Examples of the the word, carbon , in a Sentence Context

The word ( carbon ), is the 3012 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Hydrogen: ethane,C2H6 - two carbon and six hydrogen: propane,C3H8 - three, carbon ,and 8 hydrogen: butane,C4H10 - four carbon and 10 hydrogen: pentane,C5H12 -
  2. Are acyclic (i.e., having no loops). Isomerism Alkanes with more than three, carbon ,atoms can be arranged in numerous ways, forming different structural isomers.
  3. Is known as the carbon skeleton or carbon backbone. In general, the number of, carbon ,atoms is often used to define the size of the alkane (e.g.,C2-alkane). An
  4. To a carbon atom (H-C bonds). A series of linked carbon atoms is known as the, carbon ,skeleton or carbon backbone. In general, the number of carbon atoms is often
  5. May suggest. Spectroscopic properties Virtually all organic compounds contain, carbon ,– carbon and carbon – hydrogen bonds, and so show some features of
  6. However, the torsion angle between a given hydrogen atom attached to the front, carbon ,and a given hydrogen atom attached to the rear carbon can vary freely between
  7. Are named as per their acyclic counterparts with respect to the number of, carbon ,atoms, e. g., cyclopentane (C5H10) is a cycloalkane with 5 carbon atoms just
  8. Six hydrogen: propane,C3H8 - three carbon and 8 hydrogen: butane,C4H10 - four, carbon ,and 10 hydrogen: pentane,C5H12 - five carbon and 12 hydrogen: humane,C6H14 -
  9. Points. The number of possible isomers increases rapidly with the number of, carbon ,atoms. For example: * C60: 22,158,734,535,770,411,074,184 isomers, many of
  10. 4 bonds (either C-H or C-C bonds),and each hydrogen atom must be joined to a, carbon ,atom (H-C bonds). A series of linked carbon atoms is known as the carbon
  11. And waxes are examples of larger alkanes where the number of carbon s in the, carbon ,backbone tends to be greater than 10. Alkanes are not very reactive and have
  12. The parent molecule) is methane,CH4. There is no limit to the number of, carbon ,atoms that can be linked together, the only limitation being that the molecule
  13. Off in one or more directions * cyclic (general formula, n > 2) wherein the, carbon ,backbone is linked to form a loop. According to the definition by IUPAC
  14. Or 2- or 3-methylpentane. The members of the series (in terms of number of, carbon ,atoms) are named as follows:: methane,CH4 - one carbon and four hydrogen:
  15. Of a hydrogen; the latter by the overlap of two SP³-orbitals on different, carbon ,atoms. The bond lengths amount to 1.09×10−10 m for a C – H bond and 1.54×10−10
  16. Spectroscopic properties Virtually all organic compounds contain carbon –, carbon ,and carbon – hydrogen bonds, and so show some features of alkanes in
  17. And the convention includes brackets. Numbers in the name, referring to which, carbon ,a group is attached to, should be as low as possible, so that 1- is implied and
  18. Are mixotrophic, deriving energy both from photosynthesis and uptake of organic, carbon ,either by osmotrophy, myzotrophy, or phagotrophy. Some unicellular species rely on
  19. And C – C single bonds. The former result from the overlap of a SP³-orbital of, carbon ,with the 1s-orbital of a hydrogen; the latter by the overlap of two
  20. As follows:: methane,CH4 - one carbon and four hydrogen: ethane,C2H6 - two, carbon ,and six hydrogen: propane,C3H8 - three carbon and 8 hydrogen: butane,C4H10 -
  21. The molecule. As a rule of thumb, the boiling point rises 20 - 30 °C for each, carbon ,added to the chain; this rule applies to other homologous series. The melting
  22. And permutations. The simplest isomer of an alkane is the one in which the, carbon ,atoms are arranged in a single chain with no branches. This isomer is sometimes
  23. Freely between 0° and 360°. This is a consequence of the free rotation about a, carbon ,– carbon single bond. Despite this apparent freedom, only two limiting
  24. In terms of number of carbon atoms) are named as follows:: methane,CH4 - one, carbon ,and four hydrogen: ethane,C2H6 - two carbon and six hydrogen: propane,C3H8 -
  25. Geometry of a molecule. There is a further degree of freedom for each carbon –, carbon ,bond: the torsion angle between the atoms or groups bound to the atoms at each
