Examples of the the word, artistic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( artistic ), is the 4134 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Invigorate the neighborhood have reinforced a budding sense of community and, artistic ,expression. Anonymous art pieces containing quotes and sayings in both English
  2. The term, literally meaning rebirth, describes the revival of interest in the, artistic ,achievements of the Classical world. Initially in a literary revival
  3. Both artists use dots, but the particular style and technique relate to the, artistic ,movement adopted by each artist. These are all ways of beginning to define a
  4. History, forms of art have gone through periodic abrupt changes called, artistic ,revolutions. Movements have come to an end to be replaced by a new movement
  5. Is a medium used in drawing. An art form is the specific shape, or quality an, artistic ,expression takes. The media used often influence the form. For example, the
  6. Italian Antonio Vivaldi, with the composer Gain Francesco Caliper as its, artistic ,director, having the purpose of promoting Vivaldi's music and publishing new
  7. Abandonment in the late 20th century, the area is acquiring a reputation as an, artistic ,and fashionable neighborhood due to the opening of many art galleries, museums
  8. Have suggested that this incident would influence Kurosawa's later, artistic ,career, as the director was seldom hesitant to confront unpleasant truths in
  9. To technique http://www.rchoetzlein.com/quanta/theory/theory-new-media.htm. An, artistic ,medium is the substance or material the artistic work is made from, and may
  10. More and more on a signature style, slowly eliminating the hand-made from the, artistic ,process. Warhol frequently used silk-screening; his later drawings were traced
  11. Painting and his snapshot method of taking pictures has had a great effect on, artistic ,photography. Warhol was an accomplished photographer, and took an enormous
  12. Art to serve functional purposes. For over 3500 years, artists adhered to, artistic ,forms and iconography that were developed during the Old Kingdom, following a
  13. Patterns, calligraphy,and architecture. Further east, religion dominated, artistic ,styles and forms too. India and Tibet saw emphasis on painted sculptures and
  14. Found in Paris. The most striking example of a politically driven change in, artistic ,forms comes from the Maria period, where figures were radically altered to
  15. Here is an example of an Artistic Revolution Piece But not all, artistic ,revolutions were political. Revolutions of style have also abruptly changed the
  16. Mixed martial arts fighter * Alexander Station (born 1987),Uzbek-Israeli, artistic ,gymnast *Alexander Semi (born 1984),Russian hockey player for the
  17. Effecting a revolution with a style that has become commonplace today. An, artistic ,revolution can be begun by a single artist, but unless that artist gains some
  18. With the advent of surrealism as a poetic movement, anagrams regained the, artistic ,respect they had had in the Baroque period. The German poet Utica Turn, who
  19. Render sterile the existing work, the life that produced it, and bring about my, artistic ,and spiritual death' – on analogy perhaps with Conan Doyle's dictum that 'the
  20. Experiences that can be shared with others. " By this definition of the word, artistic ,works have existed for almost as long as. The second and more recent sense of
  21. Productions of America, limited animation can be used as a method of stylized, artistic ,expression, as in Gerald Echoing Boeing (US,1951),Yellow Submarine (UK
  22. Holding the title of" author" over any" literary, dramatic,musical, artistic , or certain other intellectual works" give rights to this person, the owner of
  23. The studio's potential losses smaller, while in turn allowing himself more, artistic ,freedom as co-producer. Kurosawa agreed, and Kurosawa Production Company was
  24. Exemplified in the novels of Goethe. The late 19th century then saw a host of, artistic ,movements, such as academic art, Symbolism,impressionism and fauvism among
  25. Not historical, but mythological. The work is celebrated for its delicacy and, artistic ,refinement, but lacks the life and character of that in earlier ages. The
  26. Played, but not countered ". Songs and poetry often rely on ambiguous words for, artistic ,effect, as in the song title" Don’t It Make My Brown Eyes Blue" ( where "
  27. A deaf ear to foreign affairs and absorbed himself in his new religion and, artistic ,style. After his death, the cult of the Ten was quickly abandoned, and the
  28. His father died in an accident. Commercial art (1949–61) Warhol showed early, artistic ,talent and studied commercial art at the School of Fine Arts at Carnegie
  29. Remain divided over the film: some see it as an example of Kurosawa's alleged, artistic ,decline, while others count it among his finest works. Although proposals for
  30. Production” depicts the publishing industry as a“ space of literary or, artistic ,position-takings,” also called the“ field of struggles,” which is defined by
  31. Set of principles that resisted foreign influence and internal change. These, artistic ,standards—simple lines, shapes,and flat areas of color combined with the
  32. Films of the 1960s,revealing Warhol's connections to a diverse range of, artistic ,scenes during this time. Attempted murder (1968) On June 3,1968,Valerie
  33. Started to disagree more about the direction the band should take, and their, artistic ,friendship ended. In 1989,after Warhol's death, Reed and John Cal ere-united
  34. To replace Japanese feudalism with individualism coincided with the director’s, artistic ,and social agenda:" Kurosawa welcomed the changed political climate and sought
  35. Museum (Casey Museum Saudi) since 1963. In 1969, it was declared a historical, artistic ,monument of national interest. Municipal Garden It has since been converted
  36. Is linked with a particular historical period, set of ideas, and particular, artistic ,movement. So Jackson Pollock is called an Abstract Expressionist. Because a
  37. Of Avicenna's birth by circulating various commemorative stamps with, artistic ,illustrations, and by erecting a bust of Avicenna based on anthropological
  38. The 17th century. The western Age of Enlightenment in the 18th century saw, artistic ,depictions of physical and rational certainties of the clockwork universe, as
  39. Population to devote more time and resources to cultural, technological,and, artistic ,pursuits. Land management was crucial in Ancient Egypt because taxes were
  40. Of characters. While different titles and different artists have their own, artistic ,styles, many stylistic elements have become so common that describe them as
  41. To the apparent lack of skill or ability required in the production of the, artistic ,object. In conceptual art, Marcel Duchamp's" Fountain" is among the first
  42. Lifted, after Judge Clayton W. Horn declared the poem to possess redeeming, artistic ,value. Shortly after his arrival, he gave a reading at Better Books, which was
  43. Of different races of humans. *Artistic anatomy relates to anatomic studies for, artistic ,reasons. Affirming the consequent, sometimes called converse error, is a formal
  44. Which respect they are perhaps as important as the writings of Thucydides. The, artistic ,influence of the plays is immeasurable. They have contributed to the history of
  45. Ideas like Communism and Post-Modernism exerting a powerful influence on, artistic ,styles. Modernism, the idealistic search for truth, gave way in the latter half
  46. In a qualitative sense of, a person creative in, innovative in, or adept at,an, artistic ,practice. Most often, the term describes those who create within a context of
  47. Official Estate of Andy Warhol, but also has a mission" to foster innovative, artistic ,expression and the creative process" and is" focused primarily on supporting
  48. An artistic medium is the substance or material the, artistic ,work is made from, and may also refer to the technique used. For example, paint
  49. The voice of Aristophanes. The plays have a significance that goes beyond their, artistic ,function, as historical documents that open the window on life and politics in
  50. Civilians. Yet at the same time, the horrific imagery demonstrates Goya's keen, artistic ,ability in composition and execution and produces fitting social and political

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