Examples of the the word, angle , in a Sentence Context

The word ( angle ), is the 3023 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. If there exists an isometry that transforms one of the angle s into the other, angle , The size of an angle is normally characterized by the smallest positive
  2. Two imaginary narrow- angle 15° VR6 engines at an angle of 72°,and the narrow, angle ,of each set of cylinders allows just two overhead camshafts to drive each pair
  3. Represented in a single byte (albeit to limited precision). Other measures of, angle ,used in computing may be based on dividing one whole turn into 2n equal parts
  4. Smallest positive) rotation. Thus, an angle as two rays is characterized by an, angle ,of rotation. To avoid confusion when no isometry exists between particular
  5. Or a relationship. The first concept was used by Edemas, who regarded an, angle ,as a deviation from a straight line; the second by Carpus of Antioch, who
  6. There is a further degree of freedom for each carbon – carbon bond: the torsion, angle ,between the atoms or groups bound to the atoms at each end of the bond. The
  7. Effectively equivalent to an anticlockwise rotation of 360° − 45° (that is,an, angle ,of 315°). In three-dimensional geometry," clockwise" and" anticlockwise "
  8. And do not lie straight with respect to each other. According to Process an, angle ,must be either a quality or a quantity, or a relationship. The first concept
  9. X-axis) in the Cartesian plane. In many geometrical situations a negative, angle ,of −θ is effectively equivalent to a positive angle of" one full turn less θ "
  10. Of the base of the tetrahedron onto a flat plane. However, the torsion, angle ,between a given hydrogen atom attached to the front carbon and a given hydrogen
  11. Degrees, or 3.125 degrees. Positive and negative angle s In mathematics,the, angle ,from the first to the second coordinate axis of a coordinate system is
  12. One full turn less θ ". For example, a clockwise rotation of 45° (that is,an, angle ,of −45°) is often effectively equivalent to an anticlockwise rotation of 360°
  13. A weak return with a deep, hard shot, and then playing a winner at an extreme, angle , His return of serve, baseline game, and keen sense of anticipation were among
  14. Along the span (including the important class of delta wings). *Dihedral, angle ,– positive, zero,or negative (cathedral). A variable geometry aircraft can
  15. Turn 100 grad. In German the symbol ∟ has been used to denote a quadrant. *The, angle ,of the equilateral tri angle is 1/6 of a turn. It was the unit used by the
  16. Derived) unit of angular measurement in the SI system. *The astronomical hour, angle ,is 1/24 of a turn. Since this system is amenable to measuring objects that
  17. Unit. 1 Babylonian unit 60° π/3 rad ≈ 1.047197551 rad. *The radian is the, angle ,subtended by an arc of a circle that has the same length as the circle's
  18. And 359° yields a result of 180°. This is incorrect for two reasons: *Firstly, angle ,measurements are only defined up to a factor of 360° (or 2π,if measuring in
  19. Figure formed by two rays sharing a common endpoint, called the vertex of the, angle , The magnitude of the angle is the" amount of rotation" that separates the
  20. To that of the four SP³-orbitals—they are tetrahedral arranged, with an, angle ,of 109.47° between them. Structural formulae that represent the bonds as being
  21. By star sightings using a sextant built into the spacecraft, measuring the, angle ,between a star and the Earth's (or the Moon's) horizon. This task proved to
  22. Grad. *The point, used in navigation, is 1/32 of a turn. 1 point 1/8 of a right, angle ,11.25° = 12.5 grad. Each point is subdivided in four quarter-points so that 1
  23. Isometry that transforms one of the angle s into the other angle . The size of an, angle ,is normally characterized by the smallest positive rotation that maps one of
  24. Moonlight, Lincoln produced a farmer' Almanac showing the moon was at a low, angle , drastically reducing visibility. Based on this evidence, Armstrong was
  25. Projection. The hydrogen atoms on both the front and rear carbon atoms have an, angle ,of 120° between them, resulting from the projection of the base of the
