Examples of the the word, cities , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cities ), is the 8924 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Limited transportation infrastructure. Many rural residents come into these, cities ,and purchase food and goods in bulk from warehouse clubs like Costco and Sam's
  2. In the Battle of Aïn-el-Turk; Spain recaptured Oran and MERS El Kefir. Both, cities ,were held until 1792,when they were sold by King Charles IV of Spain to the
  3. Five times this amount. As a result, supplies are declining and more than 400, cities , in the country suffer water shortages, which have had a significant impact on
  4. However, increasing pressure being placed on water resources by industry, cities ,and the involving biofuels industry means that water scarcity is increasing and
  5. Legally incorporate as cities did not come about until 1900,and home rule for, cities ,was extremely limited or unavailable until statehood took effect. U. S.
  6. Has an ambitious plan to put a robot in every household by 2020. Several robot, cities ,have been planned for the country: the first will be built in 2009 at a cost of
  7. Of a small town, there is a huge community of amateur astronomers. Most, cities ,have amateur astronomy clubs that meet on a regular basis and often host star
  8. S cities are affected by acid rain, and 20 of the world's 30 most polluted, cities ,are located in the country. Similarly, high pollution levels are found across
  9. O beautiful for patriot dream: That sees beyond the years: Thine alabaster, cities ,gleam: Undimmed by human tears.: America! America!: God shed His grace on thee
  10. 89,895). Yakut at City, Sitka, Juneau,and Anchorage are the four largest, cities ,in the U. S. by area.; Cities of 100,000 or more people; Cities and
  11. The rural areas of New England and the upper Midwest, but it lost votes in the, cities ,and the lower Midwest. While Republicans were discouraged, Democrats were
  12. Led tens of thousands of African Americans to seek opportunities in northern, cities , They left Alabama in the early 20th century as part of the Great Migration to
  13. In Luanda. As a consequence, more than half the population is now living in the, cities ,which, from the linguistic point of view, have become highly heterogeneous.
  14. Systems totaling 2,761 km (1,715 mi) Travel on highways outside of towns and, cities ,in Angola (and in some cases within) is often not best advised for those
  15. Denali, and Fairbanks, with spurs to Whittier, Palmer and North Pole. The, cities , towns, villages,and region served by ARR tracks are known statewide as" The
  16. Sulphur dioxide emissions are now the highest globally, nearly 50 % of China's, cities ,are affected by acid rain, and 20 of the world's 30 most polluted cities are
  17. Into the state from" Outside ", and shipping costs make food in the, cities ,relatively expensive. In rural areas, subsistence hunting and gathering is an
  18. African“ lower middle class” which at that stage formed in Luanda and other, cities ,began to often prevent their children from learning the local African language
  19. Antiquity, not only along the sea lanes of the Poetic Sea but also in maritime, cities ,whose economic interests were tightly connected to the riches of the Black Sea.
  20. As well as in southern Gabon. It established trade routes with other trading, cities ,and civilizations up and down the coast of southwestern and West Africa and
  21. Legal sense. Legislation allowing Alaskan communities to legally incorporate as, cities ,did not come about until 1900,and home rule for cities was extremely limited
  22. Algiers, Oran,Constantine, Tizi Ouzo and Anna are Algeria's main, cities , Algeria is the biggest country in Africa, followed by Democratic Republic of
  23. Great Migration to industrial jobs and better futures in northern industrial, cities , The population growth rate in Alabama (see" Historical Populations" table
  24. Site, and the large town of Ketchikan. The road systems leading from these, cities ,are strictly local; no roads connect these communities to each other or any
  25. To Achilles of Luce were dedicated a number of important commercial port, cities ,of the Greek waters: McMillan in Yessenia (Stephan us Byzantines)
  26. To farm the Algerian coastal plain and occupied significant parts of Algerian, cities , These settlers benefited from the French government's confiscation of
  27. Of China's rural population lacked connections to water pipelines, and many, cities ,lack wastewater treatment facilities. Furthermore, the facilities that are in
  28. By Achilles, who afterwards attacked the cattle of Aeneas, sacked neighboring, cities ,and killed Troilus. According to Dares Phrygia' Account of the Destruction of
  29. Mediterranean and Atlantic from 1785 to 1793. Plague had repeatedly struck the, cities ,of North Africa. Algiers lost from 30,000 to 50,000 inhabitants to the plague
  30. Partially co-official (with a few restrictions) in parts of Kabylia. Algerian, cities ,have commonly been given Berber and ancient Roman names. Religion Islam is the
  31. Varying degrees their own cultural traits, traditions and languages, but in the, cities , where slightly more than half of the population now lives, a mixed culture has
  32. Have had a particularly strong influence on place-names, with the names of many, cities ,and towns including Calgary, Airdrie,Can more, and Ban ff having Scottish
  33. Century. Greek-speaking populations moved to the west coasts and established, cities ,up to the Black Sea. In the 6th century BC the kingdom of Lydia almost expanded
  34. The population of Oran (60 percent) and important proportions in other large, cities ,including Algiers and Anna. Almost all of this population left during or
  35. A satrapy of the Persian Empire. After the end of the Greek-Persian wars the, cities ,on the coasts became part of the Delian League, which was, however,later
  36. And is one of the most densely populated areas of Canada. Many of Alberta's, cities ,and towns have also experienced very high rates of growth in recent history.
  37. Shipping. By 1850,Luanda was one of the greatest and most developed Portuguese, cities ,in the vast Portuguese Empire outside Mainland Portugal, full of trading
  38. Country comparison to the world: 79 Travel on highways outside of towns and, cities ,in Angola (and in some cases within) is often not best advised for those
  39. In this respect there are dramatic differences between the countryside and the, cities ,(whereby now slightly more than 50 % of the people live). An inquiry carried
  40. To live in Algiers. Cities Below is a list of the most important Algerian, cities ,: Health In 2002,Algeria had inadequate numbers of physicians (1.13 per 1,000
  41. Of the early 20th century. The Berber speakers live mostly in four major, cities ,: Patna, Tizi Ouzo, Ghardaia and Tamanrasset capital of the Tuareg people.
  42. Hundreds of Pentecostal and similar communities have sprung up in the, cities , whereby now about 50 % of the population is living; several of these
  43. Provides car float service between Whittier and Seattle. Marine transport Many, cities , towns and villages in the state do not have road or highway access; the only
  44. Was 10 % above average U. S. metropolitan areas and 40 % above other Canadian, cities ,at that time. The Fraser Institute states that Alberta also has very high
  45. And the frequency of Theodoric names such as Apollodorus or Apollonian and, cities ,named Apollonian testify to his popularity. Oracular sanctuaries to Apollo were
  46. In Springfield, Illinois,Lincoln was laid in state and publicly mourned in, cities ,and state capitols across the north. Religious and philosophical beliefs
  47. Of military bases contributed to the population growth of some Alaskan, cities , Statehood for Alaska was an important cause of James Wickersham
  48. Countryside, leaving it littered with landmines and driving millions into the, cities , The country now depends on expensive food imports, mainly from South Africa
  49. Norms, but in the urban areas only 19 %, while the overall rate is 37 %. In the, cities , a majority of families, well beyond those officially classified as poor, have
  50. State-owned ferry system (known as the Alaska Marine Highway) serves the, cities ,of southeast, the Gulf Coast and the Alaska Peninsula. The ferries transport

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