Examples of the the word, warfare , in a Sentence Context

The word ( warfare ), is the 4139 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The traditional Afghan method of warfare and the modern principles of guerilla, warfare ,that Massed had learned from the works of Mao Zedong and Che Guevara. His
  2. Capture the whole sweep of humanity's future, including technology, futuristic, warfare , social and economic development, the future of the human condition
  3. Numbers of unburied, and in some cases dismembered, bodies. This evidence of, warfare , conflict, and cannibalism is hotly debated by some scholars and interest
  4. Tank in World War I and the tank did not fulfil its promise of rendering trench, warfare ,obsolete. Nonetheless, it was clear to military thinkers on both sides that
  5. Widespread deforestation and eventually the fall of their civilization through, warfare ,over depleted resources. A 1997 excavation at Cowboy Wash near Dolores
  6. States supported the federal government (" the Union" ). After four years of, warfare , mostly within the Southern states, the Confederacy surrendered and slavery was
  7. Of Babylon in that year. In turn, Sin-shumu-lishir was deposed after a year of, warfare ,by Sin-shar-ishkun — who was then himself faced with constant rebellion in the
  8. Ambushes have been used consistently throughout history, from ancient to modern, warfare , In zoology, an ambush predator is an organism which uses ambush tactics to
  9. May have been reflected in the social structure, leading to conflict and, warfare , Near Magenta, Arizona,Jonathan Haas of the Field Museum in Chicago has been
  10. Whose names are recorded as Longest and Horsey, rebelled,and a long period of, warfare ,ensued. The invaders—Angles, Saxons,Jute's, and Frisians—gained control of
  11. And mobilization for the Revolution in central Massachusetts. He reports that, warfare ,and the farming culture were sometimes incompatible. Militiamen found that
  12. To include the role of troops in combat. After the evolution of armored, warfare , mechanized infantry were mounted in armored fighting vehicles and replaced
  13. 1346,the English longbow proved its worth for the first time in Continental, warfare , Decline and survival of archery The development of firearms rendered bows
  14. Of" active defense" of the Panther stronghold, while carrying out asymmetric, warfare , The third phase, the " strategic offensive ", would see Massoud's forces
  15. Before they can hit their target dates from the first use of modern missiles in, warfare , the German V-1 and V-2 program of World War II. British fighters attempted to
  16. The professionalism and discipline of the British troops, unfamiliar guerrilla, warfare ,and skirmishing greatly hindered their gains early on. The British had
  17. Objects. In a hotly contested auction, such as for the important attribute of, warfare , the most valuable skill is the ability to force one's opponents to back down.
  18. Vehicles and replaced light infantry in many situations. In modern armored, warfare , armored units equipped with tanks and infantry fighting vehicles serve the
  19. Most influential factor in the development of firearms that revolutionized, warfare , History Significant factors in the development of armor include the economic
  20. Relied on raiding for food and supplies, and that internal conflict and, warfare ,became common in the 13th century. This conflict may have been aggravated by
  21. Facets of our society—music, medicine,architecture, industrial production, warfare ,and more. Art, craft,science and technology have provoked one another to
  22. During World War II in response to air power becoming a significant factor in, warfare , This change was driven by the superior range, flexibility and effectiveness of
  23. In frequent battles and endure the dangerous and often squalid conditions of, warfare , At the very beginning of the book Erich Maria Remarque says" This book is to
  24. Bennington and Saratoga, and the siege of Boston. Both sides used partisan, warfare ,but the Americans effectively suppressed Loyalist activity when British
  25. Down when standing in lines in the open. This led to the adoption of trench, warfare , a style of fighting that defined the better part of World War I. The war
  26. In part this was a consequence of the increasingly specialized forms of, warfare ,practiced in the later period. Elected officials too were subject to review
  27. Stress on the spine and joints, and traumatic injuries from construction and, warfare ,all took a significant toll on the body. The grit and sand from stone-ground
  28. Loyalty and for their readiness to use force to settle disputes. As tribal, warfare ,and internecine feuding has been one of their chief occupations since time
  29. N. Register on Conventional Weapons as required. Despite the increase in civil, warfare ,in late 1998,the economy grew by an estimated 4 % in 1999. The government
  30. Japan and the United States sign the London Naval Treaty regulating submarine, warfare ,and limiting shipbuilding. *1944 – World War II: Operation Persecution is
  31. Of the border states early in the war and established a naval blockade. Land, warfare ,in the East was inconclusive in 1861–62,as the Confederacy beat back Union
  32. In October 1340. The last part of Alfonso IV's reign is marked not by open, warfare ,against Castile, but by political intrigue. Civil war between King Pedro of
  33. Give Denmark the dominion of the Baltic for three generations. That he enjoyed, warfare ,there can be no doubt; yet he was not like the ordinary fighting bishops of the
  34. Between 1,000,000 and 900,000 years ago but destroyed itself through internal, warfare ,brought about by the inhabitants' dangerous use of magical powers. William
  35. Names of other gods when they take on a warrior aspect or become involved in, warfare ,: Zeus Arabs, Athena Area, even Aphrodite Area. In the Iliad, the word ares
  36. And survival of archery The development of firearms rendered bows obsolete in, warfare , Despite the high social status, ongoing utility, and widespread pleasure of
  37. Warfare Naval Unit. There is also unconfirmed reports of a 'Tigers' special, warfare ,unit. It is said that the 'Tigers' unit was established in cooperation with
  38. Was an effective compromise between the traditional Afghan method of, warfare ,and the modern principles of guerilla warfare that Massed had learned from the
  39. Of, and well behind, the main body of vehicles. Countering In the modern day, warfare , this is much easier than before, since a route can be sanitized beforehand by
  40. Levée en masse and conscription would become the defining paradigm of modern, warfare , Before then, however,most national armies were in fact composed of many
  41. During that war collapses when the Germans and the Austrians forsake trench, warfare ,and adopt blitzkrieg twenty years in advance. Kingsley AMIS set his 1976 novel
  42. Παλλὰς Ἀθήνη),is the goddess of wisdom, courage,inspiration, civilization, warfare , strength, strategy,female arts, crafts,justice and skill. Minerva,Athena's
  43. Trade routes between Central Asia and the West. Engaged in constant, warfare , these khanates were eventually incorporated into the Russian Empire in 1813
  44. Army in the Siege of Petersburg, where the two armies engaged in trench, warfare ,for over nine months. Grant finally found a commander, General Philip Sheridan
  45. Is stressed in US Army Ranger doctrine concerning ambushes. Procedure In modern, warfare , an ambush is most often employed by ground troops up to platoon size against
  46. Was one of the most celebrated achievements of any military force in ancient, warfare , Much of the Alpine region was gradually settled by
  47. Then considerably less reliable than a standing army. Mercenary-on-mercenary, warfare ,in Italy also led to relatively bloodless campaigns which relied as much on
  48. To destroy threats, including extensive use of radar, sonar and electronic, warfare , Although the role of the ground attack aircraft significantly diminished after
  49. The practice of the Art. The climate changes, Black plague, and increase in, warfare ,and famine that characterized this century no doubt also served to hamper
  50. To be thus honored. Inheriting a collapsing empire and faced with constant, warfare ,during his reign against both the Seljuk Turks in Asia Minor and the Normans in

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