Examples of the the word, weblog , in a Sentence Context

The word ( weblog ), is the 4141 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Htm A Bayesian Approach to Filtering Junk E-mail. Gary Robinson, in his, weblog ,http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php? Sid=6467 Rants, suggests some
  2. Used" blog" as both a noun and verb (" to blog," meaning" to edit one's, weblog ,or to post to one's weblog " ) and devised the term" blogger" in connection
  3. Spawned dozens of websites including Web monkey, the search engine Hotpot, and a, weblog , Suck. Com. In June 1998,the magazine even launched its own stock index, The
  4. And verb (" to blog," meaning" to edit one's weblog or to post to one's, weblog ,") and devised the term" blogger" in connection with Pyre Labs' Blogger
  5. Atom, which should contain a unique identifier for each individual article or, weblog ,post. In RSS the contents of the GUID can be any text, and in practice is
  6. Facebook, which uses the personal homepage genre, the message board genre,the, weblog ,and directory genre, as well as utilizing the Circle of Friends. The second
  7. A popular we blogging service. Radio UserLand is a client-side, weblog ,system that hosts blogs on UserLand's servers for an annual software license
  8. In remembrance of the many gay teenagers who committed suicide in 2010. On her, weblog ,she wrote on June 18, 2011:" I believe in equality for everyone. I believe
  9. Writing American Gods, his publishers set up a promotional website featuring a, weblog ,in which Gaiman described the day-to-day process of writing, revising
  10. Short form," blog," was coined by Peter Merfolk, who jokingly broke the word, weblog ,into the phrase we blog in the sidebar of his blog Peter me. Com in April or May
  11. Web magazine Retired, the author of the http://scripting.com/ Scripting News, weblog , a former research fellow at Harvard Law School, and current visiting scholar
  12. Original commentary through a stream of Daily Articles and a supplemental, weblog , These original essays are written by professors and lay people alike and
  13. The censorship of any reference (of its name) on Mathias Poujol-Rost′s, weblog , ** the obligation to publish the judicial decision for 3 months, ** all
  14. Season. Holland was the birthplace of Slashdot, an influential early Internet, weblog ,created by Hope College student Rob" Draco" Malta. CNN Money named Holland
  15. Web page; it is often used for disseminating news article summaries and sharing, weblog ,content. * http://rdfs.org/resume-rdf/ Resume RDF - developed to express
  16. That an event in such fashion was held in honor of a head of government. Some, weblog ,reports of the evening described the general atmosphere of the event as "
  17. And published during 2000),and his contributions to Boing,the, weblog ,he co-edits, as well as regular columns in the magazines Popular Science and
  18. By enclosing a Grateful Dead song in his http://scripting.com/ Scripting News, weblog , Winer's we blogging product, Radio User land, the program favored by Curry, had
  19. Treatment. As of 28 August 2008 he is cancer-free according to a report on his, weblog , Bibliography Cornell began fiction writing non-SF work under a pseudonym in
  20. A couple of Justin's current projects in development (according to his, weblog ,) are a programmable effects processor called Teutonic and a new software
  21. In blogs, # is sometimes used to denote a permalink for that particular, weblog ,entry. * On social networking sites such as Twitter, # is used to denote a
  22. Princeton economist Alan Blinder. In December 2004,Becker started a joint, weblog ,with Judge Richard Poster entitled http://uchicagolaw.typepad.com/beckerposner/
  23. For binary downloads * Movable Type (until version 4.0) – A proprietary, weblog ,publishing system developed by California-based Six Apart * Memcached - A
  24. Writing American Gods, his publishers set up a promotional website featuring a, weblog ,in which Gaiman described the day-to-day process of revising, publishing,and
  25. Elimination for many weeks, as well as for his widely commented-on hairdo. The, weblog ,Vote for the Worst and satellite radio personality Howard Stern both encouraged
  26. Through its internet portal,'RussiaBlog. ' In addition to maintaining the, weblog , the program organizes conferences and events to address current events and
  27. Acknowledged that many of characteristics of social software (hyperlinks, weblog ,conversation discovery and standards-based aggregation) " build on older forms
  28. And implemented an XML syndication format for use on his Scripting News, weblog , thus making an early contribution to the history of web syndication technology
  29. Issues, Crypto-Gram,as well as a security weblog , Schneier on Security. The, weblog ,started out as a way to publish essays before they appeared in Crypto-Gram
  30. General Official Neil Gaiman Website, and Gaiman still regularly adds to the, weblog , describing the day-to-day process of being Neil Gaiman and writing, revising
  31. Uncopyrighted) newsletters http://cheap-truth.blogspot.com/ republished as a, weblog ,Interface is a relational database management system (RDBMS) currently
  32. Hits" compilations have been issued in recent years, and O-Jay started his own, weblog ,in 2004,in which he finally revealed that the group's biggest hits had in
  33. There were over 156 million public blogs in existence. History The term ", weblog ," was coined by Born Larger on 17 December 1997. The short form," blog," was
  34. A hall dedicated to the life of Kirchner. The Athanasius Kirchner Society had a, weblog ,devoted to unusual ephemera, which very occasionally relate to Kirchner. His
  35. Most popular of these was probably science fiction author Jerry Pournelle's, weblog ," http://www.jerrypournelle.com The View From Chaos Manor" derived from a
  36. Also maintains a virtual store of its entire in-print catalog, a group, weblog , numerous RSS feeds for weekly podcasts, and BitTorrent files for much of its
  37. Only a day earlier, drummer Derick McKenzie posted an article on his MySpace, weblog ,that the recording process for the same record had also begun. On 15 January
  38. On computer and other security issues, Crypto-Gram,as well as a security, weblog , Schneider on Security. The weblog started out as a way to publish essays before
  39. Johncarlosbaez). This Week's Finds anticipated the concept of a personal, weblog , Additionally, Baez is known on the World Wide Web as the author of the
  40. And media observers. * Bilbao (http://www.bildblog.de),a German, weblog ,that when founded was dedicated solely to documenting errors and fabrications
  41. At that time. Red did not respond promptly to e-mails, so Salem set up the, weblog ,for him to read. Salem continued to post updates to the site even after it was
  42. New revision of the software approximately every 2 to 3 days. According to his, weblog , Frankel is also an enthusiast bagpipe player. Quotes *" For me, coding is a
  43. Frankel announced his resignation from AOL on January 22, 2004 on his, weblog , stating" Won't repeat it here (in two words: I've resigned). So begins
  44. Meridian Movement helped to spawn the popular" bright green" environmental, weblog ,World changing. WorldChanging contributors include many of the original members
  45. http://www.webneveshteha.com/ weblog /? Id=2146307388 Mohammad Ali Abtahi's, weblog ,report of the evening *http://www.hanouz.com/archives/002896.html A blogger's
  46. The uncharted life of Samuel Pepys ". On 1 January 2003 Phil Ford started a, weblog , pepysdiary. Com, that serialized the diary one day each evening together with
  47. He would continue such features as his yearly gift guide, year in review, his, weblog , as well as an occasional article or column. Dave's World television series
  48. With the advent of http://margaretcho.com Margaret. Com and her daily, weblog , When San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom directed that San Francisco's city hall
  49. At Global Dynamics and a thorn in Fargo's side. Writing Wheaton runs his own, weblog , Will Wheaton Dot Net which has resulted in books. Between 2001 and fall 2004
  50. That covers current events from a liberal point of view. Tomorrow also runs a, weblog ,that informs readers about stories of interest, often presented as a follow-up

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