Examples of the the word, dean , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dean ), is the 3033 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Faculty of the Universidad de Chile, and he was eventually elected as the first, dean , Long was the nephew of composer Carmela McKenna. In physics and optics, the
  2. One except a priest shall be promoted to the dignity of provost, archpriest, or, dean , ; and no one shall be made archdeacon unless he is a deacon. CANON 3 Summary.
  3. Three years earlier). Not holding a suburbicarian see, they cannot elect the, dean ,nor become dean . The four Eastern patriarchs who are now cardinal bishops are
  4. Medal Award for Distinguished Federal Service. In 1964,he became the first, dean ,of the School of Environmental and Planetary Sciences at the University of
  5. He appointed a substitute to perform the spiritual functions, known usually as, dean ,(decants),but also as abbot (Abbas legitimate, monasticus, regularis). When
  6. At Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Once he arrived, however,the, dean ,of the architecture school commented on his eye for design and convinced Pei to
  7. As Jacques or James Abbasid, was a Protestant divine and writer. He became, dean ,of Kill aloe, in Ireland. Life Jacques Abbasid was born at Nay, Béarn, probably
  8. Space, and time. Another huge inspiration was the Serbian monetarist (and, dean ,of the USC Film Department) Slave Vorkapich, a film theoretician comparable
  9. As the perpetual curate of Cox wold, North Yorkshire. In 1759,to support his, dean ,in a church squabble, Sterne wrote A Political Romance (later called The
  10. Cathedral chapter) are appointed either by the Crown, the bishop, or by the, dean ,and chapter themselves. Clergy officiate in a diocese either because they hold
  11. The other members. Impressionism historian John Reward called Pissaro the “, dean ,of the Impressionist painters ", not only because he was the oldest of the
  12. It will consist of a number of parishes in a particular district. The rural, dean ,will usually be the incumbent of one of the constituent parishes. The parishes
  13. Opera, to Père Lachaise Cemetery at the city's eastern edge. It was led by the, dean ,of the Polish Great Emigration, the aged Prince Adam Jerry Czartoryski;
  14. In 1911. He left MIT in 1912 to become a professor of physical chemistry and, dean ,of the College of Chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley. Lewis
  15. Dean of the guild in 1501; in 1496 he married Cornelia Coop, daughter of the, dean ,of the goldsmiths' guild; he became one of the town's leading citizens; he
  16. At Whitehall a controversial sermon on justification. In 1601, he was appointed, dean ,of Westminster and gave much attention to the school there. Career during James
  17. And the bestowal of benefices. Text. No archdeacon, archpriest, provost,or, dean ,shall bestow on another the care of souls or the pretends of a church without
  18. 1897-1898 as a memorial to Margaret MacDonald Stanton, Iowa State's first, dean ,of women, who died on July 25, 1895. The tower is located on ISU's central
  19. Triumph and other works. He returned to Ireland in 1723. Abbadie's income as, dean ,of Kill aloe was so small that he could not afford a literary amanuensis; and
  20. To pave the road of gay equality. Many who? Refer to Mark Legal as the, dean ,of American gay journalism. As a pioneer of the local gay press movement, he
  21. Deanery, e. g., Lewisham, or Runnymede. This is the area for which a rural, dean ,is responsible. It will consist of a number of parishes in a particular
  22. Guild of St. Luke, where the renowned painter Abraham Bloomers had just become, dean , The painter Roland Slavery (1576–1639) entered the St. Luke’s guild in
  23. The National Weather Bureau's Satellite Service Center. He was the founding, dean ,of the University of Miami School of Environmental and Planetary Sciences in
  24. Music called Rasheed or Tawasheeh. In the United States Peter Christian Lutein, dean ,of the Northwestern University School of Music, helped popularize a cappella
  25. Not holding a suburbicarian see, they cannot elect the dean nor become, dean , The four Eastern patriarchs who are now cardinal bishops are the following: *
  26. Under Jacob Milch, at the University of Wittenberg, where he was first elected, dean ,and later became rector. In 1536, he was appointed professor of higher
  27. Scientific director of the institute is prof. Dr. René Worst, who is also the, dean ,of the Mechanical Engineering department. He is pro forma head of the research
  28. For Medical Research at the University of California Medical School. He was, dean ,of that medical school in 1920 and 1921. At the urging of Abraham Cleaner, who
  29. Alumnus, a Wall Street lawyer and conservative Republican. Stone was serving as, dean ,of Columbia Law School when Coolidge appointed him to be Attorney General in
  30. Being appointed rector); in practice the rector is always a former department, dean , The rector is the voice of the academic staff in the College and guards the
  31. Soul is very like a bucketful of water. / -He tells us in his homely way,the, dean ,went on, that he put an iron lamp before a statue of one of the gods and that a
  32. Und Epileptic (Asylum for lunatics and epileptics). Emil Aioli was the, dean ,of that asylum (1852–1922). Another neurologist, Franz Kiss (1860–1919)
  33. Mathematics (1653),and humanity (1655),protector (1657),junior, dean ,(1657),and college steward (1659 and 1660); and according to the habit of
  34. Winning MIT economist Jerry A. Housman '68,University of Chicago School of Law, dean ,Daniel Fischer, and Chicago Booth economist Randall Kroner '84. Current
  35. Dignity. CANON 2 Summary. Only a priest may be made provost, archpriest, and, dean , ; only a deacon may be archdeacon. Text. No one except a priest shall be
  36. Not and never had any authority whatsoever to issue diplomas or degrees and the, dean ,is sought by the authorities 'for questioning '. " A few weeks after becoming "
  37. Age of twenty-one, he joined the city’s Guild of Saint Luke and later became, dean , Not long after, Bosschaert had married and established himself
  38. The 13th century and later, the actual head of the community retaining that of, dean , The connection of the lesser lay abbots with the abbeys, especially in the
  39. The bishop after consultations with the patron. Cathedral clergy (normally a, dean ,and a varying number of residential canons who constitute the cathedral
  40. Been laughed out of court by another anagram submitted by Sir John Lamb,the, dean ,of the Arches," Dame Eleanor Davies "," Never SOE mad a ladies ". An example
  41. Official to a different department over the incident and the university's, dean ,of admissions retired soon thereafter, though Princeton president Shirley
  42. Were appointed to positions as Secretary of Agriculture: James Wilson, a former, dean ,and professor of Carver's, served from 1897 to 1913. Henry Cantwell Wallace
  43. Famous lamp with a Dean of his college:" -Epictetus also had a lamp, said the, dean , which was sold for a fancy price after his death. It was the lamp he wrote his
  44. Completing his studies there, he was admitted to Christ Church, Oxford. The, dean ,of the college at the time was John Owen, vice-chancellor of the university.
  45. Education at the university; each one is run by its professors, headed by the, dean , The dean s are all members of the executive deliberation meeting, which is a
  46. Van Tidewater; he joined the guild of St Luke at Bruges in 1484 and became, dean ,of the guild in 1501; in 1496 he married Cornelia Coop, daughter of the dean
  47. Soon thereafter, though Princeton president Shirley Tillman said that the, dean ,'s decision to retire was unconnected to the incident. Collaboration between
  48. Of canons. If the cathedral or collegiate church has its own parish,the, dean ,is usually also rector of the parish. However, in the Church of Ireland the
  49. Is effectively the most senior office an ordained woman can be appointed to. A, dean ,is a priest who is chief resident cleric of a cathedral or other collegiate
  50. except the two archbishops—serves as Canterbury's provincial, dean , the Bishop of Winchester as chancellor, the Bishop of Lincoln as

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