle effective August 1,2004. To circumvent higher taxation, some German
  31. Currency. The LEV is pegged to the euro at a rate of 1.95583 less for 1, euro , Corruption in the public administration and a weak judiciary have hampered
  32. That on 1 November 2009,the Czech government will announce a fixed date for, euro ,adoption, since the country" currently fulfills all criteria for adoption of
  33. The Bulgarian LEV is the country's national currency. The LEV is pegged to the, euro ,at a rate of 1.95583 less for 1 euro . Corruption in the public administration
  34. Of its status as a tax haven. It is not a member of the European Union, but the, euro ,is the de facto currency. The people of Andorra have the 4th highest human life
  35. Treasury will guarantee the free convertibility at a fixed parity between the, euro ,and the CFA and Comoran francs * The competent French authorities shall keep
  36. In 2007,aimed at strengthening the sector by investing a total of 3.2 billion, euro , Specialized equipment amounts to some 25,000 tractors and 5,500 combines
  37. The Belgian franc. Belgium switched to the euro in 2002,with the first sets of, euro ,coins being minted in 1999. The standard Belgian euro coins designated for
  38. Brass, is 40 % zinc and 1 % tin. *Nordic gold, used in 10,20 and 50 cts, euro ,coins, contains 89 % copper,5 % aluminum,5 % zinc, and 1 % tin. *Red brass
  39. CFA franc. (1 January 1999: euro replaced FRF at the rate of 6.55957 FRF for 1, euro , ) The 1960 and 1999 events were merely changes in the currency in use in France
  40. African exports) * 1 January 1999 onward – 100 CFA franc 0.152449 euro or 1, euro ,655.957 CFA franc. (1 January 1999: euro replaced FRF at the rate of 6.55957
  41. Central Bank. He was acknowledged for his critical role in the stability of the, euro ,despite the economic crises that prevailed in many economic powers. Geography
  42. Until 2002,Belgium's currency was the Belgian franc. Belgium switched to the, euro ,in 2002,with the first sets of euro coins being minted in 1999. The standard
  43. To be changing. As of October 2007,the U. S. dollar weakened against the, euro , British pound, and many other currencies. For instance, the euro hit $1.42 in
  44. From the demand of incoming investors and property buyers to the island. The, euro ,was introduced in 2008. Three different designs were selected for the Cypriot
  45. In Andorra until 31 December 2002. Andorra is negotiating to issue its own, euro ,coins. Andorra has one of the world's the lowest unemployment rates, with the
  46. Featured prominently on the Dutch 1000-guilder banknote, legal tender until the, euro ,was introduced in 2002. The highest and most prestigious scientific award of
  47. In 2010,the healthcare budget amounts to 4.2 % of GDP, or about 1.3 billion, euro , Bulgaria has 181 doctors per 100,000 people, which is above the EU average.
  48. To help African exports) * 1 January 1999 onward – 100 CFA franc 0.152449, euro , or 1 euro 655.957 CFA franc. (1 January 1999: euro replaced FRF at the rate of
  49. Both CFA Francs currently have a fixed exchange rate to the 0.152449, euro , ; or 1 euro 655.957 CFA francs. Although Central African CFA francs and West
  50. One of the lowest within the EU with an average monthly wage of 689 lava (354, euro , ). According to Eurostat data, Bulgarian PPS GDP per capita stood at 44 % of

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