Examples of the the word, wherever , in a Sentence Context

The word ( wherever ), is the 4137 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Will hit somewhere else. Many-worlds interpretations say that an electron hits, wherever ,there is a possibility that it might hit, and that each of these hits occurs in
  2. Is generally a destructive herbivore, has wiped out phylactolaemate populations, wherever ,it has appeared. P. canaliculata also preys on a common freshwater gymnolaemate
  3. Safas) are 9-metre long bands of fabric with various uses and are usually sold, wherever ,fabric for men's clothing is sold. Most of the malls and leading brands have
  4. In the coast regions the typical tree is the mangrove, which flourishes, wherever ,the soil is of a swamp character. The dense forests of West Africa contain, in
  5. Also seized molasses and wool. Winters writes that Porter" took all cotton, wherever ,he found it, cotton belonging to the Confederate government, cotton belonging
  6. Are extremely skillful. A string is run out down the center of the lane &, wherever ,the jack lands it is moved across to the string and the length is called out by
  7. The script easy to learn, and Phoenician seafaring merchants took the script, wherever ,they went. Phoenician gave way to a number of new writing systems, including
  8. For the English common law and its derivatives. Casuistry is prone to abuses, wherever ,the analogies between cases are false. History Western casuistry dates from
  9. Says," Entreat me not to leave you, or to turn back from following you; For, wherever ,you go, I will go; And wherever you lodge, I will lodge; Your people shall be
  10. Price of rhino horn (which fueled more poaching),but the species survived, wherever ,there was adequate on-the-ground protection. Thus field protection may be the
  11. Would contradict the traditional Lutheran doctrine that the church exists, wherever ,the Word is preached and Sacraments are practiced. Others objected on the
  12. Will normally make up new sauces on a daily basis, using fresh ingredients, wherever ,possible and grinding their own spices. More modest establishments are more
  13. You, or to turn back from following you; For wherever you go, I will go; And, wherever ,you lodge, I will lodge; Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God.
  14. Lost cause, as a lost culture, because Chicanos do not identify with Mexico or, wherever ,their parents migrated from as new immigrants do. Chicanoism is an appreciation
  15. Act the primary modification was to use the term" Emergency Preparedness ", wherever ,the term" Civil Defense" previously appeared in the statutory language. An
  16. Of the Internal Market in that the same market conditions should exist, wherever ,in Europe trade is carried out - different patent rights in different countries
  17. Semi. CIA president Steve Largest said that the industry needed spectrum,", wherever ,it comes from. " He said government spectrum probably was not efficiently used
  18. F′ as a function of an independent variable y, we substitute f (y) for x, wherever ,it appears. Then we can solve for f′.: \begin f' ( g (f (y)))g' ( f (y) )
  19. Station) and Comcast Sportsnet Chicago. The announcers are the same, wherever ,the game is televised: Ken" The Hawk" Harrelson on play-by-play and Steve
  20. That such lexically ambiguous, miscommunication-prone words should be avoided, wherever ,possible, since the user generally has to waste time, effort,and attention
  21. Ex p. Anderson (1861) 3 E & E 487). A natural-born subject owes allegiance, wherever ,they may be, so that where territory is occupied in the course of hostilities
  22. Toward the center of the screen. A third set of plates places the character, wherever ,required. The beam is unbanked (turned on) briefly to draw the character at
  23. The stunt made headlines, and Mitchell declared," No surface vessels can exist, wherever ,air forces acting from land bases are able to attack them. " While far from
  24. Held together by magic. When he is ready to leave, he offers to take the pair, wherever ,they want to go, but the man fearfully turns him down and the woman does not
  25. Of a sentence; again, breed fanciers usually differ, and capitalize it, wherever ,found. Description Appearance Borzoi are large Russian sight hounds which look
  26. Of autumn" ( Shared). Tourism Although color change in leaves occurs, wherever ,deciduous trees are found, coloured autumn foliage is most famously noted in
  27. A exists and equals g′ (a). It remains to study Q (g (x) ). Q is defined, wherever ,f is. Furthermore, because f is differentiable at g (a) by assumption, Q is
  28. To the radar unit. An aircraft that was stealthy enough would be able to fly, wherever ,it pleased, and could be attacked only by weapons and systems that did not rely on
  29. Crop. Irrigated agriculture is restricted to the areas surrounding rivers and, wherever ,sufficient underground water is available. Important irrigated crops include
  30. And also Punjab and Chandigarh. The Binaries have antagonized local population, wherever ,they had settled. The UP-Bihari MPs have shown their ingratitude towards Mumbai
  31. Was addicted to vice and debauchery. He kept a lot of calamities. In his realm, wherever ,there was a comely, beardless youth, he did everything he could to turn him
  32. The game. A set of house rules may be accepted as valid by a group of players, wherever ,they play, as it may also be accepted as governing all play within a particular
  33. Immigration, poaching,and providing assistance to mariners whenever and, wherever ,they can. The Defense Force has a fleet of 26 coastal and inshore patrol craft
  34. Mechanised warfare: Forum quoting Sumerian" He Beck was a paralyzing element, wherever ,he appeared .... Significantly of his way of thought was his much-boosted
  35. ASCII borders on the outsides of the release notes, etc. Uses ASCII art is used, wherever ,text can be more readily printed or transmitted than graphics, or in some cases
  36. Still scoffed at its use, VB met the needs of small businesses efficiently, wherever ,processing speed was less of a concern than easy development. By that time
  37. A single stronger mechanism. Subsystems should default to secure settings, and, wherever , possible should be designed to" fail secure" rather than" fail insecure" (
  38. Life and even national characteristics, declaring that" Finland is with Alto, wherever ,he goes ". Aalto's early experiments with wood and his move away from a purist
  39. Of calculation applies a convolution-superposition algorithm. * In physics, wherever ,there is a linear system with a" superposition principle ", a convolution
  40. Currently) is used by the church to pay for the costs of all missionaries, wherever ,they go. This enabled those going to Bolivia, whose average cost of living is
  41. Of view only. These two perspectives are related by a process of extension, wherever ,there is a horizon, a solution of General Relativity can go on by assuming that
  42. Year. Burns suppers are most common in Scotland and Northern Ireland, but occur, wherever ,there are Burns Clubs, Scottish Societies, expatriate Scots, or aficionados of
  43. Engineering, economics,business, medicine,demography, and in other fields, wherever ,a problem can be mathematically modeled, and an optimal solution is desired. It
  44. Strategy. He aggressively broadened the company's range of products, and, wherever , Microsoft achieved a dominant position he vigorously defended it. He gained a
  45. To Abraham, then gave him sheep, oxen,and slaves, and invited him to settle, wherever ,he pleased in Abimelech’s lands. Further, Abimelech gave Abraham a thousand
  46. Boat and Ruth as typical of Jesus and the Church. Ruth's famous words," For, wherever ,you go, I will go ... ", are used in Jewish, Catholic and some Protestant
  47. 1861) 3 El & El 487; 121 ER 525). Natural-born subjects owe allegiance, wherever ,they may be. Where territory is occupied in the course of hostilities by an
  48. The heart of a murdered boy ... In their malice, they ascribe every murder, wherever ,it chance to occur, to the Jews. And on the ground of these and other
  49. 1968). * Audio: At one point Warhol carried a portable recorder with him, wherever ,he went, taping everything everybody said and did. He referred to this device
  50. Colors. There is also an assignable background color, which will be visible, wherever ,another object has not covered it up. In total the system can utilize 25 colors

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