Examples of the the word, temporarily , in a Sentence Context

The word ( temporarily ), is the 5189 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Many of the immigrants from Hong Kong who left the former UK colony (either, temporarily ,or permanently) in the years immediately prior to its handover to the People
  2. Peaked at No.75 in the UK Singles Chart. In 2007,he announced he would retire, temporarily ,from the screen to tour around the world. Hopkins has also written music for
  3. Time of 1:58. *1967 – Led by Abbie Hoffman, the Youth International Party, temporarily ,disrupts trading at the NYSE by throwing dollar bills from the viewing gallery
  4. Place. In October 2009 sponsor DSB Bank was declared bankrupt. The stadium name, temporarily ,changed from DSB Station to AZ Station, as it was considered undesirable that
  5. Progressive Alliance. On 6 December 2003,Andrew Bartlett stepped aside, temporarily ,as leader of the party, after an incident in which he assaulted Liberal Senator
  6. Won the Tony for Best Leading Actress in a Musical for 2010. The production, temporarily ,closed on June 20, 2010 when the contracts of Zeta-Jones and Danbury ended and
  7. To have been inherited by his grandson King Edged. He was originally buried, temporarily ,in the Old Minster in Winchester, then moved to the New Minster (perhaps built
  8. His position as chairman of ACF Florentina, and announced all duties would be, temporarily ,transferred to Mario Coining,Fiorentina's vice president until a permanent
  9. Terms also need definition: *Neutralization fire: delivered to render a target, temporarily ,ineffective or unusable; and *Suppression fire: that degrades the performance
  10. Paintings, photographs,prints, drawings,and mixed media. The museum was, temporarily ,closed in 2006 while it underwent a major expansion designed by the
  11. For $49.95 and paid a one-time $15 setup fee. Gambling permitted subscribers to, temporarily ,download games and keep track of high scores, at a cost of $1 per game. The
  12. From 1900 to 1913,and lost 100 games five times. In 1907,the Bean eaters (, temporarily ,) eliminated the last bit of red from their stockings because their manager
  13. To disenfranchisement (atomic),excluding some of them permanently and others, temporarily ,(depending on the type). Furthermore, all citizens selected were reviewed
  14. Series of adverse financial events that followed it, the Central Bank of Brazil, temporarily ,changed its monetary policy to a managed-float scheme while undergoing a
  15. Significance lasted well into the long Byzantine rule. Although Ankara, temporarily ,fell into the hands of several Arab Muslim armies numerous times after the 7th
  16. Saga tied into a publishing gap after #406 (Oct. 1995),when the title was, temporarily ,replaced by The Amazing Scarlet Spider #1-2 (Nov. -Dec. 1995),featuring Ben
  17. Of southern populations by the import of wheat from the north of the Empire, temporarily ,overcame this problem, and it seems to have allowed economic recovery and a
  18. Away from the authority of the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church, at first, temporarily ,under Henry VIII and Edward VI and later permanently during the reign of
  19. Decision to be executed. The documents stayed, but the capital would, temporarily ,move from Austin to Houston to Washington-on-the-Brazos. Without the
  20. According to legend, buried under the riverbed of the Bento. The stream was, temporarily ,turned aside from its course while the grave was dug wherein the Gothic chief
  21. Brokerage Alexander & Alexander Services, Inc. in a deal that made Aon (, temporarily ,) the largest insurance broker worldwide. The firm made no U. S. buys in 1998
  22. The stresses of losing her husband and sons, and Robert Lincoln committed her, temporarily ,to a mental health asylum in 1875. Abraham Lincoln suffered from" melancholy "
  23. Meadows for mowing or pasture, land under market and kitchen gardens and land, temporarily ,fallow (less than five years). Abandoned land resulting from shifting
  24. To settle the lawsuit by holding the case in abeyance in return for the USS, temporarily ,giving resources back to the club. With this arrangement, the pro-life club
  25. Litigation Abeyance can be used in cases where parties are interested in, temporarily ,settling litigation while still holding the right to seek relief later if
  26. S" Sublimation" ). Aesthetic contemplation allows one to escape, albeit, temporarily , this pain because it stops one perceiving the world as mere presentation.
