Examples of the the word, cl , in a Sentence Context

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  1. If one considers on R the topology in which every set is open ( cl osed),then, cl ,(( 0,1) ) = (0,1). *If one considers on R the topology in which the only
  2. This can be formulated by a cl osure over a generating subset of M. Formally, cl ,(S) denotes the smallest subset Y of M that contains S such that for each
  3. Closed sets containing S. *If S is a subset of T, then cl (S) is a subset of, cl ,(T). *If A is a cl osed set, then A contains S if and only if A contains cl (
  4. Version: for cl arinet and piano (13/JAN/2007),Premiere: Ivan Martínez (, cl ,) & Alfonso Vázquez (no),Casey Municipal de Cultura, Zacatecas,Mexico
  5. Set is the empty set. *If X is the Eu cl idean space R of real numbers, then, cl , ( (0,1) ) = 0,1. *If X is the Eu cl idean space R, then the cl osure of the
  6. The Florida Supreme Court provided cl arifications states: Arti cl e II, § 1, cl , 2 specifies the number of electors per state, and,most relevant to this case
  7. As the promotion of" the Progress of Science and useful Arts" ( Art. I, § 8, cl , 8). This principle applies particularly well to the case of criticism and
  8. In PC Magazine 1994–01–11. * http://opensource.franz.com/deflate/ inflate., cl ,by John Federal. Self-standing Common Lisp decoder distributed with a GNU LGPL
  9. Space R. We say that Q is dense in R. *If X is the complex plane C R2,then, cl ,(). *If S is a finite subset of a Eu cl idean space, then cl (S) = S. (For a
  10. The presidential veto power The Presentment Clause (Arti cl e I, Section 7, cl , 2-3) grants the president the power to veto Congressional legislation and
  11. Version: for cl arinet & piano (Cologne,14/JAN/2007) Premiere: Ivan Martínez (, cl ,) & Alfonso Vázquez (no),Casey Municipal de Cultura, Zacatecas,Mexico
  12. Are consecrated to Matins and Lauds, whilst the three last psalms, cxlviii to, cl , belong invariably to Lauds. The series of hymns consecrated to Vespers in the
  13. Canon 4:5:6,(1990–91),Original C. N. orchestration: 3fl.,3ob.,3Bb, cl , .,2bsn.,3 F. Horn.,3 TRP.,3tbn., Tuba,2Vib., Xil., Mar., one
  14. Used simulation on two subsets of the Web of 3 million pages from the. Gr and., cl ,domain, testing several crawling strategies. They showed that both the EPIC
  15. Generated (over some resources S),if all reactants A in its reactions are in, cl ,(S) and none of the resources is a catalyst. A generated autocatalytic set is
  16. Separated by five DS, five DS, cl ose,turn, space: R 5ds,3 p SEP by 5ds,5ds, cl , turn, sp: R 5-5-5-5 cl raw SP Some tatters prefer a visual pattern where the
  17. The intersection of all cl osed sets containing S. *If S is a subset of T, then, cl , ( S) is a subset of cl (T). *If A is a cl osed set, then A contains S if and
  18. Of cl (T). *If A is a cl osed set, then A contains S if and only if A contains, cl ,(S). Sometimes the second or third property above is taken as the definition
  19. Also argued that the Florida Supreme Court's ruling violated Arti cl e II, § 1, cl , 2 of the U. S. Constitution. Essentially, Bush argued that the Florida Supreme
  20. Closures (see below). In a first-countable space (such as a metric space), cl , ( S) is the set of all limits of all convergent sequences of points in S. For
  21. The general title" Concerting" ). Eighth version for cl arinet quartet (, cl ,EB,2 cl BB, bass cl ; Cologne 21/JUL/2004),world premiere by the Quartet "
  22. K 170 GPA, G 80 GPA and \rho = 7700 kg/m3,yielding a longitudinal velocity, cl ,of 6000 m/s. The shear velocity cs is estimated at 3200 m/s using the same
  23. Ds, cl ose,turn, space: R 5ds,3 p SEP by 5ds,5ds, cl , turn,SP: R 5-5-5-5, cl , rw SP Some tatters prefer a visual pattern where the design is drawn
  24. Scoping, though this has not yet been done. The lexical-let macro in the ", cl ," package does provide effective lexical scope to Emacs Lisp programmers, but
  25. Prosecution of piracy is authorized in the U. S. Constitution, Art. I Sec. 8, cl , 10: The Congress shall have Power ... To define and punish Pirates and
  26. Lautn 'freeman' ), it is likely that were sometimes syllabic colorants. Thus, cl ,and last. RIX postulates several syllabic consonants, namely and palatal as
  27. The specialization (or canonical) preorder is defined by x ≤ y if and only if, cl ,⊆ cl . Specializations and generalizations The following spaces and algebras are
  28. Authors, but " to promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts. " Art. I,8, cl , 8; accord Twentieth Century Music Corp. v. Aiken,422 U. S. 151,156 (1975).
