Examples of the the word, restoration , in a Sentence Context

The word ( restoration ), is the 4142 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Alonzo, forcing his way into Italy. * 663 – Villa–Tang armies crush the Bake, restoration ,attempt and force Yamato Japan to withdraw from Korea in the Battle of
  2. Modeling – Building lifecycle management – Building performance – Building, restoration ,– Building – Bulkhead – Burdock piling – Business park – Butler's pantry –
  3. Art Deco skyscraper built during 1931. During 2005,the largest residential, restoration ,project in the country and the largest collection of Art Deco buildings in New
  4. Was designated an Important Cultural Landscape. A later action seeking, restoration ,of Ainu assets held in trust by the Japanese Government was dismissed in 2008.
  5. House of dynastic Egypt, which ended with the kingship of Nectanebo II. A brief, restoration ,of Persian rule, sometimes known as the Thirty-First Dynasty, began in 343 BC
  6. The Prince’s. Such an action would have ripped away the veneer of Republican, restoration ,as promoted by Augustus, and exposed his fraud of merely being the first
  7. The city to the care of his son-in-law Æthelred, ealdorman of Mercia. The, restoration ,of London progressed through the later half of the 880’s and is believed to
  8. Aristogeiton, who were subsequently honored by the Athenians for their alleged, restoration ,of Athenian freedom. The greatest and longest lasting democratic leader was
  9. Mercia as his son-in-law, and Alfred’s keen administration talents. Between the, restoration ,of London and the resumption of large scale Danish attacks in the early 890’s
  10. Markers by the side of the road. The Angolan government has contracted the, restoration ,of many of the country's roads, though. Many companies are coming into the
  11. Campaign to save Abbotsford in 2009. This campaign will see the repair and, restoration ,of the house and grounds and the creation of a new visitor center. The visitor
  12. To maintain possession of federal property. His speech closed with a plea for, restoration ,of the bonds of union. The South sent delegations to
  13. With ministers of Reformed churches. Resistance to the growing acceptance and, restoration ,of traditional Catholic ceremonial by the mainstream of Anglicanism ultimately
  14. Built during 1929 and 1931 respectively. Both buildings experienced recent, restoration , Miami Beach, Florida,has a large collection of art-deco buildings, with some
  15. To devote herself exclusively to works of charity, notably the foundation or, restoration ,of religious houses. Retirement Adelaide had long entertained close relations
  16. 1955. The Pickford Street factory remains in Aston Martin ownership as the, restoration ,and service department. U. K. production is subsequently concentrated at Gaydon
  17. Bourbon king Louis XVIII (a brother of the beheaded Louis XVI) took the, restoration ,in hand. The Academic DES Sciences was re-established in March 1816; Lazier
  18. pope's nephew, Cardinal Ludovic Ludovic, who employed him for a time in the, restoration ,of ancient statues. Tomb of Pope Leo XI Propelled by the Borges and Barbering
  19. Although the success of this struggle is visible today, efforts for further, restoration ,are still ongoing. Geography Amsterdam is part of the province of North-Holland
  20. He lost his appointment on Napoleon's return to power. In 1815 on the second, restoration ,of the monarchy he obtained a post as engineer in Paris, where he spent much of
  21. Original layout. Catholic Churches in Amsterdam have been constructed since the, restoration ,of the episcopal hierarchy in 1853. One of the principal architects behind the
  22. The need of summoning parliament, however,soon brought about a nominal, restoration ,of the Archbishop's powers. His presence being unwelcome at court, he lived
  23. Markers by the side of the road. The Angolan government has contracted the, restoration ,of many of the country's roads. The road between Ubangi and Namib, for
  24. Project The Project began in 1975 and is now nearing completion. The aim of the, restoration ,was to reverse the decay of centuries of attrition, pollution,destruction by
  25. Begin the military, financial,and territorial recovery known as the Armenian, restoration , His appeals to Western Europe for help against the Turks were also the
  26. Sick person was not able to obtain it through the sacrament of penance; *the, restoration ,of health, if it is conducive to the salvation of his soul; Sacramental oil The
  27. Algiers-Aga-Zeralda. Three new cable cars, reconstruction of roads and, restoration ,of the city station—which will accommodate the High-speed rail line connecting
  28. Centralized bureaucracy under government direction. Apollo 11 broadcast data, restoration ,project As part of Apollo 11's 40th anniversary in 2009,NASA spearheaded an
  29. Improvements, his other accomplishments in the Sicilian kingdom include the, restoration ,of the aqueducts, the drainage of marshy areas, and the pavement of streets.