  27. Cleopatra's regime in Egypt. In early 31 BC, while Antony and Cleopatra were, temporarily ,stationed in Greece, Octavian gained a preliminary victory when the navy under
  28. And evolutionarily stable strategies. Ant colonies can be studied by rearing or, temporarily ,maintaining them in formic aria, specially constructed glass framed enclosures.
  29. Tuesdays – retail market, which also stretches into the town hall car park and, temporarily ,the Cattle Market, while Brewery Yard car park is regenerated; Wednesday – flea
  30. Deserted every year. Name "/IN"> peacetime"/> In the South, many men deserted, temporarily ,to take care of their families, name "/IN"> teaching history"/> then returned to
  31. Requires bankers to be regularly fooled into making unprofitable investments by, temporarily ,low interest rates. In response, Austrian economists Carelli and Dumpster have
  32. Odysseus. Furious, Ajax cursed Odysseus, which earned the ire of Athena. Athena, temporarily ,made Ajax so mad with grief and anguish that he began killing sheep, thinking
  33. Altering the trajectory of the spacecraft, the crew had been instructed to, temporarily ,stop urine dumps. A misunderstanding prompted the crew to store all urine for
  34. Hatcher is a patient at the Catholic hospital where Paul and Albert Krupp are, temporarily ,stationed. He has an intimate knowledge of the workings of the hospital. He
  35. Emperor. *1204 – Constantinople falls to the Crusaders of the Fourth Crusade, temporarily ,ending the Byzantine Empire. *1256 – The Grand Union of the Augustinian order
  36. Presidency. Vargas and the military, who were supposed to assume the government, temporarily ,to implement democratic reforms related to 1891's Constitution, closed the
  37. 1801) 3 Ch Rob App 7). An alien, coming into a colony also became, temporarily ,a subject of the Crown, and acquired rights both within and beyond the colony
  38. While Banks remained in Alexandria in the spring of 1864,Porter was, temporarily ,trapped north of the city because of the low level of the Red River, four feet
  39. Colonised by English settlers from Saint Kitts, beginning in 1650. The French, temporarily ,took over the island in 1666 but under the Treaty of Breda it was returned to
  40. Originally been designed to replace Atari Inc. is Atari 5200 in 1984,but was, temporarily ,shelved due to the sale of the company after the video game crash. In January
  41. Financial, and board of directors control of distressed airline companies by, temporarily ,investing large sums of capital in air carriers,to rescheme an airline
  42. Between Saturn's moons Epimetheus and Janus. Sometimes these horseshoe objects, temporarily ,become quasi-satellites for a few decades or a few hundred years, before
  43. Seahawks and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers joined the league in 1976,they were, temporarily ,placed in the NFC and AFC respectively. This arrangement lasted for one season
  44. Natural resources. The Hungarian Democratic Republic was short-lived and was, temporarily ,replaced by the communist Hungarian Soviet Republic. Romanian troops ousted
  45. Known as the Thule Society. His membership in the NSDAP ended when it was, temporarily ,outlawed in 1923 following the Beer Hall Putsch, in which Dealer had not taken
  46. If the assets used are not identical (so a price divergence makes the trade, temporarily ,lose money),or the margin treatment is not identical, and the trader is
  47. Israel Mammon and Attorney-General Menace Jazz, Sharon was declared ", temporarily ,incapable of discharging his powers. " As a result,Sharon's deputy, Ehud
  48. Dirt track in Stamford Park, Ontario,near Niagara Falls. From 1962 sports cars, temporarily ,took a back seat to GT cars with the FIA replacing the World Championship for
  49. For maintenance of industrial and commercial electrical equipment, which is, temporarily ,clipped over a wire to measure current. Some recent types have a parallel pair
  50. At the sample surface to have their electric field, and hence atomic bonding, temporarily ,disrupted. This results in ejection of an ionized atom from the sample surface

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