Examples of the the word, monster , in a Sentence Context

The word ( monster ), is the 4146 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Which lives in the surrounding swamp. The Octopus (referred to as simply" the, monster ,") has been responsible for the deaths of local townspeople. Newspaper
  2. Is named Rex Italian by his troops. * 565 – St. Columbia reports seeing a, monster ,in Loch Ness, Scotland. * 851 – Battle of England: Episode defeats Charles the
  3. Hopes of defending the Union force of wooden ships and preventing" the rebel, monster ," from further threatening the blockading fleet and nearby Union cities, like
  4. Have made possible the modern development of the trust, and the trust is now a, monster ,which I fear, even the freest banking, could it be instituted, would be unable
  5. Then a squid; and combining two elements of the myth, Perseus defeats the sea, monster ,by showing it Medusa's face, turning the monster into stone. Andromeda is
  6. Of these Jagdpanzers was the Ferdinand (later renamed the Elephant),a 70-ton, monster , mounting an 88 mm cannon. However, the Elephant proved to be mechanically
  7. Rand held in particular disdain was Immanuel Kant, whom she referred to as a ", monster ," and" the most evil man in history ", although Objectives philosophers
  8. A fish's tail. One myth says that when the goat-god Pan was attacked by the, monster ,Typhoon, he dove into the Nile; the parts above the water remained a goat, but
  9. All the nice gentle dope fiends are getting screwed up by the real horror, monster ,Frankenstein speed freaks who are going round stealing and bad-mouthing
  10. The victorious Theseus is represented as seated on the lifeless body of the, monster , The exhaustion which visibly pervades his whole frame proves the terrible
  11. Several changes. He felt Roussimoff should be portrayed as a large, immovable, monster , To enhance his size, McMahon discouraged Roussimoff from performing maneuvers
  12. The relationship with his family turned sour. Antonia referred to him as a, monster , and used him as a standard for stupidity. She seems to have passed her son off
  13. Either player collects a skull (the only negative item in the game),and the, monster ,is hit by the resulting comet crossing the screen. However, this is a rare
  14. Albanian ARI, Armenian ARJ. Also compared is Hittite cartage-, the name of a, monster ,or predator. Thus, some Indo-European language groups do not share the same PIE
  15. Sea Monster is a cryptid, which according to local legend is a mythical sea, monster ,of Greek mythology, the Scylla. Climate Cyprus has a subtropical climate –
  16. Too long, or a certain amount of time has been spent on the current level. A, monster ,will also become angry if either player collects a skull (the only negative
  17. Lines, who previously made two underwater photographs allegedly showing the, monster , countered with the fact that they can also be arranged into" Yes, both pix
  18. Her two sisters, jealous of Psyche, convinced her that her husband was a, monster , and she should strike him with a dagger. So one night she lit a lamp, but
  19. Is no difference between the player character race systems and that of the, monster ,or opponents. This element is shared with and originated in Tunnels and Trolls.