  26. Ranches) and small farmers, and justified subsidies for them. In geometry,an, angle ,is the figure formed by two rays sharing a common endpoint, called the vertex
  27. Both are connected with the Proto-Indo-European root Euclid defines a plane, angle ,as the inclination to each other, in a plane, of two lines which meet each
  28. His neck was in some way twisted, so that he appeared to be gazing upward at an, angle , His eyes (one blue, one brown) revealed a dewy, feminine quality. He had a
  29. Ship) giving an up-down movement of the wing tips measured by the roll or bank, angle , *Pitch is a rotation about the sideways horizontal axis giving an up-down
  30. For its angular magnitude (which is simply a numerical quantity). The word, angle ,comes from the Latin word annulus, meaning " a corner ". The word annulus is a
  31. Alkanes into branched-chain isomers. In highly branched alkanes, the bond, angle ,may differ significantly from the optimal value (109.5°) in order to allow
  32. To maintain direction, efficiency,and controllability of flight the sideslip, angle ,must remain near zero, though there are instances when an aircraft may be
  33. Observations. His use of two plane mirrors of metal, forming with each other an, angle ,of nearly 180°,allowed him to avoid the diffraction effects caused (by the
  34. Turn gives rise to a quite different point on the curve. In order to measure an, angle ,θ, a circular arc centered at the vertex of the angle is drawn,e.g. with a
  35. WR12" ) is created by forming two imaginary narrow- angle 15° VR6 engines at an, angle ,of 72°,and the narrow angle of each set of cylinders allows just two overhead
  36. In order to measure an angle θ, a circular arc centered at the vertex of the, angle ,is drawn,e.g. with a pair of compasses. The length of the arc s is then
  37. Situations a negative angle of −θ is effectively equivalent to a positive, angle ,of" one full turn less θ ". For example, a clockwise rotation of 45° (that is
  38. Angles ", below ). Where there is no possibility of confusion, the term ", angle ," is used interchangeably for both the geometric configuration itself and for
  39. Sharing a common endpoint, called the vertex of the angle . The magnitude of the, angle ,is the" amount of rotation" that separates the two rays, and can be measured
  40. Science *Argument (complex analysis),a function which returns the polar, angle ,of a complex number *Argument (computer science),a piece of data provided as
  41. Identical energies, are arranged spatially in the form of a tetrahedron,the, angle ,of cos−1 (−⅓) ≈ 109.47° between them. Bond lengths and bond angle s An alkane
  42. 2π rad 400 grad 4 right angle s. *The quadrant is 1/4 of a turn,i.e. a right, angle , It is the unit used in Euclid's Elements. 1 quad. 90° π/2 rad 1/4 turn 100
  43. Reflectivity-vs. -incident- angle curve and a locally increased average incident, angle , Albedo and climate in some areas are affected by artificial clouds, such as
  44. The Pythagorean theorem, knowing,for example, that a tri angle had a right, angle ,opposite the hypotenuse when its sides were in a 3–4–5 ratio. They were able to
  45. When it pitches, respectively,nose up or down by increasing or decreasing the, angle ,of attack. A fixed-wing aircraft usually" banks" to change the horizontal
  46. Horizontal axis giving an up-down movement of the aircraft nose measured by the, angle ,of attack. *Yaw is a rotation about the vertical axis giving a side-to-side
  47. Brad),is 1/256 of a turn. The binary degree is used in computing so that an, angle ,can be efficiently represented in a single byte (albeit to limited precision)
  48. The grad, also called grade, gradian, or on, is 1/400 of a turn, so a right, angle ,is 100 grads. It is a decimal subunit of the quadrant. A kilometer was
  49. Or cantilever, rigid,or flexible. *Wing platform – including aspect ratio, angle ,of sweep, and any variations along the span (including the important class of
  50. And only if they correspond to the same (the smallest positive) rotation. Thus, an, angle ,as two rays is characterized by an angle of rotation. To avoid confusion when

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