Examples of the the word, memo , in a Sentence Context

The word ( memo ), is the 4149 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Hearing if the memo was incorrect, testified that it was. In fact,the, memo ,itself noted that not all the waterboarding sessions were necessary for Abu
  2. Worship of money. " In order to avoid degrading himself, he wrote in the same, memo ,he would retire at age 35 to pursue the practice of philanthropic giving for "
  3. Had studied as part of his PhD dissertation. The idea was first documented in a, memo ,that Metal wrote on May 22, 1972. In 1975,Xerox filed a patent application
  4. Ice. On April 19, 2008,NHL director of hockey operations Colin Campbell sent a, memo ,to the Detroit Red Wings organization that forbids Zamboni drivers from
  5. Pentagon or U. S. Army spokespeople in Iraq on Karpinski's accusations. In a, memo ,read by Rumsfeld detailing how Guantánamo interrogators would induce stress in
  6. Informed of the operations of the intelligence community. The purpose of the, memo ,was to gain approval for harsh interrogation tactics to be used on Abu Zubaydah
  7. Vice President to complete both May memo s. " Upon reading the August 1,2002, memo , which justified the torture, Zelikow authored his own memo contesting the
  8. Information (information the government had claimed was classified). The, memo ,was removed shortly after journalists became aware of it. 1974 Skylab
  9. Sleep deprivation up to 180 consecutive hours. May 30, 2005 memo The final, memo ,mentioned Abu Zubaydah several times and claimed that due to the increased
  10. Of these activities, and inquired as to their progress. At least one original, memo ,from Speer so inquiring still exists, When David Irving discovered
  11. To" reverse engineer" a defense for illegal actions already committed. The, memo ,contemplated ten techniques the interrogators wanted to use:" ( 1) attention
  12. Hearing, for volunteering information which led to the disclosure of Phillips ', memo , The committee noted in its final report NASA's testimony that" the findings
  13. Publicized by an anti-Mormon ministry in 1991,when it was referred to in a, memo ,dated July 19, 1990 leaked from the office of the church's Presiding Bishopric
  14. Jobs. Almost exactly one month later, on January 14, 2009,an internal Apple, memo ,from Jobs announced that he would be taking a six-month leave of absence, until
  15. Written in 1974 to CIA director William Colby by an unknown CIA official. The, memo ,reported that astronauts on board Skylab 4 had, as part of a larger program
  16. Of Abu Zubaydah. " The memo 's author, John Yew, acknowledged the, memo ,was the basis for Abu Zubaydah’s interrogation. Yew even told an interviewer “
  17. Taliban insurgency and the corruption there is no telling what will happen. A, memo ,from the Pentagon stated that Afghanistan could become the" Saudi Arabia of.
  18. Lake is more than simply another part of the Ellis complex. An unclassified, memo ,on the safe handling of F-117 Nighthawk material was posted on an Air Force
  19. A commitment on America's response to the Soviets. On April 20,Kennedy sent a, memo ,to Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, asking Johnson to look into the status of
  20. Legality of unclassified images to be retroactively classified. Remarks on the, memo , handwritten apparently by DCI (Director of Central Intelligence) Colby
  21. The Panthers were primarily feeding breakfast to children. Hoover fired back a, memo ,implying the career ambitions of the agent were directly related to his
  22. Context led Day to believe that the subject was Groom Lake. As Day noted: The, memo ,details debate between federal agencies regarding whether the images should be
  23. Applications of" ten seconds or more. " However, the May 10, 2005 torture, memo ,reported that the Department of Justice, Inspector General report noted that
  24. Results necessary if this country is to reach a position of leadership. " His, memo ,concluded that a manned Moon landing was far enough in the future that it was
  25. Message. The two went their separate ways, and Scale immediately typed out a, memo ,for the COMM. Within the US establishment, it was well understood that
  26. End of Steve Jobs era On January 17, 2011,Jobs announced in an internal Apple, memo ,that he would take another medical leave of absence, for an indefinite period
  27. Astronauts and Area 51: the Skylab Incident. " The article was based on a, memo ,written in 1974 to CIA director William Colby by an unknown CIA official. The
  28. Hours a day. Why is standing by prisoners limited to four hours? D. R. ". This, memo ,was later declassified and The Economist, on its May 2004 issue, published a
  29. Should, and NASA and the State Department arguing against classification. The, memo ,itself questions the legality of unclassified images to be retroactively
  30. This advice in the course of conducting interrogations of Abu Zubaydah. " The, memo ,'s author, John Yew, acknowledged the memo was the basis for Abu Zubaydah’s
  31. Area 51 and Groom Lake are routinely redacted. One notable exception is a 1967, memo , from CIA director Richard Helms regarding the deployment of three Oxcarts
  32. As prime contractor. Webb eventually provided a controlled copy of Phillips ', memo ,to Congress. Seaman's later wrote that Webb roundly chastised him in the cab
  33. Against such a troop level. Role in U. S. public relations effort An April 2006, memo , lists instructions to Pentagon staff including: As Secretary of Defense
  34. And extended sleep deprivation up to 180 consecutive hours. May 30, 2005, memo , The final memo mentioned Abu Zubaydah several times and claimed that due to the
  35. The August 1,2002, memo which justified the torture, Zelikow authored his own, memo ,contesting the Justice Department's conclusions, since he believed they were
  36. He attributed its origin to John W. Turkey, who had written a Bell Labs, memo ,on 9 January 1947 in which he contracted" binary digit" to simply" bit ".
  37. Newer performance enhancing drugs, including ephemera and improved steroids. A, memo ,circulated in 1991 by baseball commissioner Fay Vincent said," The possession
  38. As part of a larger program, inadvertently photographed a location of which the, memo ,said: Although the name of the location was obscured, the context led Day to
  39. Department's conclusions, since he believed they were legally incorrect. The, memo ,was written one month before the torture memo s were drafted and the
  40. Public life by John Bright. On wealth As early as 1868,at age 33,he drafted a, memo ,to himself. He wrote:" ... The amassing of wealth is one of the worse species
  41. Renditions to countries which commit torture have been illegal, however,a, memo ,written by John Yew and Jay By bee days before Abu Zubaydah's capture, provided
  42. How much useful information he actually supplied. " The May 10, 2005 torture, memo ,stated that no more than 60 applications of water could be conducted in a 30
  43. When asked by Senator Sheldon Whitehorse during a Congressional hearing if the, memo ,was incorrect, testified that it was. In fact, the memo itself noted that not
  44. Hoover was willing to use false claims to attack his political enemies. In one, memo ,he wrote:" Purpose of counterintelligence action is to disrupt the BPP and it
  45. On groups of two or more. At 6:00 am EDT on October 27,the CIA delivered a, memo ,reporting that three of the four missile sites at San Cristóbal and the two
  46. Could apply this technique to a function automatically using Donald Michie's ", memo ,functions ". Ackerman numbers In The Book of Numbers, John Horton Conway and
  47. Was waterboarded in the early summer of 2002,months before the August 1,2002, memo , was written. Alberto Gonzales would later testify before Congress that the
  48. Spurred the torture memo ’s existence, which is reflected in the language of the, memo ,;" You have asked for this advice in the course of conducting interrogations of
  49. Royal Navy could help to defend it. Castlereagh and the cabinet approved the, memo , appointed him head of all British forces in Portugal, and raised their number
  50. Including steroids … " Some general managers of the time do not remember this, memo , and it was not emphasized or enforced. Ephemera, a Chinese herb used to cure

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