  20. Young women every nine years to Crete to be fed to the Minotaur, a vicious, monster , This continued until Theseus killed the Minotaur with the help of Ariadne
  21. Variations of the tale, Charybdis is just a large whirlpool rather than a sea, monster , Charybdis was very loyal to her father in his endless feud with Zeus; it was
  22. Of Vishnu, and a round tip symbolic of Shiva. Madeira A Madeira is a mythical sea, monster ,with the body of a serpent, the trunk of an elephant, and a head that can have
  23. And computer games such as; Group Tribes (Werewolf: The Apocalypse),a boss, monster ,in Throne Cross, and as the name of a summoned creature in the popular MMORPG
  24. Land for her father's kingdom that Zeus became enraged and changed her into a, monster , The myth has Charybdis lying on one side of a narrow channel of water. On the
  25. Or costumed figures—even Santa Claus. Ute myths feature a cannibalistic clown, monster ,called the Seats. In the Space To Care study aimed at improving hospital design
  26. The Hyperbolas during the winter months. Apollo turned Ephesus into a sea, monster , Another contender for the birthplace of Apollo is the Cretan islands of
  27. A summoned creature in the popular MMORPG game, RuneScape. The bun yip is also a, monster ,in Adventuresses. This version is a magical, heavily built creature of the
  28. Where scenes faded and slipped into one another, than occupied with editing the, monster ,manuscript ... Naked Lunch appeared and Burroughs disappeared. He kicked his
  29. Hobbes, Watterson presents a long poem explaining a night's battle against a, monster ,from Calvin's perspective. A complete collection of Calvin and Hobbes strips
  30. Of screen offers. In 1943,he finally played the role of Frankenstein's, monster ,in Universal's Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman, which this time contained
  31. By CBN Millikan (12th cent. Biographer) to have been seized by an invisible, monster ,in broad daylight and devoured horribly before many fright-frozen
  32. Would be found until the king sacrificed his virgin daughter Andromeda to the, monster , She was chained naked to a rock on the coast. Perseus was returning from
  33. Less in search of the Loch Ness Monster, they discover a fake version of the, monster ,with graffiti which reads 'Stomp Aberdeen '. Homer then goes on to proclaim
  34. Refers to an amphisbaena and concerns a similar, though mostly described, monster , * The CD art on Power man 5000's album Transform, drawn by Spider One
  35. Simply meet as Perseus returns home from having slain Medusa. In the film,the, monster ,is called a Kraken, although it is depicted as a lizardlike creature rather
  36. Region was the traditional site of the tenth labor, obtaining the cattle of the, monster ,Ger yon. Traditionally, the Pillars of Hercules flank the Strait of Gibraltar.
  37. For her arrogance, Poseidon,brother to Zeus and god of the sea, sent a sea, monster ,named Cetus to ravage the coast of Ethiopia including the kingdom of the vain
  38. Also is the origin myth that represents the ægis as a fire-breathing Catholic, monster ,similar to the Chimera, which was slain and flayed by Athena, who afterward
  39. The center of interest, and often she was shown alone, fearfully awaiting the, monster , In 1973,a short animated film called" Perseus" was made in the Soviet Union
  40. Is only really mentioned as being the princess whom Perseus saves from the sea, monster , Andromeda was portrayed by Audi Bowler in this film. Andromeda is also
  41. Artificial insemination center in Liege province. Critics call Belgian blues ", monster ,cows" and some countries' governments, including Denmark, have advocated
  42. Myth, Perseus defeats the sea monster by showing it Medusa's face, turning the, monster ,into stone. Andromeda is depicted as being strong-willed and independent
  43. And only Church there is one body and one head—not two heads as if it were a, monster ,... If, then,the Greeks or others say that they were not committed to the care
  44. Show with the Mecca genre of anime. The set pieces are reminiscent of Too, monster ,movies and the score is an eclectic mix of styles and musical homages. The Big
  45. Scott coined the scientific term" Resisters rhombopteryx" ( Greek for" The, monster ,(or wonder) of Less with the diamond shaped fin" ) for the apocryphal Lock
  46. Style. Charybdis or Charybdis (; Greek: Χάρυβδις) was a sea, monster , later rationalized as a whirlpool and considered a shipping hazard in the
  47. The Boast of Cassiopeia, was chained to a rock as a sacrifice to a sea, monster , She was saved from death by Perseus, her future husband. Her name is the
  48. Notably that Perseus did not marry Andromeda after he rescued her from the sea, monster , Andromeda was portrayed by Alexa Ávalos. The character is set to appear in
  49. Of Hrothgar, the king of the Danes, whose great hall, Heorot, is plagued by the, monster ,Grendel. Beowulf kills Grendel with his bare hands and Grendel's mother with
  50. To the introduction of the hero, Beowulf and his confrontation with the first, monster , Grendel. This passage begins by describing Scold’s glory as a“ scourge of

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