Examples of the the word, cheer , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cheer ), is the 5188 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. An ESPN global broadcast in 2004. This competition is only for All-Star/Club, cheer , Only levels Junior 5,Senior 5,Senior Open 5,International 5,International
  2. Tumbling, dance,jumps, cheer s,and stunting to direct spectators of events to, cheer ,on sports teams at games or to participate in competitions. The athlete
  3. Same name),repeatedly lambasting Adolf Hitler with:" We'll Hal! (Bronx, cheer ,) Hal! (Bronx cheer ) Right in Her Fuehrer's Face! " Other movies have also
  4. Btfsplk (his name is" pronounced" by simply blowing a" raspberry" or Bronx, cheer ,) always has an iconic dark cloud over his head. Dog patch residents regularly
  5. Times he wore a bright green suit. Father Christmas typified the spirit of good, cheer ,at Christmas, but was neither a gift bringer nor particularly associated with
  6. Cheer squads that dress in western cheer leading uniforms. The games task the, cheer ,squads with assisting people in desperate need of help by cheer ing them on and
  7. Nobody! " Sometimes fans will instead shout" Who Day" to represent the entire, cheer , " Who Day" is also the name of the team’s mascot, a Bengal tiger. The Who Day
  8. Aspect makes cheer leading its own sport. There is year-round practice, cheer ,camps, and competitions throughout the winter. There are different cheer leading
  9. In the 1970s. Southern University in New Orleans claims to have originated the, cheer ,in the late 1960s in their version:" Who DAT talking' 'bout beaten' them Jags.
  10. Morocco again for twenty-four years. " I set out alone, finding no companion to, cheer ,the way with friendly intercourse, and no party of travelers with whom to
  11. And we still make them flee, and drub them at shore as we drub them at sea, so, cheer , up me lads with one heart let us sing, oh soldiers and sailors, our statesmen
  12. With tryouts in the spring, to year-round practice, to sporting events to, cheer ,at in the fall and winter, and to cheer leading competitions. Most teams
  13. In New Orleans and Patterson High School are reported to have been using the, cheer ,and Gulf Coast fans of Acorn State University and Louisiana State University
  14. Leader, I hope there will be a corner of your mind and heart which takes, cheer ,from the fact that you have an admiring friend, a staunch friend that will be
  15. Year of founding (1879). Controversy first surrounded Billy when he tried to, cheer ,up Chelsea manager Abram Grant during a home match in front of the television
  16. These included absolute acceptance of any circumstance, and consistent good, cheer ,in the face of any difficulty. Companions who failed to comply were sent away.
  17. The audience members talk amongst themselves, get up and walk around, or even, cheer ,on the performance, which adds to the many layers of activity and the
  18. And PFFT! You are gone! " The" PFFT" would be done as a spitting" Bronx, cheer ,", and occasionally, they would break up into laughter after the" PFFT "
  19. Can be a two-season sport, fall and winter. However, many middle school, cheer ,squads will go all year round like high school squads. Middle school
  20. The two, and the Prime Minister was almost overcome with emotion at the first, cheer ,he had received from his own party's benches since May. In July 1940,a
  21. Louis Cardinals. People have even been seen wearing homemade shirts with the, cheer ,written on the back as far away as Miller Park in Milwaukee. During the 2006
  22. Had worked its way into the movies even earlier, with depictions of the" Bronx, cheer ,", a loud flatulent-like sound of disapproval, allegedly first made by New York
  23. These rules. Routines usually last around 2 minutes and 30 seconds and require, cheer , dance, jumps,tumbling, and stunting portions. Not all high school
  24. Brendan and its sequel Moro! Erketu Rhythm Damascus that star teams of male, cheer ,squads, or Brendan that practice a form of cheer leading. Each of the games '
  25. Lambasting Adolf Hitler with:" We'll Hal! (Bronx cheer ) Hal! (Bronx, cheer ,) Right in Her Fuehrer's Face! " Other movies have also used the term Bronx