  29. Space, the topology can also be determined by cl osure operators (denoted, cl ,) which assigns to any subset A ⊆ X its cl osure or interior operators (denoted
  30. Does provide effective lexical scope to Emacs Lisp programmers, but while `, cl ,' is widely used, lexical-let is rarely used. Variables bound with lexical-let
  31. Sober Los Verdafero symbols patriot de Chile simbolospatrios., cl ,* http://www.guerradelpacifico1879. cl /himnosm.html Chile National Anthem, full
  32. In which the only open ( cl osed) sets are the empty set and R itself, then, cl , ( (0,1) ) = R. These examples show that the cl osure of a set depends upon
  33. General title" Concerting" ). Eighth version for cl arinet quartet ( cl EB,2, cl , Bb, bass cl ; Cologne 21/JUL/2004),world premiere by the Quartet" Cairo Palms "
  34. Also asserted that the Florida Supreme Court had violated Arti cl e II, § 1, cl , 2 of the Constitution, by misinterpreting Florida election law that had been
  35. In the Negev desert. S = f ( cl , o,r, p,t, ...) where s - soil properties;, cl ,- regional cl imate; o - potential iota; r - topography; p - parent material; t
  36. Candidate for each office, in the Electoral College. Arti cl e II, § 1, cl , 2 of the U. S. Constitution provides that each state legislature decides how
  37. The fact, under the direction of the court as in other cases. " (Art. VIII, cl , 22–23). The destruction may also have violated Illinois' prohibition against
  38. Also asserted that the Florida Supreme Court had violated Arti cl e II, § 1, cl , 2 of the Constitution, by misinterpreting Florida election law that had been
  39. Concerting" ). Eighth version for cl arinet quartet ( cl EB,2 cl BB, bass, cl , ; Cologne 21/JUL/2004),world premiere by the Quartet" Cairo Palms" ( Raúl Soto
  40. 1.1 metric ton per hectare per year of limestone in the Negev desert. S = f (, cl , o, r,p, t,...) where s - soil properties; cl - regional cl imate; o -
  41. Or canonical) preorder is defined by x ≤ y if and only if cl ⊆, cl , Specializations and generalizations The following spaces and algebras are
  42. I (fl, hrn in F, trp in C, trb, vib, vn, cb) *For you, I Sing This Song (, cl ,in B flat, vn, vc, pf ) (1976) *Like Swans Leaving the Lake (白鳥が池をすてるように)
  43. A set S is the set of all points of cl osure of S. The cl osure of S is denoted, cl ,(S),Cl (S),\script style\bar or \script style SO-. The cl osure of a set has
  44. Then the standard one. *If X R, where R has the lower limit topology, then, cl , ( (0,1) ) 0,1). *If one considers on R the topology in which every set is
  45. Scribes of words without vowels or with unlikely consonant cl usters (e.g., cl ,'of this (gen. )' and last 'freeman' ), it is likely that were sometimes
  46. As large nor as computationally intensive. Language features Notably, the ", cl ," package implements a fairly large subset of Common Lisp. Emacs Lisp uses
  47. For a filter base B, the set ∩ is the set of all cl uster points of B (note:, cl ,(B0) is the cl osure of B0). Assume that T is a partially ordered set. ***
  48. English horn,3 cl arinets in B-flat and A, cl arinet in E-flat and D (doubling, cl , 4 in A for one short passage in the finale),bass cl arinet in B-flat and A,4
  49. Of the empty set is the empty set, and for every non-empty subset A of X, cl ,(A) = X. In other words, every non-empty subset of an indiscreet space is
  50. Plane C R2,then cl (). *If S is a finite subset of a Eu cl idean space, then, cl , ( S) = S. (For a general topological space, this property is equivalent to

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