  30. SSR an anti-Soviet peaceful demonstration and hunger strikes, demanding, restoration , of Georgian independence is dispersed by the Soviet army, resulting in 20
  31. Original material - with new marble from Mount Center used sparingly. All, restoration ,was made using titanium dowels and is designed to be completely reversible, in
  32. Of just honorum. The oration of Eugenics, in which he pleaded for the, restoration ,of the schools of his native place Augustodunum, shows that the district was
  33. City of Algiers and its surroundings by equipping them with a retail area, and, restoration , and leisure facilities. The first project will concentrate on the
  34. Expressed his disillusionment with post-Soviet Russia and called for a, restoration ,of the Russian monarchy. After returning to Russia in 1994,Solzhenitsyn
  35. Trees, because they eat off the young seedlings, and thus prevent the natural, restoration ,of the forest. They were, however,aided by the reckless waste of man. The East
  36. Secessionist states would be readmitted to the Union. Johnson favored a quick, restoration , similar to the plan of leniency that Lincoln advocated before his death. Break
  37. Does for Arbor Day: Many of DOC's Arbor Day activities focus on ecological, restoration ,projects using native plants to restore habitats that have been damaged or
  38. Dilapidated state when seen by Ananias in the 2nd century CE, though some, restoration , as well as the building of a new temple, was undertaken by Emperor Hadrian.
  39. Documents from the Achaemenid period (5th century BCE) concerning the, restoration ,of the temple in Jerusalem. * Daniel 2:4b–7:28 – five subversive tales and an
  40. Prominence as a musical scholar and organist, dedicated also to the rescue, restoration ,and study of historic pipe organs. With theological insight, he interpreted the
  41. Damaged or destroyed by humans or invasive pests and weeds. There are great, restoration ,projects underway around New Zealand and many organizations including community
  42. Pursuits, and returned to Athens under the general amnesty that followed the, restoration ,of the democracy (403 BC),and filled some important offices. In 391 BC he
  43. Is" loving God with all our heart, and our neighbor as ourselves ". It is 'a, restoration ,not only to the favor, but likewise to the image of God," our" being filled
  44. Of conservation in Europe some consider to have begun in 1565 with the, restoration ,of the Sistine Chapel frescoes. Brief history The care for cultural patrimony
  45. State action or (on December 18, 1865) by the Thirteenth Amendment. The full, restoration ,of the Union was the work of a highly contentious postwar era known as
  46. Catherine I of Courtesy, thus seeking to eliminate Western agitation for a, restoration ,of the Latin Empire. Another marriage alliance attempted to resolve the
  47. Volute – Complex building – Poussin W Walk-in bathtub – Wall – Water damage, restoration ,– Water damage – Water feature – Water Reducer – Water tunnel – Water wheel –
  48. Muslim state, an inquiry into alleged human rights abuses in Sarah and the, restoration ,of fishing rights. They later demand cash multimillion-dollar ransoms. * July 1
  49. Has continued to operate as the Altar Alto Academy, giving advice on the, restoration ,of Alto buildings and organizing the vast archive material. Awards Aalto's
  50. Pnyx),with a fine for those who got the red on their clothes. After the, restoration ,of the democracy in 403 BC, pay for assembly attendance was introduced for the

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