  26. The electron configuration of carbon , which has four valence electrons. The, carbon ,atoms in alkanes are always sp3 hybridized, that is to say that the valence
  27. In a snake-like structure * branched (general formula, n > 3) wherein the, carbon ,backbone splits off in one or more directions * cyclic (general formula, n > 2
  28. H-C bonds). A series of linked carbon atoms is known as the carbon skeleton or, carbon ,backbone. In general, the number of carbon atoms is often used to define the
  29. Branched alkanes are as follows: * Identify the longest continuous chain of, carbon ,atoms * Name this longest root chain using standard naming rules * Name each
  30. Attached to the front carbon and a given hydrogen atom attached to the rear, carbon ,can vary freely between 0° and 360°. This is a consequence of the free rotation
  31. The density of the alkanes usually increases with increasing number of, carbon ,atoms, but remains less than that of water. Hence, alkanes form the upper layer
  32. Available sugar and oxygen through photosynthesis using incident light and the, carbon ,dioxide produced in the host. Endosymbiosis algae in the Stony Corals are
  33. The geometry of a molecule. There is a further degree of freedom for each, carbon ,– carbon bond: the torsion angle between the atoms or groups bound to the atoms
  34. In which the members differ by a constant relative molecular mass of 14. Each, carbon ,atom must have 4 bonds (either C-H or C-C bonds),and each hydrogen atom must
  35. And chemical characteristics. It is derived from the electron configuration of, carbon , which has four valence electrons. The carbon atoms in alkanes are always sp3
  36. And its higher homologies are chiral due to their stereogenic center at, carbon ,atom number 3. Chiral alkanes are of certain importance in biochemistry, as
  37. 0° and 360°. This is a consequence of the free rotation about a carbon –, carbon ,single bond. Despite this apparent freedom, only two limiting conformations are
  38. Process which helps prevent land loss to erosion, water pollution and enhances, carbon ,sequestration. Affordability The goal of modern agriculture practices is to
  39. The so-called Newman projection. The hydrogen atoms on both the front and rear, carbon ,atoms have an angle of 120° between them, resulting from the projection of the
  40. By enantioselective chromatography. In addition to these isomers, the chain of, carbon ,atoms may form one or more loops. Such compounds are called cycloalkanes.
  41. Ether, propionic acid and butyric acid, respectively. Alkanes with five or more, carbon ,atoms are named by adding the suffix -ANE to the appropriate numerical
  42. Although it is not necessarily the most common). However, the chain of, carbon ,atoms may also be branched at one or more points. The number of possible
  43. Group or side-chain that, like an alkane, consists solely of single-bonded, carbon ,and hydrogen atoms, for example a methyl or ethyl group. The simplest possible
  44. Properties Virtually all organic compounds contain carbon carbon and, carbon ,– hydrogen bonds, and so show some features of alkanes in their spectra.
  45. 8 hydrogen: butane,C4H10 - four carbon and 10 hydrogen: pentane,C5H12 - five, carbon ,and 12 hydrogen: humane,C6H14 - six carbon and 14 hydrogen These names were
  46. Number of carbon atoms, e. g., cyclopentane (C5H10) is a cycloalkane with 5, carbon , atoms just like pentane (C5H12),but they are joined up in a five-membered
  47. 10 hydrogen: pentane,C5H12 - five carbon and 12 hydrogen: humane,C6H14 - six, carbon ,and 14 hydrogen These names were derived from methanol, ether,prop ionic acid
  48. Saturated hydro carbon s can be: * linear (general formula) wherein the, carbon ,atoms are joined in a snake-like structure * branched (general formula, n > 3
  49. Hydrogen atom must be joined to a carbon atom (H-C bonds). A series of linked, carbon ,atoms is known as the carbon skeleton or carbon backbone. In general, the
  50. Hydro carbon s) are chemical compounds that consist only of hydrogen and, carbon ,atoms and are bonded exclusively by single bonds (i.e., they are saturated

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