Examples of the the word, works , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Cryptic alchemical symbols, diagrams,and textual imagery of late alchemical, works ,typically contain multiple layers of meanings, allegories,and references to
  2. Revered Western thinkers in early Islamic theology. Most of the still extant, works ,of Aristotle, as well as a great number of the original Greek commentaries
  3. In characterization from the surviving Aristotelian corpus. Whereas the lost, works ,appear to have been originally written with an intent for subsequent
  4. Classical figures from Greek, Roman,and Egyptian mythology to illuminate their, works ,and allegorize alchemical transmutation. These included the pantheon of gods
  5. And capable of disputing the claims of both liberals and Nietzscheans. List of, works ,The works of Aristotle that have survived from antiquity through medieval
  6. Laying the foundation for acceptance of Aristotelian thought before the first, works ,of Aristotle reached the West. His major influence on alchemy was his belief
  7. Regions which receive consistently more sunlight. Small-scale effects Albedo, works ,on a smaller scale, too. People who wear dark clothes in the summer put
  8. Layers of meanings, allegories,and references to other equally cryptic, works ,; and must be laboriously decoded to discover their true meaning. In his 1766
  9. Of disputing the claims of both liberals and Nietzscheans. List of works The, works ,of Aristotle that have survived from antiquity through medieval manuscript
  10. Lack the mystical, philosophical elements of alchemy, but do contain the, works ,of Bolus of Mendes (or Pseudo-Democritus) which aligned these recipes with
  11. Majority of his writings are now lost and only about one-third of the original, works ,have survived. Life Aristotle was born in Niagara, Chalcidice,in 384 BC
  12. Modern readers to accept that one could seriously so admire the style of those, works ,currently available to us. The surviving texts of Aristotle are technical
  13. Promise but squandered it for social approval, to the detriment of the free. He, works ,at the State Science Institute where all his inventions are perverted for use
  14. And it contains Rand's the most extensive statement of Objectives in any of her, works ,of fiction, a lengthy monologue delivered by Salt. Atlas Shrugged became an
  15. Works Aristotle intended for the public (exoteric),and the more technical, works ,intended for use within the school (esoteric). Modern scholars commonly
  16. Others, have said they consider Rand crucial to their success. Rand and her, works ,have been referred to in a variety of media. References to her have appeared on
  17. The" esoteric ". Most scholars have understood this as a distinction between, works ,Aristotle intended for the public (exoteric),and the more technical works
  18. Due to their requiring research or teaching related to Rand. Selected, works ,Alain Cones (born 1 April 1947) is a French mathematician, currently
  19. Preservation of his works Modern scholarship reveals that Aristotle's" lost ", works ,stray considerably in characterization from the surviving Aristotelian corpus.
  20. Societies that were not as 'differentiated' as European nation states. Two, works ,by Mass in particular proved to have enduring relevance: Essay on the Gift, a
  21. Berlin,1831–1870),which in turn is based on ancient classifications of these, works , An American in Paris is a symphonic tone poem by the American composer George
  22. Consultant" to Queen Elizabeth I. Dee was considered an authority on the, works ,of Roger Bacon, and was interested enough in alchemy to write a book on that
  23. Only alchemist of the high Middle Ages, but he was the most significant. His, works ,were used by countless alchemists of the fifteenth through 19th centuries.
  24. Her novels. The late-2000s financial crisis spurred renewed interest in her, works , especially Atlas Shrugged, which some saw as foreshadowing the crisis, and
  25. The laboratory, in contrast to the ancient Greek and Egyptian alchemists whose, works ,were often allegorical and unintelligible, with very little concern for
  26. Ballet" because it was written freely and is more modern than his previous, works , Gershwin explained in Musical America," My purpose here is to portray the
  27. Her and joins Galt's strikers. Dr. Floyd Ferris is a biologist who, works ,as" coordinator" at the State Science Institute. He uses his position there
  28. By the wider cultural and social forces in which they grew up. Though such, works ,as Coming of Age in Samoa and The Chrysanthemum and the Sword remain popular
  29. Rand developed and promoted her Objectives philosophy through her nonfiction, works ,and by giving talks to students at institutions such as Yale University
  30. He must have been one of those great names from an earlier century. He now, works ,as a cook in a roadside diner, and proves extremely skillful at that. When
  31. Algerian culture has been strongly influenced by Islam, the main religion. The, works ,of the Saudi family in pre-colonial times, and of Emir Abdelkader and Sheikh
  32. Of BB&T Corporation has also given grants for teaching Rand's ideas or, works , The University of Texas at Austin, the University of Pittsburgh, and
  33. Thinker, or in other words, a philosopher. Politics In addition to his, works ,on ethics, which address the individual, Aristotle addressed the city in his
  34. He dissected animals but not humans; his ideas on how the human body, works ,have been almost entirely superseded. Empirical research program Aristotle is
  35. CE, Greek alchemical writers occupied themselves solely in commenting on the, works ,of these predecessors. By the middle of the seventh century alchemy was almost
  36. Started to look" across the tracks" only in late 1960s. Now there exist many, works ,focusing on peoples and topics very close to the author's" home ". In France
  37. In the Corpus Aristotelian. These texts, as opposed to Aristotle's lost, works , are technical philosophical treatises from within Aristotle's school.
  38. Of his observations were confirmed to be accurate only in the 19th century. His, works ,contain the earliest known formal study of logic, which was incorporated in the
  39. And counter-influences, respectively. A third figure whose philosophical, works ,she studied heavily was Friedrich Nietzsche. Able to read French, German and
  40. Bad, there can only be half-happiness in society. Loss and preservation of his, works ,Modern scholarship reveals that Aristotle's" lost" works stray considerably
  41. Originally written with an intent for subsequent publication, the surviving, works ,do not appear to have been so. According to a distinction that originates with
  42. Since it was most likely edited by students and later lecturers. The logical, works ,of Aristotle were compiled into six books in about the early 1st century AD:
  43. Outside the parochial schools had the education to examine the Arabic-derived, works , Also, alchemy at this time was sanctioned by the church as a good method of
  44. S translations and the spread of Averroes, the demand for Aristotle's, works ,grew. William of Motorbike translated a number of them into Latin. When Thomas
  45. Text into the form we know. One major question in the history of Aristotle's, works , then, is how were the exoteric writings all lost, and how did the ones we now
  46. Sentences like these. ” Another common assumption is that none of the exoteric, works ,is extant – that all of Aristotle's extant writings are of the esoteric kind.
  47. From 335 to 323 BC when Aristotle is believed to have composed many of his, works , Near the end of Alexander's life, Alexander began to suspect plots against
  48. Natural history of Lesbos, and the surrounding seas and neighboring areas. The, works ,that reflect this research, such as History of Animals, Generation of Animals
  49. A nonprofit organization dedicated to spreading Rand's ideas and promoting her, works , In 1990,philosopher David Kelley founded the Institute for Objectives
  50. And other personalities of the filmmaking industry of the time for their, works ,during the 1927–1928 period. Winners had been announced three months earlier of

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