Examples of the the word, affection , in a Sentence Context

The word ( affection ), is the 6577 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Creature with six dogs' heads when Caucus (another object of Circe's, affection ,) declared his undying love for her. She had one daughter: Sega, who was born
  2. She was a stern woman who expected respect, rather than love. There was little, affection ,between her and the eldest children, but to Anne, her favorite according to
  3. Attractive girl who was ten years his junior but became the object of Bell's, affection , Losing her hearing after a near-fatal bout of scarlet fever close to her fifth
  4. Considering that finding himself no longer the sole focus of his mother's, affection ,left him with a trauma which goes some way to explaining the excesses later
  5. Between his father and his mother, as it was very difficult for him to feel, affection ,for his mother's worst persecutor. From the ages of 6 to 9,Alexei was
  6. Displayed at the top of the article). Correspondence between them bespeaks, affection , He once gave her an easel as a Christmas present. He also interfered in one of
  7. Four Loves, which rhetorically explains four loves including friendship, eros, affection , and charity or capital. In 2009,a partial draft of Language and Human Nature
  8. Which are used frequently in child language and mothers (mainly to show, affection ,rather than size). For example, tanta" drop" vs. tantra" droplet ". A few
  9. So all emotion has been and is regarded as reducible to simple mental, affection , the element of which all emotional manifestations are ultimately composed. The
  10. beggar's with-you. *brackish is the genitive of Banach. The if the result of, affection ,; the BH is the limited form of b. *left is the second-person singular inflected
  11. 345–349. Affectionate behavior Numerous behaviors are used by people to express, affection , Some theories suggest that affection ate behavior evolved from parental
  12. Usages, as close familiar relatives or in order to express a high degree of, affection ,(for instance: Mon pare 'my dad ', ma mare 'my mum '; in Valencian my Casey 'my
  13. The embarrassment of direct donation. Though no doubt also motivated by an, affection ,towards Ruth, in marrying her he has to pay a cost in money and uncertainty.
  14. Murray classified five affection needs: Two methods of experiment on, affection ,have been tried: #The first, introduced by A. Moss, the Italian psychologist
  15. To have inspired Greene to write some of his best poetry. He retained a special, affection ,for Chill Island, which he mentioned frequently in his letters and notes
  16. To the person of the reigning Sovereign is not sufficient. Loyalty requires, affection ,also to the office of the Sovereign, attachment to royalty, attachment to the
  17. To the field of mathematics. Plutarch wrote:" He placed his whole, affection ,and ambition in those purer speculations where there can be no reference to the
  18. Large for him. Poorly paid, he lives an austere life, but he is capable of deep, affection , In his spare time, Grand polishes up his Latin, and he is also writing a book
  19. Historian R. Shaw-Smith points to letters of Augustus to Tiberius which display, affection ,towards Tiberius and high regard for his military merits. Copies of the text
  20. Honours is the most likely reason given for his title of Pius (dutiful in, affection ,; compare pietàs). Two other reasons for this title are that he would support
  21. By the trials of exile. Benevolent and sympathetic in disposition, he won the, affection ,of his people by fearlessly visiting districts ravaged by cholera or devastated
  22. If they imprint on them at a very young age and are treated with consistent, affection , It has been suggested that, ethologically, the human keeper of a cat functions
  23. Cherry Orchard in the year of his death showed him how high he had risen in the, affection ,of the Russian public—by then he was second in literary celebrity only to
  24. Lois Lane became the object of Clark's/Superman's romantic affection . Lois ', affection ,for Superman and her rejection of Clark's clumsy advances have been a
  25. As the name suggests, the Churches of the Anglican Communion are linked by, affection ,and common loyalty. They are in full communion with the See of Canterbury and
  26. Personality drew numerous communities around him. That he possessed real, affection ,for others is abundantly manifest in his letter to his brethren. Archbishop
  27. Passed down from generation to generation, and it is also seen as a way to show, affection , On the other hand, the scope of gastronomic dishes on offer is exceptional;
  28. Fellow reporter Lois Lane became the object of Clark's/Superman's romantic, affection , Lois' affection for Superman and her rejection of Clark's clumsy advances
  29. Loss as well; the depressed individual has identified with the object of, affection ,through an unconscious, narcissistic process called the libidinal cathexis of
  30. Gods, represented by Mount Adams and Mount Hood, in their competition for the, affection ,of a goddess, represented by Mount St. Helen's. Native American stories about
  31. Such as Activision and Trey arch with Call of Duty (Despite knowing well public, affection ,for a 'Zombies' game mode, it was shipped with only one map for this game mode
  32. Are peculiarly difficult. The solutions proposed are two. In the first, all, affection , phenomena are primarily divisible into those that are pleasurable and those
  33. Caroline" Carrie" Louise Jerrold. (Ruth, prevailing on Miss Marple's long, affection ,for them, arranges for Miss Marple to investigate Ruth's belief that Carrie
  34. Tin (1999). The marriage became known for the couple's eccentric displays of, affection , which reportedly included wearing vials of each other's blood around their
  35. Level, but play a major role in our personality. Murray classified five, affection ,needs: Two methods of experiment on affection have been tried: #The first
  36. Humans) amounts to a" symbiotic social adaptation ". They may express great, affection ,towards their human companions, especially if they imprint on them at a very
  37. Their blue almond eyes and they are also called" people cats" because of the, affection ,they show to their owners. *F. Catus cartusenensis – the Chartres – The
  38. Or" The Beloved Of The Gods" ), and (Pale or" He who regards everyone with, affection ,"). Along with the Edicts of Ashoka, his legend is related in the later 2nd
  39. Endeavour to prostrate that law and constitution, though he may retain his, affection ,for its head, can boast but an imperfect and spurious species of loyalty (R v
  40. To friends or family members can have a diminutive ending added to show, affection , These constructions are all referred to as" Na Galen" ( lit. " Caressing "
  41. Had worked on an idea for an epic Swedish language musical based on his, affection ,for traditional folk music, and in October 1995,Kristina Fran Guatemala
  42. Associations with hormonal rewards with research verifying that expressions of, affection , although commonly evaluated positively, can be considered negative if they
  43. Often said that Maharashtra and specially Mumbai has given him great fame and, affection , He has also said that what he is today is because of the love people have
  44. Does not prevent the two competing suitors from attempting to earn more of her, affection ,or trying to embarrass each other in front of her. Daisy can be counted on to
  45. Ruth should want to stay with the mother-in-law for whom she had built up an, affection , and offer to undertake the back-breaking and humble work of gleaning (
  46. Include obvious signs of liking a person. Psychology In psychology the terms, affection ,and affective are of great importance. As all intellectual phenomena have by
  47. Marriage he was" bashful" towards Aisha Sultan Begum, later losing his, affection ,for her. Ba bur also had a great passion to kill people, cut heads of people and
  48. At the 95 % confidence interval. Several studies have shown that cats develop, affection ,towards their owners. However, the effect of these pets on human health is
  49. Son). This came as no surprise, since Abdallah had already demonstrated his, affection ,for his grandson in many ways, namely by allowing him to live in his own tower
  50. In his first season, El Pine is remembered in the south of France with unabated, affection , Here we take a look back at his three years on the Mediterranean coast.

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