Examples of the the word, distant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( distant ), is the 4131 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Between Heart and Iran while another is to connect with Pakistan Railways. Long, distant ,journey are made by private coaches or private cars. Newer automobiles have
  2. Ephesus, Sinope, and Pathos. According to the dramatist Aeschylus, in the, distant ,past they had lived in Scythia (modern Crimea),at the Plus Mantis (" Lake
  3. Cadavers. In They Do It with Mirrors (1952),it is revealed that, in her, distant ,youth, Miss Marple spent time in Europe at a finishing school. She is not
  4. That it did not radically transform colonial society but simply replaced a, distant ,government with a local one. More recent scholarship pioneered by historians
  5. 1,770 K and above. Since such temperatures are highly unlikely on such a small, distant ,body, this discovery is potentially suggestive of catalytic reactions within
  6. Gardens near the emperor's palace. The reference to Bertha, however,is, distant ,and respectful, her name occurring merely on the list of princesses to whom he
  7. In the early 19th century. They are still great trade carriers, and visit very, distant ,districts. The American Quarter Horse is an American breed of horse that excels
  8. Economic geography Alberta has a small internal market and is relatively, distant ,from major world markets, despite good transportation links to the rest of
  9. Referred to her as" Mother ". As he grew older, Lincoln became increasingly, distant ,from his father. He regretted his father's lack of education and did not like
  10. Beyond Khan sought a closer relationship with the Soviet Union and a more, distant ,one towards Pakistan. Afghanistan remained neutral and was neither a
  11. Natural, Urituyacu, Chambira, Tigre, Nanay, Napo, and Haulage. The most, distant ,source of the Amazon was established in 1996,2001,2007,and 2008,as a
  12. When Newton was six years old. For the next few years, Newton was raised by his, distant ,stepmother while his father was at sea, and spent some time at a boarding
  13. Between the Angora Cats and Persians, and the Turkish Angora is also a, distant ,cousin of the Turkish Van. Although they are known for their shimmery white
  14. The sides of the linear kill zone. * V-shaped, when the firing units are, distant ,from the kill zone at the end where the enemy enters, so the firing units lay
  15. Much of the timber that composes Chapman construction came from a number of, distant ,mountain ranges, indicative also of the Chico Road's economic significance.
  16. November 1879 at the Basilica of Rocha in Madrid, Alfonso married a much more, distant ,relative, Maria Christina of Austria, daughter of Archduke Karl Ferdinand of
  17. Madeira, Purus and many other tributaries, such as the Marion to ports as, distant ,as NAFTA, Peru. The Amazon Steam Navigation Company had 38 vessels. By the turn
  18. A message was received at the Bell home from Brantford, four miles (six km), distant , along an improvised wire strung up along telegraph lines and fences, and laid
  19. Somewhat. In Richard K. Morgan's Takes hi Kovacs novels human colonies on, distant ,planets maintain contact with earth and each other via hyperspatial needle cast
  20. And then endorsed King William the Conqueror, the Duke of Normandy and a, distant ,relative of King Edward's. Alfred crowned King William on Christmas Day in
  21. Buoyancy Laboratory. * Pass a strict physical examination, and have a near and, distant ,visual acuity correctable to 20/20 (6/6). Blood pressure, while sitting, must
  22. As always, such complaints may arise from misconceptions, have origins in, distant ,APL history and no longer be relevant today, or they may have some degree of
  23. Spectra of excited states can be used to analyze the atomic composition of, distant ,stars. Specific light wavelengths contained in the observed light from stars
  24. There were thirty-three total spaced approximately 30 kilometers (20 mi), distant , enabling the military to confront attacks anywhere in the kingdom within a
  25. His father as Imam of the Shi'a IMA'ill Muslims. The Aga Khan traveled in, distant ,parts of the world to receive the homage of his followers, and with the object
  26. Elevate, played a Helvetic accordion known as a zugerörgeli, which could be a, distant ,relative (in one way or another) to the Swiss schwyzerörgeli, as both are
  27. Planet Eris from the sun, as of 2009. Eris and its moon are currently the most, distant ,known objects in the Solar System apart from long-period comets and space
  28. Way they could be mounted and survey the overall battlefield with safety from, distant ,musket fire. The horse was afforded protection from lances and infantry weapons
  29. Rebellions Since Aurangzeb's reign is marked by numerous rebellions in the, distant ,provinces of the Mughal Empire, many historians believe that Mughal Arabs were
  30. Their day as sorely deficient in faith; but whereas Newman had looked back to a, distant ,past when the light of faith might have appeared to burn brighter, Maurice
  31. It. He reasoned that a ray could not proceed from the eyes and reach the, distant ,stars the instant after we open our eyes. He also appealed to common
  32. Forms or technologies:" independent invention, inheritance from ancestors in a, distant ,region, transmission from one race sic to another. " Taylor formulated one of
  33. Along with his collaborators, that by performing different measurements on the, distant ,particle, either of position or momentum, different properties of the entangled
  34. II became more self-contained, decreasing trade and interaction with more, distant ,communities. Southwest farmers developed irrigation techniques appropriate to
  35. The 3rd century emperor Aurelia (Lucius Domitian Aurelia nus),was also a, distant ,relative of the Ahenobarbus family tree The family tree below is a
  36. Of Gaul said that part of the inhabitants of Gaul had migrated there from, distant ,islands. Some have understood Ammianus's testimony as a claim that at the time
  37. The consolation prize of secretary or governor of the Oregon Territory. This, distant ,territory was a Democratic stronghold, and acceptance of the post would have
  38. Obscured by higher parts of the earth as it circles around and becomes more, distant ,; the motion of the sun and the other celestial bodies around the earth is
  39. For Altissimum plane tam terminus observant (" I have observed the most, distant ,planet to have a triple form" ) for discovering the rings of Saturn in 1610.
  40. Identified nature's most endangered) include: the Chinese giant salamander,a, distant ,relative of the newt, the tiny Gardiner's Seychelles, the limbless Small
  41. Exciting in living memory. It has been compared with the great series of the, distant ,past, such as 1894–95 and 1902. The First Test at Lord's was convincingly won
  42. Object, because spacetime within our galaxy is almost Euclidean. For much more, distant ,objects the Euclidean approximation is not valid, and General Relativity must
  43. Described geometrically as: * Linear, when a number of firing units are equally, distant ,from the linear kill zone. * L-shaped, when a short leg of firing units are
  44. Tm or AM, in July 1955,using both local cesium clocks and comparisons to, distant ,clocks using the phase of VLF radio signals. Both the BIH scale and A.1 was
  45. Mars makes its closest approach to Earth in nearly 60,000 years, passing, distant , * 2003 – The first six-party talks, involving South and North Korea, the
  46. As an implausible explanation, since the magnetic field of a large but, distant ,planet such as Jupiter is far smaller than that produced by ordinary household
  47. Are located by the Greeks, whether it is somewhere along the Black Sea in the, distant ,north-east, or in Libya in the furthest south, it is always beyond the confines
  48. The same spot of the earth; or when one looks at it simultaneously from two, distant ,places from the surface of the earth. " He made the first attempt at observing
  49. Book of Maccabees, and cites Arabic sources which maintain it was brought in, distant ,times to Yemen. One Lemma clan, the Cuba, which was supposed to have brought
  50. The gypsum needed to make plaster. Ore-bearing rock formations were found in, distant , inhospitable wadis in the eastern desert and the Sinai, requiring large

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