  26. Christmas, a jolly, well nourished, bearded man who typified the spirit of good, cheer ,at Christmas, predates the Santa Claus character. He is first recorded in early
  27. Have now got much more difficult. " A colleague is supposed to have told him to, cheer ,up – at which point Montgomery is supposed to have said" I'm not talking
  28. A" yell leader" squad of 6 male students, who still use Campbell's original, cheer , In 1903 the first cheer leading fraternity, Gamma Sigma was founded. In 1923
  29. That his name might be the problem, and then hands him a plate of meatloaf to, cheer ,him up. *Meat Loaf appears (uncredited) as Jack Black's father in the 2006
  30. Of the games' most difficult modes replaces the male characters with female, cheer ,squads that dress in western cheer leading uniforms. The games task the cheer
  31. Fans of Acorn State University and Louisiana State University picked up the, cheer ,in the 1970s. Southern University in New Orleans claims to have originated the
  32. Hearts of oak" appears in English translations of the Aeneid. Lyrics Come, cheer ,up, my lads,'tis to glory we steer, To add something more to this wonderful
  33. Paid Chicago a record $10,000 for him. He had a personality that fans liked to, cheer ,or jeer. He also is associated with" Casey at the Bat," and a once well-known
  34. For youth, school,all star and college coaches. The NCAA requires college, cheer ,coaches to successfully complete a nationally recognized safety-training
  35. Shown on the stadium screen wearing a Labatt's t-shirt, causing the crowd to, cheer ,for the 21-year-old Anderson. She was taken down to the field to receive an
  36. He asked the fans," Did I entertain? ", to which he received a resounding, cheer ,from the crowd, after which he went out and took his 'lap of honor' where he
  37. The squad is, they usually do similar stunts as a high school. The cheer leaders, cheer ,at basketball, football,and other sports in their school. They also perform at
  38. Of the Prime Minister. On 4 July, Churchill entered the Chamber to a great, cheer ,from Conservative MPs orchestrated by the two, and the Prime Minister was
  39. Camp worked tirelessly going to hospitals to entertain patients, especially to, cheer ,recent amputees and explain to them that the loss of a limb did not mean an end
  40. Going to pick George Drew, and he'll deliver a ghost-written speech that'll, cheer ,us all up, as we march briskly into a political graveyard. " Drew easily
  41. He sent every ruble he could spare to Moscow, along with humorous letters to, cheer ,up the family. And he wrote a full-length comedy drama, Fatherless,which his
  42. Compete, joining them are many invited neighboring nations who also send, cheer ,squads. Cheerleading Asia International Open Championships (CA IOC): Hosted by
  43. With a blunderbuss shot in his general direction. The people of the village, cheer ,: Farmer Giles has become a hero. His reputation spreads across the kingdom, and
  44. Large build. They traditionally have wood-stick horses that they hold as they, cheer , They are often dressed as Mexican cowboys, complete with sombreros. This is
  45. And electron. Additionally, the band had taken to listening to Italian disco to, cheer ,themselves up, while Morris taught himself drum programming. The singles that
  46. He seemed to have shrivelled. Gone was the glow in his cheeks and his good, cheer , At the time Marie had long known that he was ill and did not have long left.
  47. Could be anything from 200 to 4000,but these days only a handful visitors, cheer ,their side. Big games though, can still attract 2000 people. Names Old names
  48. Who have cheer ed on all-girl high school or all-star squads an opportunity to, cheer ,at the collegiate level without making the transition to a coed squad. Unlike
  49. Ineptitude at exercising and the eventual efforts of Huey, Dewey and Louie to, cheer ,him up by various tricks pointing to Donald becoming stronger. But when Donald
  50. outside sporting events (local, regional,and national competitions),and, cheer ,for sporting events and encourage audience participation. Cheerleading is

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